Winds of change are blowing!
Job offers have always been published in the Weekly Digest, but from now on they are also in Guild of Architecture websites! Offers are published always after they have reached the publisher, you can find it here the offers are published only by the original language of the offer.
This week is also special because the board of the Guild of Architecture goes vegan in the spirit of Ilmastoveivi2019 climate campaign. The board challenges our guild members to also consider their eating habits for this week, every act (even the smallest) has an effect on our climate <3 Netta |
CONTENTSI EventsKiltapäiväkerho: EASA 11.3. II StudiesWorkshop: Introduction to Design Thinking 14.3. II Pastime activitiesVista 30: competition |
I Events
EASA is getting closer! Come to to hear about the best thing you can do in summer to the Guild room on Monday 11.3. at 18.00!
EASA is short for European Architecture Students’ Assembly. It gathers 600 architecture students annually to meet each other for two weeks and to make architecture workshops together. EASA is organised for architecture students by architecture students. This year EASA takes place in Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland on 26.7. – 11.8.2019. Participant call is open 7.-31.3.2019. No matter what You study, architecture, landscape architecture or interior architecture, You are welcome to apply to EASA! Follow EASA Finland in Facebook to stay informed about EASA related news: WHAT: Presentation and chatting about EASA |
Want to meet Danish architecture students?
On Tuesday we have the pleasure of hosting our collegues from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. The students of Urban Design and Societal Change masters program from KADK are visiting Helsinki and we will meet with them for afterworks in Siltanen. Siltanen will also be the venue for Kino Sheryl Birthday Party After Party at 8pm. The Aalto ARTS students’ movie theater is having a birthday screening next door at 6pm. You can go check out the movie first or come straight to the afterworks in Siltanen: See you on Tuesday 🍻 Event on Facebook: |
Must the the guild ribbon be worn the same way as the other ribbons? Come to plan a formal dress code for the guild’s new ribbon. The final decision will be made at the guild’s annual meeting on 27th of March.
WHAT: Guild ribbon workshop Event on Facebook: |
Arkkitehtikilta Sportklubb takes the guild members to try gymnastics in the Tuulimäki gymnastics gym in Tapiola!
We leave together from the guildroom 5:30 pm, the event if free! WHAT: Gymnastics Event on Facebook: |
Kettle & clock: Masterchef Guild of Architecture
The wildly popular Masterchef Guild of Architecture is back! So put on your apron, pack your knives and participate in this playful cooking competition on Tuesday, March 19th at 6pm! Like last year, the event consists of three different tasks, each putting the contestants’ cooking skills to the test in every possible way. Can you tackle the dreaded Mystery Box? You can participate solo or in a group of a maximum of 4 persons. Each task will be scored (only the judges will see the scores) and at the end of the night the individual/group with the highest score will receive a small cooking-related prize. The competition will be held in Otarannan kerhotila. The organizers will bring hot plates to the contestants and the oven is shared. The space has all the usual cooking equipment, but you may bring your own sous vide cooker or food dehydrator if you find that necessary. The event costs 8€, the money will be collected in the event. Sign-up for this event starts on Tuesday, February 26th at 12:00, when the link to the sign-up will be posted to the Facebook event. Event on Facebook:
Tickets cost Beforehand 5€ / Overalls badge 2€
Sale dates, Undergraduate center, Otakaari 1, Alvar hallway except for 12.3. ** The dark winter is finally over: dive into the turquoise water with the freshmen of architecture! A beat is coming from Smökki, that attracts dolphins, strange deep sea creatures and ancient trilobites towards Otaniemi, filled with corals. ARK’18 offers you a scuba diving vacation never seen even close to these brackish waters… On 21.3 you don’t have to hide your secret mermaid tail anymore or worry about having a beach body. DJs WET X TINYPOPE, DJ KUUKKELI and JUSTUS VALTANEN are playing sweet tropical tunes to you, while the Guild Of Architectures very own dance group #SWAGSWAGNAMNAM steps on the sunny beach stage! Remember to pack your oxygen and look out for the hazardous jellyfish! WHAT? AquaKIIMA by ARK’18 Event on Facebook: |
II Studies
This March ME310 Aalto is organising a hands-on workshop on:
Introduction to Design Thinking Date: Thursday 14th of March, 2019 This will be a fast-paced workshop, based on Stanford University way of teaching, where participants will be taken through a full design cycle, in order to learn about the principles of design thinking and see how you can apply it in complex real world challenges. Through this experience we hope you will start to adapt them into your routines. Sign up for free through this following link: *No previous design experience required. Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions. We hope to see you there! Best, ME310 Aalto – |
III Pastime activities
Vista organizes a design competition for board members academic medal and overall badge. The competition will be published on Monday 4th of March at 9.00 on Vista’s webpage. The competition takes place from the 4th of March to 30th of April. Award for the winner is 100€! Find out more: To hear more, come to Vista 30 -workshop on 13th of March at 16.00. Link to the event: |
AYY is turning nine already, but there is still something missing from AYY. A Master of Ceremonies’ staff, that is!
