Weekly Digest 20/22

Hello once again, Guild’s publicist Veera writing here! Let’s repeat for the sake of it: Weekly Digest

1) is published once a week (Monday / at the beginning of the week)

2) briefly introduces upcoming events and activities to which all guild members are welcome to attend

3) helps keep your calendar up to date with these upcoming events

4) is written by the guild’s publicist / me. I study my third year in landscape architecture, and I started as a Guild of Architecture’s Publicist in January. Besides from writing the Weekly Digest I’m the responsible person for guild’s social media accounts and communications committee.

The Weekly Digest is a ”slower” media for following news in the guild. That’s why I recommend joining guild’s Telegram announcement channel, where you’ll reach news about events and other announcements in time. The channel’s official languages are Finnish and English.

Have a good time reading this Digest!

PS: Guild’s communications, as well as the Weekly Digest as a concept, will be developed/improved this fall. Guild’s Board will throw it’s first communication strategy workshop at the beginning of October. More info on that will possibly come later.

Veera Vornanen
The Guild of Architecture
Telegram: @veeratainen

I General

Landscape Architecture Day 2022 14.10.

Aalto University: Mentoring Programme for master students

II Upcoming events

[AK] Guild room Coffee Hour 13.9. at 4 pm

[AK] Conemasters ””Wednesday’s Fish Restaurant Round”” 14.9.

Ylikulku Rave 16.9. (tickets 5.9.)

Lakinlaskijaiset 30.9.

[AK] Suomi XQ  7.-8.10. (tickets 14.9.)

III Interesting stuff

[AK] Sportsklubb: yhteislähtö Aalto 10 km & Aalto 5 km 17.9.

[AK] VS MK: Kilometrikisa (ends 22.9.)

PIK: glider introductory flights 2022

Aalto-Volley – volleyball sports club

IV Job offers

Aalto Jobteaser: check available job offers

I General

Landscape Architecture Day 2022 14.10.

Registration for Landcape Architecture Day 2022 is open!

We offer free entrance for Department of Architecture degree students and members of staff (150 seats quota). For this free entrance students should use aalto.fi e-mail address for registration.

Lunch tickets and dinner tickets available for purchase.

Registration is open until 30.9. (or until quota is full). If you miss your free entrance, you can buy your ticket from the event website. There are tickets for online stream available also!

You will find the program and more info from here: https://boldnessandbeauty2022.com/program/

Special link for Aalto registration is here: https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/AALTOY22

NOTE! Possible inquiries concerning registration via event website (not to undersigned)

Tervetuloa mukaan! Welcome!

Tapahtuman järjestäjien puolesta,

On behalf of the organizers,


Aalto University: Mentoring Programme for masters students

Master´s student, are you about to graduate but feel uncertain about your career direction? Would you like to discuss your options and broaden your career horizons? Learn from a seasoned professional and get advice on career design?
Apply to the Aalto University Mentoring Programme and find a meaningful direction for your career!
There are more than 180 mentor candidates from different fields you can apply for. Mentoring offers a great opportunity to learn about working life, connect with our alumni and get support for creating your own path!
Read more and apply as an actor:

Application period 15 Sept  – 9 Oct

II Upcoming events

Guild room Coffee Hour
13.9. / from 4 pm onwards // Guild room
The first Guildroom coffeebreak of the fall is here! The monthly coffeebreaks are open to everyone in the quild. So come to chill, meet fellow guild members and be part of the following activity
1) introduction of our company sponsor Saint-Gobain and
2) a ticket lottery for 4 ticket packets to Sober Furious -party (free entry & an overall patch)
on this Tuesday 13.9. at 16-18 pm!
See you there🌞☕️
AK-Conemasters ”Wednesday’s Fish Restaurant Round”
14.9. / from 16:30 onwards // Helsinki

The Guild of Architecture’s Conemasters are organizing amazing afterwork event for 4th year students and beyond as well as the exchange students.

“Keskiviikon kalakapakkakierros” meaning “Wednesday’s Fish Restaurant Round” of which agenda is to take a tour to all of the Helsinki City’s Fish Restaurants (read: bars), to see old pals and to meet new ones. You can join whenever or wherever suits you the best.

See the timetable of the round and the addresses of the bars in Facebook!

We hope to see you on the round!
Käpymestarit // Conemasters
Eveliina Kunnaton TG@Kunnaton & Sofia Juntunen TG@SofiaJuntunen
16.9. / tickets 5.9. at 5 pm // Smökki, Otaniemi
On Friday 16.9. Smökki will be on fire, because it is time for YLIKULKU RAVE🔥
AaltoDJ and Audiopoli are bringing underground vibes overground.
Rave music. Custom built big ass speakers. Bring ear plugs.
House, Techno, Drum and Bass & more. Lineup TBA.
WHERE: Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4
WHEN: 16.9.2022, at 21.00-2.30
TICKETS: 9€ (incl. overall patch) from Kide.app MON 5.9. at 17.00, physical ticket sale before that from our checkpoints (AaltoDJ and Audiopoli) at Otasuunnistus.
30.9. / tickets 19.9. at 11-13 in undergrad. center’s lobby // Dipoli, Otaniemi

Lakinlaskijaiset is here again! When the time of use for the teekkari cap ends for this year, it’s time to celebrate the passed season properly. Whether you you study science, arts or business, head towards Dipoli on 30.9. to blast with Maija Vilkkumaa, KNV and AaltoDJ – our wonderful artists.

