Weekly Digest 2/2021

Great new year for everyone!

Here we have the first Weekly Digest of the year. This year behind the screen writing the Weekly Digests is Elina following in Kuismas steps.

Hopefully rested after the holidays we can start the new year with plenty of things to do.  On Wednesday the day begins by having coffee with the guild and in the evening by time traveling at FKxAK season-opening event. Time travel doesn’t stop there for 2000’s kiltasitsit are due in just a few weeks!

I General

Department and School Facilities

II Coming up

Coffee with the guild 13.1.
Architecture Speaks! 13.1.
FKxAK season opening 13.1.
Aalto Talent Expo Online 12.-14.1.
2000’s kiltasitsit 28.1.

III Job Offers


I General

Department and School Facilities:

Useful links for finding information on the current situation:


II Coming up

Coffee with the guild

Coffee break with guild? Absolutely!

This Wednesday we are organising a Zoom coffee break to all the interested, community driven, providing-their-own-servings, people of the guild ! Session starts at 12:00. So mark the date and we’ll see you there!

WHAT: Coffee break with the guild

WHEN: 13.1. at 12:00



 Architecture Speaks!

The international lecture series on contemporary architecture continues online. Six architects from various backgrounds are invited to share their thoughts and ideas on current trends in architecture.

13.1.2020 lecturer: Reiful Ramstad

Remember to register for the lecture beforehand here:  https://q.surveypal.com/Registration-Architecture-Speaks…

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/174013857701845/

FKxAK Season Opening

Welcome to the year 2021! It’s finally time to kick off the new year with a season-opener event! Because we haven’t been able to travel for a while, the Guilds of Architecture and Physics want to offer you a chance to take part in a very special trip. We’ll travel all around in time (but not to the year 2020, thankfully)!

So, sign yourself up and come to get your treats for the event from the lobby of the JMT1 building between 11-17! While you’re there, you’ll also be able to buy yourself the Kaukkarit overall patch as well as the patches of the guilds of Architecture and Physics. Settle yourself on a comfy seat at 18 o’clock and get ready to hang out with old and new friends with fun activities through the night!

Registering to the event begins on Wednesday 6.1. at 12:


Time travel supported in part by K-Market Otaniemi

WHAT: FK x AK Kaukkarit
WHERE: Zoom, goodie bags + overall patches from JMT1 lobby
WHEN: 13.1.2021 / Goodie bag + patches 11-17, Zoom at 18.00
AT WHAT COST: Event & goodie bags free, overall patch of the event 2 €
WHY: Because of the new year!!

event in facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/events/152991533014888

Aalto Talent Expo Online

Aalto University students, welcome to the virtual career fair where you can meet future employers! Aalto University’s contact and recruitment event brings together students and employers of arts, business, design and technology.

WHAT: Virtual recruitment and contact fair

FOR WHOM: All Aalto students, from first-year-students to recent graduates!

WHERE: In JobTeaser

WHY: Get to know the employers and job opportunities in your industry, find a summer job or thesis position and look for your dream job!

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/796086631248211

2000’s kiltasitsit

Are Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie some of your idols? Do you miss putting your Tamagotchis life before everything else? Do you want to dramatically close your Nokia flip phone again? Now you have a chance to travel back to the golden times of fabulous fashion, MSN Messenger and IRC-Galleria when the Guild of Architecture gathers on Zoom for the 2021 Kiltasitsit! This year you don´t need to leave home but you can just get into the sitsi-mood by your own table and cook delicious food with the sitsibag that the Guild of Architecture has put together!

Sign up begins on Thursday 14th at 12:00 and ends on January 21st at 23:59, after which it becomes binding.

More information about how to get your sitsibag will be sent via email.

WHAT: The Guild of Architectures Kiltasitsit

THEME: The early 00´s

WHEN: 28th of January 2021 cocktail event at 17:30, Sitsit start at 18:00

WHERE: On Zoom (Link will be published later)

PRICE: 10€

DC: Your best early 00´s look

WHY: Free Britney

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/434130464393583/


III Job Offers

Job offers can be found at:


