Hello again!
The beginning of a new month is approaching, and with it a new abundance of events. The upcoming fortnight hosts a variation of parties, tastings and community events. Additionally, there are a few dates to look forward to for those looking for job opportunities.
Although this is not a weather forecast, as it is very much topical I’d like to briefly remind you of the dangers of wet ice. The campus area might be very slippery for a while.
Stay safe and enjoy the rest of January,
Guild Publicist
I General Announcements
PIN codes are back from 1.2. – how to move on campus
Otaniemi campus area parking practices to be unified at the turn of the year
Looking for additional committee members for the guild
II Events
Wednesday 24.1. Smoky Whisky Tasting
Thursday 25.1. Club Lagoon
Thursday 25.1. Aalto Cocktail – New Year, Old Recipes
Saturday 27.1. Hauki Cup 2024
Monday 29.1. Guild Meeting
Tuesday 30.1. Go to Work! – How to Thrive in Finnish Working Life
Tuesday 30.1. Aalto Community event about campus development, well-being and diversity
Wednesday 31.1. SuperHeroKimble tournament
Thursday 1.2. Private Equity Case Night
III Other
Interesting exhibitions: New art collection on display at AYY Student Culture Museum
Polijazz Dance courses
The Brittingham Viking scholarship application period is open until 28.1.!
IV Job Offers
Metsä Group summer jobs 2024
I — General Announcements
PIN codes are back from 1 February – how to move on campus
For Aalto community
We want to ensure safe and controlled access to the university premises. Starting from February 2024, a PIN code will be required to open the outer doors, when entering buildings, in the evenings after 22.00 and the early morning before 6.15. This includes all Aalto University buildings.
Read more Here.
PIN code is back from 1 February – how to move on campus | Aalto University
Otaniemi campus area parking practices to be unified at the turn of the year
In the pilot project, most of the outdoor parking areas with parking wheels will become paid after the turn of the year. The charge does not apply to parking spaces requiring a parking disc at shopping center A Bloc, shopping center A Blanc, or to parking spaces for Aalto University staff.
Otaniemi campus area parking practices to be harmonised at the turn of the year | Aalto University
Looking for additional committee members for the guild
We are looking for volunteers especially for the following positions:
master consultant
alumni representative
welfare committee
sportklubb (sports committee)
Feel free to also join any other existing committees
Please contact our Community manager / Vice-chairman
Aino Roiha
Mail ak-varapuheenjohtjit@list.ayy.fi
TG @ainoskainen
II — Events
24.1. Smoky Whisky Tasting
As it has been the tradition here at WhisKY; in January we savour the taste of winter, via delicious smoky whiskeys.
WHAT: Smoky Whisky Tasting
WHEN: 24.01.2024. Wednesday, 18.30, Doors open at 18.00
WHERE: 100 Monkeys Club Room, Jämeräntaival 11G
HOW MUCH: 20€ (18€ for members)
TICKETS: Ticket sale to non-members will start 16.01. at Noon, members check your emails now
Check out the event on our website. (https://aalto-whisky.com/events)
Become a member here. (https://holvi.com/shop/viskikerhowhisky/product/a7f5311dffa1f4ed7b677123e9f7fa73/)
Follow us on Instagram. (https://www.instagram.com/viskikerhowhisky/)
Tickets are now on sale: https://holvi.com/shop/viskikerhowhisky/product/14b71a7ec76ee4ab3087964cd0ec59bc/

25.1. Club Lagoon 2024
Tropical winds have blown and carried an unusually warm air mass over Apollo Live Club. The heat will intensify on January 25th when KY’s Cultural Subcommittee kicks off its event year by organizing the largest interdisciplinary party in Helsinki!
WHAT: Club Lagoon 2024
WHERE: Apollo Live Club (18+)
WHEN: Thursday 25th of January from 21:00 to 04:00
DC: Overalls + summer attire
15€ VIP-ticket
TICKETS: Available on Kide.app (https://kide.app/events/18fcbe9b-1978-4540-a8e7-60a95e070b54) on January 15th at 12:00
Club Lagoon 2024

25.1. Aalto Cocktail – New Year, Old Recipes
Commit to learn more about mixing delicious cocktails in 2024 with the help of Aalto Cocktail! In our first cocktail workshop of the year, our talented barmasters will guide you on mixing three delicious drinks that will help you through the cold winter. The price includes all materials and necessary equipment!
TICKETS: https://holvi.com/shop/AaltoCocktail/product/316c73641dbd5e3078d818998c7e76e5/
WHERE: 100 Monkeys (Jämeräntaival 11 G)
WHEN: 25.1.2024 at 18:00

27.1. Hauki cup 2024
The 2024 Hauki Cup is finally here! This late January’s wintery kyykkä extravaganza brings together participants of all levels, from beginners to seasoned kyykkä veterans, to compete for the Otaniemi kyykkä championship.
The tournament will take place on Saturday, January 27, 2024, in Otaniemi. The tournament follows the rules (https://kyykka.fi/ise) of Academic kyykkä.
Team ticket sales started on 5.1. The fastest teams still have time to join!
Tickets: https://kide.app/events/20b7d400-0538-45d7-ab7d-85da7dab3957.
Team ticket costs 40€ and includes overall patches and after-party access for four. Additional after-party tickets can be purchased separately for the price of 3€
Join the event telegram channel here: https://t.me/HaukiCup

29.1. Guild Meeting
Interested in the Guild’s budget?
The board has planned this year’s budget, and now Guild members are invited to hear, discuss and influence the budget on Monday, January 29th 5pm at the Guild room.
The budget will be finally approved at the guild’s annual meeting in March

30.1. Aalto Community event about campus development, well-being and diversity
The community event, open to all Aaltonians, begins with a soup lunch and continues with discussion and workshop around important themes. Welcome to join us!
12.30 Soup lunch
13.00 Introductions:
- Lessons learned from the wellbeing at work survey (CHRO Riitta Silvennoinen)
- Campus development (CFO Marianna Bom)
13.30 Workshops on previous themes
14.00 Event ends
Please register here by 23.1.2024. TODAY!
More information here: Community event 30 Jan 2024: Campus development, wellbeing and diversity | Aalto University
30.1. Go to Work! – How to Thrive in Finnish Working Life
Are you currently applying to jobs for this summer? Wondering what comes next in the process, or just how to succeed in Finnish job applications and working life?
For all those and more, come to the TEK student career event, “Go to Work!”! At the event, a series of TEK experts will discuss different aspects of summer job applications, as well as knowing how to ask for the right salary, the required contents of a work contract, and what to expect from working life in Finland.
The event will take place on Tuesday 30th January, from 14.15-17, in the AS2 lecture hall of Maarintie 8 (TUAS-building), Otaniemi.
The event is open and free to all TEK members. If you haven’t already, TEK can be joined for free as a student at www.tek.fi/joinstudent. The event will take place fully in English.
You can already sign up for the event at: https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/Go_to_Work__How_to_Thrive_in_Finnish_Working_Life_6117.

31.1 SuperHeroKimble tournament
Jäynä spring season is properly kicked off with the SuperheroKimble tournament! OK20 will be transformed into a battle arena on Wed 31.1., where strong superhero teams will take on each other! This battle will demand the ultimate in race fitness, sharp wits and secret superpowers So get a 2-4 person dream team together and buy your tickets for the biggest sporting event of the year!
Who can click the dice the best? Who will be the first to clear their penalties? Who will win the Kimble championship?
What? SuperHeroKimble tournament
Where? OK20, Otakaari 20
When? Wed 31.1. the tournament starts at 17.00 ->
What does it cost? 25€ per team
Tickets can be found on kide.app (https://kide.app/events/9d4b6075-299b-4b55-b497-efc25fdc72eb)
1.2. Private Equity Case Night with MAM PE
Join us for an exclusive opportunity of private equity case cracking together with Mandatum Asset Management’s Private Equity team. Private Equity Case Night offers a chance to gain practical experience on solving PE case studies and learn firsthand from Mandatum’s professionals.
The event will be held on Thursday 1 February at MAM’s office located at Bulevardi 56.
Registration is open Private Equity Case Night with MAM PE — AaltoPEC

III — Other
New art collection on display at AYY Student Culture Museum
AYY’s latest art acquisitions are presented in a changing exhibition space. Due to the prevailing world situation, a very current wish, ”Peace”, was chosen as the theme of the 2023 art search. The art exhibition and at the same time the spring season of the museum started on Sunday 14.1.24.
During the spring, the museum is open on Sundays from 14:00 to 16:00.
The museum is located in Otaniemi, Espoo, at Jämeräntaival 3.
Warm welcome!
The Brittingham Viking scholarship application period is open until 28.1.!
Are you interested in studying at a public Ivy League university in the US
for free? The Brittingham Viking scholarship application period is open until
The Scholarship covers studying at the University of Wisconsin Madison for
the academic year 2024–2025 and living expenses. As a bonus, you will
receive lifelong friendships, an extensive alumni network, and
unforgettable trips together with three Nordic roommates.
The application is open until the 28th of January. Degree students from the
University of Helsinki, Aalto University, and Hanken can apply.
Unlock the Rhythm Within! Join Polijazz Dance Courses!
Hello dance enthusiasts and potential movers! We trust your festive season was filled with joy and laughter. Now that the gears of daily life are slowly cranking up, it’s time to inject some excitement into your routine with the power of dancing! Polijazz courses start on 6.2.!
Spring Term Schedule in Otaniemi:
Contemporary dance: Thursdays
17:00-18:00 (intermediate)
(Starting 15.2, location: JMT 3C | Multifacility hall)
Breaking: Tuesdays
18:00–19:00 (beginner)
19:00–20:00 (advanced)
(Starting 06.02, location: JMT 1B | Association room)
The sign-up is open now! The first time is free!
Read more from our websites: https://www.polijazz.fi/
Have questions or want to connect with fellow dancers?
Join our Telegram group here (https://t.me/+58MjJDa3y4lhZTBk) or reach out directly to @kittaaja.
See you on the dance floor this spring! Let’s dance our way to a fantastic season!
IV — Job Offers
Metsä Group summer jobs 2024
What kind of a job motivates you? A fun and encouraging team, meaningful work or decent wages? A summer job at Metsä Group offers you all this. A summer at Metsä Group is an excellent springboard for your career. It offers a good overview of the forest industry and the opportunity to work for a sustainable future – with a great group of people. Continuous product development and innovation are key elements of our business. We offer diverse and responsible summer jobs all over Finland.
You can develop your skills in areas such as production, sourcing and logistics, production planning, technical marketing, IT or customer service.
Apply for summer jobs by 29 February 2024.