Please follow the @lakinlaskijaiset info channel on telegram in order to hear about the schedule of the ticket sale and wristband exchange among the first ones.

P.S. The application form for volunteers is now open! So if you want to ensure your access to the party or get a possibility to achieve the pink volunteer cordon, apply now! https://lomake.ayy.fi/jtmk/lakinlaskijaiset

Suomi XQ
7.-8.10. / Kideapp tickets 14.9. // Otaniemi – mystery places in Finland – Otaniemi 

What now? The most eagerly anticipated excursion of the year! The Finland excursion (Suomi excu) is coming soon.

Hop on the excursion bus on this legendary trip towards the unknown. By signing up you will ensure your place on the bus, that heads towards interesting architectural sights. This trip also includes visits to our associate corporations.
The concept of the excursion is that the sights are a secret until the arrival.
Ticket sales start 14th of September at 12 noon and closes on 22th. There are limited spots on the trip!
Tickets: https://kide.app/events/58318fa8-a25d-4e93-9907-c3c4ce6ab5b2
More info on the event on Facebook

III Interesting stuff

Aalto 10 km & 5 km – AK Sportsklubb joint start 17.9.

Aalto 10k & 5k sports event – in Finnish known also as ”Aalto-kymppi” and ”Aalto-vitonen” – is a traditional running event for Aalto students and it is free of charge. The event is arranged in 17.9.2022 as part of the Espoo Rantamaraton event.
You can choose between 5 km and 10 km running distances. The start for both distances is at Otaranta.

Aalto 5 km starts at 11.40 (no timing)
Aalto 10 km starts at 11.30 (with timing)
Sign up here. More info about the event here and here.

Want to run Aalto 10k or 5k with fellow architecture students? Come to undergraduate center X-door on Saturday at 10.30 where we meet and warm up together before the event. Note! You must collect your bib number from the event office on Friday or on Saturday morning before we meet together.

Questions? Feel free to contact TG@iisamus or TG@dopaminni.
Also, join Sportklubb’s telegram group here.

AK VS MK: Kilometrikisa – cycling competition

Come ride with us for fun and wellness, and also to make sure the Guild of Architecture will cycle more kilometres during summer than the Guild of Surveying Engineers!

Kilometrikisa briefly: Kilometrikisa is a playfyl competition between companies and associations aiming to encourage people cycle more. Thus, enjoy cycling during summer time and register the kilometres and/or time you have cycled on website linked below.

The competition is held between 1.5.-22.9. You can join Guild’s team by registering to site on following address: https://www.kilometrikisa.fi/teams/join/

Team name: Arkkitehtikilta
Team password: AK1908

Polyteknikkojen Ilmailukerho ry (PIK): Glider introductory flights 2022

Have you always wanted to fly, but don’t know how? The student’s flying club PIK organizes glider and motorglider introductory flights this September. Everyone interested in sports aviation is welcome to join. Theory sessions Thu Sep 15th and Thu Sep 22nd. Flights on Sat Sep 17th and Sat Sep 24th. Sign up and more information on our website.


Polyteknikkojen ilmailukerho ry


Aalto-Volley is an active student sports club that offers opportunities to play volleyball at an official series level or simply for recreation. Our practices are held four times a week in Espoo at varying skill levels. This season we aim to arrange a women’s team and two men’s teams for the local and regional series.

We also arrange more casual playing days so everyone with all skill levels can come to try and train. Feel free to contact aalto.volley@gmail.com if you are interested in playing volleyball!

Additionally, Unisport offers their own volleyball series for students. More info can be found at https://unisport.fi/en/other-activities-unisport/ball-sports-series and possibly from your guild’s sports team.

 IV Job offers

Työpaikkailmoitukset-välilehti on siirretty Tiedotteet-sarakkeeseen, josta löytyy myös viikkotiedotteet! Löydät sinne myös alla olevasta linkistä:
Katso uusimmat työpaikkailmoitukset täältä!

Aalto JOBTEASERIN työtarjoukset (vaatii Aalto-tunnuksilla kirjautumisen):



Onko sinulla kehitysehdotuksia?

Jos haluat tiedotteesi ensi viikon Viikkikseen, lähetäthän materiaalisi (suomeksi ja englanniksi mielellään!) sähköpostiini tulevaan perjantaihin mennessä. 

Työantajat: Työpaikkailmoituksen julkaisusta sovitaan erikseen – olethan ajoissa yhteyksissä! 


Ota yhteyttä: 

Telegram: @veeratainen