Happy Halloween to all who celebrates it!

In this week the Guild of Architecture´s elections campaing has started, where new guild actives can sign up to different committees and board positions. More info below. Tomorrow the third-year students of the guild host Dystopia Kiima, a traditional party made by architecture, landscape architecture and interior architecture students. AYY has also board members elections and Representative Council elections upcoming. Remember to vote your candidate to the Representive Council! AYY´s current board members can be met at Pelimanni (Jämeräntaival 3 A) today at 17.00. The Guild of Architecture´s current and future actives are all welcome to vaalisauna (the election sauna) to Gorsu on Thu 2.11. at 18.00 onwards. There will be food served and of course the sauna will be warm. See you all there!

With chilly vibes,




I General announcements

Course exhibition of landscape architecture

The elections of the Guild of Architecture

AYY: Housing applications to be resubmitted

Apply for AYY’s board of directors or to become the vice-chairman of the representative board

Electoral machine for representative elections and election panel

Respond to the campus survey and win Fat lunches





II Events

Registration for singing contests is open

The Sing-through of the Red Songbook

Housing Week and House Tournament 6.-10.11.

The Cone Committees´ Bar Tour with the new Tram15

Nils Erik Wikberg -lectures



III Interesting stuff

Unite! University Collaboration








I General announcements

Course exhibition of landscape architecture

Welcome to the Landscape architecture Exhibition 30.10.-10.11.2023! The exhibition is arranged for the first time, and it shows landscape architecture students course projects from first year to master studio projects. A good opportunity to visit the exhibition is 3rd Novemberg during Nils Erik Wikberg symposium!

The elections of the Guild of Architecture


The election season for next year’s guild positions have began!
More information about the positions can be found on the election website at www.arkkitehtikilta.fi/vaalit-2023 (coming soon in English) and on the guild’s Instagram.
The joint application for guild active posts is open until November 30.

This Thursday, November 2nd, from 6 PM onwards, we will be hosting a pre-election sauna at Gorsu. Come there to chat with current and future actives about the positions!

Joint application for the guild active posts: https://forms.gle/6BG74FxqobNfoAbu7


AYY: Housing applications to be resubmitted

We invite all applicants who have submitted their housing application before 25.10.2023 to submit a completely new application.

We are not able to prioritise on the basis of current applications, so we ask applicants to submit a new application.

The renewal of old, pre-categorisation applications and the attachment of new annexes is prevented.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Apply for AYY’s board of directors or to become the vice-chairman of the representative board

Membership of the board is a year-long position of trust. The main tasks of the board are to lead the student union, decide on the student union’s statements, implement the decisions of the representative council and represent the student union in the direction of the university and other stakeholders.

A member of the board participates in the management of common matters practically full-time, and the member of the board has one or more sectors for which he is responsible. The board meets several times a week to discuss and decide on the lines and direction of the student union. The board is responsible for all its activities to the representative board.

Meet the 2023 board in Pelimann (JMT 3A) today, October 31. from 5 pm ! Come and ask mind-boggling questions and hear experiences from government work. Snacks available.

The representative body has the highest decision-making power of the student union. There are two vice-presidents, and their roles are always shaped according to the actors of each year.

The application for the board closes on November 16. at 11:59 p.m. and as vice-president of the representative council on 5 December at 5:15 p.m.

Read more here


Electoral machine for representative elections and election panel

Electoral machine for representative elections is open ! Find your candidate and get ready to vote – voting is open on November 1. 12 noon – 8.11. at 3 p.m. You can find the voting machine at  http://vaalikone.syl.fi/ayy and you can find information about the elections on our website .

The election panel will be organized on November 2. at 5 pm at OUBS studio. Welcome to the venue or watch the live stream on AYY’s YouTube channel!

Voting opens on 1 November 2023 at 12 noon at vaalit.ayy.fi . You can also come to the polling station in the lobby of the Candidate Center on November 1. from 12 to 3 p.m., where bun (veg), coffee and election badges are available for the first voters!

Election Compass can be found here

Respond to the campus survey and win Fat lunches

Please let us know how well the university environment operates and supports studying. At the end of the survey, you can leave feedback directly on the campus map, pointing out which area is the gem of the campus and where there is room for improvement. The survey is open from October 25 to November 10, 2023. By providing your contact information at the end of the survey, you can enter a draw to win lunch sets from Fat Lizard (one worth about 35 euros, we will draw 20 sets) .

Respond to the survey here

II Events

Registration for singing contests is open

The results of the song competition 2023 will be sung through in the song competition forums, where the winners of the different categories will also be announced. Sits are organized on 14.11. OK20 upstairs. Doors open at 18:00 with the gong ringing at 18:30. All members of the Aalto community are welcome to participate, regardless of whether they have participated in the competition. Ticket sales for sitsis can be found on kide.app.

