Hello and a crispy November to you all!

In this week the AYY Representative Council election´s voting has opened! Go vote on vaalit.ayy.fi or at the Learning Center before tomorrow 15.00. Later today is the Guild Room Coffee Break, where all kinds of crafts can be made. Also the annual ball directors Wähätirehtöörit come to tell us a little more about the upcoming annual ball Wähäjoulu. How exciting! Make sure to slide by the guild room between 16-18.

Best regards,



I General announcements

Important announcements regarding the Guild´s Cabin (Maja)

AYY Representative Council election voting is open

Aalto Campus Survey

Housing Theme Week, November 6th-10th




II Events

The Guild Room Coffee Break 7.11. at 16.00

The candle workshop in Karhusaari 16.11.

Sikajuhlat 2023




III Interesting stuff

The Guild Magazine Paperi: New Celebratory Announcements section

The Aalto Wearable Systems Lab open part-time position






I General announcements

Important announcements about the Guild´s Cabin reservation policies

Due to the AYY´s decision to move the booking of Maja away from their calender system, Maja can be booked exceptionally via Google Calendar for the end of this year. The booking link will be posted on this site on Thu 9.11.

If you have any questions don´t hesitate to contact the Cabin and Spaces Responsible @MajavaHalkonen


The Cabin and Spaces Responsible on the behalf of Majasäätiö

AYY Representative Council election voting is open

Voting in the Representative Council election has begun!

Exciting news: Voting in AYY’s Representative Council election has now started! RepCo exercises the Student Union’s highest decision-making power. The Council consists of 45 student members and decides on the Student Union’s construction projects, policy paper, strategy and budget, among other things. In other words, these are mostly decisions that will determine how your membership fee is spent.

As a student union member, you have a valuable right to vote in the Representative Council elections and influence AYY’s most important decisions. You may vote online at vaalit.ayy.fi, starting now but no later than Wednesday 8 Nov at 3:00 pm (note the ending time already in the afternoon!).

Don’t know who to vote for? You can get to know the list of candidates and electoral alliances at ayy.fi/election. You can also find a suitable candidate by filling in the candidate matcher at vaalikone.syl.fi/ayy.

Make your voice heard!

Aalto Campus Survey

The annual Aalto campus survey is once again open. This is the best opportunity to influence how the campus is developed (both in the short and long term).
Answering the survey takes 5 minutes; it consists of two parts: a questionnaire and a campus map where you can directly mark your favorite spots and areas for improvement.
By providing your contact details, you can enter a raffle to win Fat Lizard gift cards. This survey is only in English.

Link to the survey: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/8D14FC85A0B846D0, the survey is open until November 10th 2023.

II Events

The Guild Room Coffee Break 7.11. at 16.00

This Tuesday guildroom coffee hour’s theme is chill sewing night – take your knitting, sewing, or other handworks with you or join AK Culture committee’s ”mod your overall patch”-workshop!
At about 5 pm guild’s annual ball masters will stop by & spill the tea over upcoming guild’s 115th annual ball, Wähäjoulu!
See you at the guild room from 4 pm onwards on Nov 7th

The candle workshop in Karhusaari 16.11.

The candle workshop in Karhusaari is making a comeback! Take a break from working and join the Wellbeing Team on an excursion to the mansion of Karhusaari. We will have a candle workshop and some snacks. We will leave from Otaniemi on the 16th of Nov at 5 pm and walk to Karhusaari.

There are 30 spots available on this event and the registration starts on Mon 6th at 5 pm (and closes on the 13th) Please note that this event is alcohol-free.

What: excursion to Karhusaari and a candle workshop
Where: at the mansion of Karhusaari, we will walk there from Otaniemi
When 16th of November at 5 pm
Why: Take care of your mental health by taking a break!<3
Cost? Free!

Sign up here

Housing Theme Week, November 6th-10th

The housing theme week organized by the Campus Section begins on Monday! During the housing theme week, there will be four different housing-themed individual challenges that all AYY members can participate in, regardless of their place of residence. In addition, the week culminates in the House Tournament on Friday, November 10th, where we will find out which of AYY’s houses is the best and also most beautiful! Prizes can be won in all individual challenges, and among all those who participate in the housing week challenges, a grand prize of an Airfryer will be raffled off!

Although the housing week officially starts on Monday, you can begin participating in the individual challenges today by responding to the theme-related forms! Detailed instructions for the challenges can be found in the information field of the participation forms.

Mon 6.11. Good food, better mood!
Sign up
Prize: €100 Wolt gift card

Tue 7.11. The cleaner, the better
Sign up
Prize: Steam mop, clothing steamer, or window cleaner (winner’s choice!)

Wed 8.11. Make your apartment your own
Sign up
Prize: Comprehensive toolset

Thu 9.11. Housing life hacks
Sign up
Prize: €100 Experience gift card

Fri 10.11. House Tournament (for AYY residents)
Sign up for the House Tournament
The tournament begins on Friday at 16:00 at Pelimanni (JMT3A)

Note: The winners of the individual competitions will be selected by a draw. Each person can participate in the individual challenges only once, but by participating in the individual competitions, you also earn points for your house in preparation for Friday’s House Tournament!

Sikajuhlat 2023

SAVE THE DATE!! 24.11.

WHAT? Sikajuhlat 2023
WHERE? Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4, 02150 Espoo
WHERE? 24.11. at 19:00-
WHEN DO I REGISTER? Monday 13.11.
WHAT DO I WEAR? Leave your overalls at home and wear the outfit of the
theme, more details will be announced on the day of the theme launch…
WHY? only once a year!!

INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/sikajuhlat23
NETTISIVU: sikajuhlat.com
TELEGRAM: t.me/sikajuhlat




III Interesting Stuff

The Guild Magazine Paperi: New Celebratory Announcements section

Celebratory announcement section of The Guild Magazine Paperi

Do you want to send greetings or congrats to a family member or a dear friend? Send your announcement through this Google forms:


NOTE: Paperi will be published mostly in Finnish

The Aalto Wearable Systems Lab open part-time position

 The Aalto Wearable Systems Lab is looking for a part-time student assistant to support our research on wearable technology by constructing a haptic garment that will contain various haptic and thermal actuators, circuitry, PCBs (paid position).

The candidate should have knowledge in garment construction (pattern making, sewing, weaving, or knitting, to fabricate the haptic shirt).

Preferably prior experience with fashion design and wearable technology to assist with the integration of soft circuits, PCBs, and electronics into the shirt. The candidate will collaborate with the research team in testing, troubleshooting, and refining the wearable prototypes and is expected to keep accurate documentation of project developments and outcomes.

If you are passionate about textile design and innovative fashion and want to be a part of an exciting research project, please send your motivation letter and CV by November 15 to Tim Moesgen at tim.moesgen@aalto.fi. Start can be as soon as possible. ✨