Avainsana: weekly digest
Weekly Digest 2/2024
Hello again! The beginning of a new month is approaching, and with it a new abundance of events. The upcoming fortnight hosts a variation of parties, tastings and community events. Additionally, there are a few dates to look forward to for those looking for job opportunities. Although this is not a weather forecast, as it…
Weekly Digest 1/2024
Hello, and happy new year! I hope the holidays have been relaxing and you are ready for an eventful spring. I wish you a very warm welcome into this cold January and hope you’ll be following the guild’s activities throughout the spring. I am now ready to fill the boots of my predecessor Moby with…
Hello everyone! The election´s are over and we have a new board for the year 2024! Also the head of the committees were chosen at the elections. Congratulations to all the new guild actives! Upcoming week has exciting Wähäjoulu events and the last Guild Room Coffee Hour of the year. The last deadlines are around…
Hello and a chilly November to you all! It is a exciting week since the Guild of Architecture will select a new board and committee responsibles for the year 2024 tomorrow! The year is coming to its end so Wähäjoulu (annual ball) is also around the corner. The Wähäjoulu Week will be kickstarted by the…
Hello all! The Guild of Architecture´s annual election meeting is just around the corner. Soon we´ll see who are the next year´s actives of the guild! Before that, the wellbeing committee is having a candlemaking evening at Karhusaari on Thursday and on Saturday there´ll be pre-Christmas party of Maja (Pikkujallut) at the Guild´s Cabin. This…
Hello and a crispy November to you all! In this week the AYY Representative Council election´s voting has opened! Go vote on vaalit.ayy.fi or at the Learning Center before tomorrow 15.00. Later today is the Guild Room Coffee Break, where all kinds of crafts can be made. Also the annual ball directors Wähätirehtöörit come to…
Happy Halloween to all who celebrates it! In this week the Guild of Architecture´s elections campaing has started, where new guild actives can sign up to different committees and board positions. More info below. Tomorrow the third-year students of the guild host Dystopia Kiima, a traditional party made by architecture, landscape architecture and interior architecture…
Hello everyone! In this week is upcoming What´s Going on Arts?! -event in Väre, where is discussed the news of ARTS. AK Sportklubb will be making a day trip to Meiko Conservation Area, more info below. On Wednesday there is of course Dipolin Appro in Otaniemi! The Guild of Architecture´s election term for the next…
Hello hello hello! It´s an exciting week to the whole Otaniemi, since the new light rail is starting on 21st October. Make sure to be at Aalto University´s light rail stop on Saturday morning. On the weekend is also the traditional Maja labour party, where the members of the guild help to take care of…