The Master of Ceremonies’ staff is used at the annual balls and possibly at other ceremonious events of associations or, in the case of AYY, the Student Union. At the festivities, the Master of Ceremonies thumps the ground to get the party crowd’s attention, for example, before a speech. The Master of Ceremonies’ staff is usually around two metres long and has a logo, emblem or other symbol representing the association at its head. The staff usually has a base, which can be either decorative or simple. With the AYY annual ball approaching once again, the need for a Master of Ceremonies’ staff becomes very real as well. AYY wants a staff that represents our community. This being the case, we are looking for a designer and maker for our staff! This staff will be used by out Student Union most likely for decades to come at all more ceremonious events, and it will act as an important and valuable symbol of AYY. A reward will be settled upon with the maker. So, leave your handprint in AYY’s history and submit your design via this form by 24 Mar: You can find images of associations’ existing staffs as well as AYY’s existing symbols here: Both the staff and its head and base can – and should – be designed and executed using your own creativity. The images can be used to help perceive how the staff is used. AYY’s symbols can be used either as they are or to provide individual elements to contribute to the staff’s shape. The important thing is for the staff to represent AYY in some way! If necessary, some of the parts can be commissioned from an external manufacturer, but most of all, we are hoping for personal handiwork! Aalto Infrastructures has promised the staff’s maker access to the Aalto workshops and offers materials for manufacturing the staff as well. All questions and requests for further information will be answered by Marianne Honkasaari (, 0409645608). |
March 12, Aalto University, Dipoli, Auditorium Lumituuli
Fulbright Forum on Education, Innovation, Science and Art Explores Socially Conscious Engineering, Finnish Glass Art, the Eco-Apocalypse and other current themes! Fulbright Forum seminar provides a unique opportunity to hear about the research and projects that the current American Fulbright scholars, teachers, and graduate students are doing in Finland. The first seminar day at the University of Helsinki focuses on Education. The second seminar day at Aalto University is multidisciplinary and it includes a wide array of topics from Health Sciences to Architecture and Engineering. Check out the program at: The seminars are open to the public and free of charge. Join us for the whole seminar or pop in for the presentation of your choice and meet with the Fulbrighters! Welcome also to drop by the Fulbright Finland stand during the breaks to speak about study, research, and funding opportunities in the U.S. The seminar is organized jointly by Fulbright Finland and the University of Helsinki and Aalto University. |
Welcome to play chess on the 12.3. at 17-20 at Gate A21! Event is open for everyone, and you don’t need to have previous experience. Here is the link to Facebook event, there you can find more information and how to join: |
What do we want? CLIMATE JUSTICE! When do we want it? 65 000 young are protesting for climate in Brussels. Over one hundred thousand follow Greta Thunberg at march in Paris. Thousands of young people are skipping school to go on strikes for for better climate decisions. Why should we study and graduate if our generations future is in danger? Come and join the clobal climate movement! #FridaysForFuture! Come as you are but if you want bring signs that help us to spread our message! What: Climate Strike *Do you want to join climate strike team? Contact Peppi Seppälä ig PeppiS* #nytonpakko #nytonlakko #opiskelijoidenilmastolakko #fridaysforfuture #ilmastovaalit Event on Facebook: |
Do you want your advertisement in Weekly Digest? Do you have improvement suggestions? Please contact: tiedottaja(ät) |