If you have any questions, please contact @lukkaritirehtoori (Telegram). Read more here .

The Sing-through of the Red Songbook

How should every self-respecting Teekkari spend the Friday evening of Teekkari Tradition Week? By singing, of course, which is why you should head to the Red Songbook sing-through arranged by LuTku at Rantasauna!

The concept of the event is extremely straightforward: we take the Red Songbook in our hands and sing every song in it. The physical well-being of the singers has not been forgotten either, which is why Rantsu’s sauna and hot tub will be kept warm throughout the evening and LuTku catering will take care that the singers have no need to be empty-mouthed

So recall the old classics and approximate the melody of new acquaintances rather than well. Only two things are guaranteed: the singing will go on all night long and the atmosphere will be through the roof. The doors of Rantsu open at 16.30 and the singing will start at 17 and continue as long as there are songs to sing

If you are still missing your own Red Songbook, no worries! It’s possible to buy your own piece of the newest version of Red Songbook, published in 2022.

What: The Sing-through of the Red Songbook
Where: Rantasauna
When: 17.11. starting at 16.30
What does it cost: Nothing at all!
If you have any questions, please contact @lukkaritirehtoori

Housing Week and House Tournament 6.-10.11.

This autumn, we will determine which of the houses in Otaniemi is the best, most majestic, and most beautiful!

No matter where you live, the Campus Section is organizing a housing-themed week in early November. During the week, everyone has the opportunity to participate in challenges that improve their living comfort and have a chance to win amazing prizes! Those living in AYY’s apartments can participate also the grand House Tournament

The themes of the week:
Housing life hacks

More information about all the theme days will be available next week, when the challenges and prizes will be announced! The best way to stay up to date is to follow @Kampusjaosto on Instagram

Cling cling cling !
⚠️⚠️ The tram is coming! ⚠️⚠️
This time luckily you don’t have to just watch out for the tram but you are invited to jump in! The Cone Committee is organizing a bar tour travelling with the tramline 15 from Otaniemi to Itäkeskus.
!! Cones are students who have studied 4 years or more.

HUH? A Bar tour travelling with the new tramline
WHEN? On Friday 10.11.2023 18 o’clock
WHERE? Starting from Otaniemi, you can however travel whenever you want with your own group
HOW MUCH? Participation is free

Stay tuned, we will give more information soon!

TG chat for the event:

What’s NEW? Nils Erik Wikberg symposium! This year the theme is regenerative design, where the goal is to enable structures and systems that are self-sufficient and produce positive effects. Regenerative design emphasizes interconnectedness: the approach is systemic, where humans are seen strongly as part of nature and related to ecological systems, not separate from them.

Sign Up now and ensure your spot at the seminar (and the afterparty )

– Illustrations by Mathilde Albert –



III Interesting stuff


Unite! university alliance invites students and student associations to send proposals for collaborative projects for seed funding. Unite! is an alliance between nine European universities of which Aalto is one. The eligible projects can be about any subject or extracurricular topic that brings an added value to students and is collaborative. Possible ideas include joint projects such as exhibitions, events, excursions, competitions, hackathons, courses; in areas such as innovation, sports, careers, language, education, communication, outreach, or any other promising idea.

Each proposal must include students from at least two Unite! universities. The nine Unite! universities include Aalto, KTH (Sweden), Grenoble INP-UGA (France), PoliTO (Italy), TU Darmstadt (Germany), TU Graz (Austria), UPC (Spain), ULisboa (Portugal) and Wroclaw Tech (Poland).

The maximum amount of funding for an accepted proposal is 20,000 euros. The deadline for applications is December 15 2023.

Who can apply?

* Under- and Postgraduate students (including PhD Students)
* Student organisations/associations
* Units and service centres of Unite! universities (such as sports unions, language centres etc.)

How to apply?

I have attached a document in this email that includes more detailed information about the Seed Fund, along with the application form and an excel sheet for creating a budget.
You can also read more and download the funding guidelines and application forms from Unite!’s website<https://www.unite-university.eu/about-us/unite-seed-fund-initiative>.

I and Unite’s student representatives at Aalto are happy to help you find students at other Unite! universities with whom to make the proposal.

For questions about the seed fund process:


For reaching out to students at other Unite! universities:

alarik.rantala@aalto.fi (Telegram: @AlarikRantala)

There’s still lot of room in A!-Games event next Tuesday 7.11.2023!

You can signup via this link
https://www.prosessiteekkarit.fi/ilmo/event/255 ️‍♂️

This year’s sports are floorball, ultimate, volleyball, basketball, elephant ball, mölkky, croquet, rope pulling, and chess. + free aftersauna at Rantasauna! The games are played from 11 am – 3 pm.

When registering, tell us which sports you want to participate in. ⛳️