Hello to all and have a wonderful Easter Holiday! April is full of life in Otaniemi. In the next couple of weeks there will be a lot happening around the campus so stay updated not to miss anything fun! In the upcoming week The Guild of Architecture will take part in the wappu magazine Äpy´s 50 hours contest, where the Guild can win a nice variety of prizes for all the guild members to enjoy! For those who aren´t aware of the Guild of Architecture´s winning streak in its own league we have won the last 4 years in the row (in every two years). Remember to rest well as the Easter comes. Me, myself, am leaving to Milan and will be back with my secretary-publicist tasks on Mon 15th. Arrivederci! Moby Secretary-Publicist
I General AYY: Increase in student housing rents II Upcoming eventsDipolin Wappu 2023 Aalto Beer Pong: The students’ Beer Pong Championship Äpy 50h contest TOKYO’s Spring Sales 24h + 15 minutes Reverse Event Wappu Brunch Sitsit with NuDe, AK and GRRR Wappu Exchange 2023 Retuperän WBK 90th Anniversary Concerts III Interesting stuffUrban Academy´s Master´s thesis topics You Tell Me Collective: Evening Schools IV Job offersAalto Jobteaser: check available job offers |
I General
Due to increased costs, several student housing operators, including Aalto University Student Union, have had to increase their rents. In state-funded housing stock, the rents are cost-based. This means that the rent is charged on the basis of financial and maintenance costs. When these costs increase, the rents must also be increased. However, despite the cost pressure, efforts have been made to keep the increases moderate.
You can apply for more housing allowance from Kela if your housing costs increase by more than EUR 50 per month. However, if the change in housing costs is less than EUR 50, this will not affect the housing allowance. You can find more information on the effect of the rent increase on housing allowance on the Kela website: https://www.kela.fi/when-is-it-necessary-to-review-your-housing-benefit#example-change-in-housing-costs. You can also apply for a review of your housing allowance if your housing costs change.
You can read more about the increase in student housing rents in the release of
the Finnish Associations of Student Housing Organisations (in Finnish)
II Upcoming eventsDipolin Wappu 2023Wappu is almost here do you know what that means? Dipolin Wappu is back! On 30 Apr, Join us at the legendary Dipoli where you can put on your cap at midnight. There are some legendary performers and other fun activities, so we can guarantee you will have amazing time! This you don’t want to miss! Stay tuned, more information is coming. Also join Dipolin Wappu Telegram channel @dipolinwappu<https://t.me/dipolinwappu> and follow the event page on Instagram @teekkarijaosto<https://www.instagram.com/teekkarijaosto/> SEE YOU AT DIPOLI! – Aalto Beer PongARE YOU THE NEXT FINNISH CHAMPION?!
The Students’ Beer Pong Championships are coming up again! Aalto Beer Pong proudly presents their largest annual tournament on April 16th. The first 64 teams to sign up will compete over the desired title of students’ Beer Pong Champion 2023!
The tournament sign-up opens on 1st of April at 12:00 PM. The tournament costs 10e/team which includes at least 3 guaranteed games. The first games will start at 2PM and the rest of the schedule will be posted approximately a few days before the event.
The event will take place in Otaniemi at Smökki. Entrance is free so you are also welcome to cheer for your friends and play for fun!
More info and sign-up: https://abp.ayy.fi/ilmo/event/11
– Äpy 50h contestÄpy Wappu comes, and only a week left until the 50-hour contest begins! Gather your friends and become Äpy sellers together! The traditional 50-hour contest kicks off when diili.apy.fi opens on 4.4. at 12! ⚡️ All sellers who make a deal within the first 50 hours will be entered into a spectacular prize draw, and as usual, every seller will also enjoy great benefits – more about them on Instagram @laulikkiapy And that’s not all! During the first 50 hours, Äpy will also be running an even more exciting association competition to see which association collects the most deals in their category. If the Guild of Architecture wins, Äpy will offer the association 30 bottles of sparkling wine, 300 doughnuts or a 300e gift voucher to Verkkokauppa.com! Psst! There will be treats for all deal makers at our popup in A Bloc from Tue 4th of April to Thu 6th of April – come and say hello, make a deal or just to feel the Wappu spirit with us! – TOKYO´s Spring SalesSPRING SALES & FLEAMARKET SIGN UP (https://holvi.com/shop/TOKYOry/): Opens: Mon 03.04 12:15pm Let’s welcome the sunny times with what we do best: Arts (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧ Spring sales is the way you can sell your works, made in/outside of class. The 2 day event is advertised widely on campus and in the city! There are limited spaces + the demand is high so be ready when the sign up opens! NEW! Spring Sales now includes a section of Flea Market tables! Be aware: table price is for one day, if you want to sell on two days -> buy two tables. A table is provided, but you can bring your own clothing rack. It is not possible to combine and/or sell at both a flea market table and an arts table. When: 6.05 12-18pm & 7.05 12-16pm Where: Ground floor of Väre & Kipsari Price: ⇨ 2 days Art & Design table: 30€ for TOKYO members, 50€ for TOKYO alumni ⇨ 1 day Flea Market table: 15€ for TOKYO members, 30€ for TOKYO alumni (clothing rack isn’t included) You must be a TOKYO member or alumni member to sell (become a member through link). (https://holvi.com/shop/TOKYOry/)
– 24h + 15 minutes Reverse EventOtaniemi has had a long rest since the last round-the-clock event… …However, the peace will be broken when IE & EventTMK present a brand new Event™️ this year, where time will be stopped at Smökki on 19.4.!⏰ The people of Otaniemi will be able to experience a whole weekend of events in 24 hours, and that’s not all, as the Event™️ will be completely reversed!!! First thing in the mornings you can chill at the sillis, before the action picks up in the afternoon’s afterparty! After that, the atmosphere will be turned through the roof with a reverse sitsit and the night will end with the legendary preparty! While Smökki transforms between the different events, participants will have the opportunity to hang out in the downstairs of OK20. So pull on your overalls, grab your songbook, sauna equipment, and the spirit of Wappu with you and come destroy the countdown!⏳ Tickets for the craziest Wappu Event™️ will be available 5.4. 12:00 on Kide App: https://kide.app/events/ed5a222d-e760-419f-8a23-6479c9dd013d WHAT: 24h +15min Reverse Event™️ WHEN: 19.4. – Sillis 9.00 – 15.00 – Afterparty 16.00 – 19.00 – Sitsit 20.00 – 01.00 – Preparty 01:30 – 04:15 WHERE: Smökki + OK20 downstairs DC: Overalls With hyped regards; IE & TapahtumaTMK Any questions? Send a message on Telegram @heidihazel – Wappu Brunch Sitsit with NuDe, AK and GRRRSpring is in the air and Vappu is almost here! NuDe, AK and GRRR are inviting you to join us in welcoming the season with a delicious sitsi brunch on April 16th. The cocktail hour will begin at 11:30 am, while the sitsi starts at 12:00 pm. There’ll be plenty of food, drinks, and good times to go around. There’s a rumour Mantas cap might even be making an apperance. So dust off your most comfortable clothes, grab your favorite people, and come join us for a playful celebration! Sign up starts on April 4th at 12:00 and ends on April 12th. PLEASE NOTE! The registration is binding. If you sign up but cannot attend, you will have to pay nonetheless OR find someone to take your spot. Tickets must be paid for before the event and your place is reserved when the payment has been completed. If you have any questions or concerns contact: @rosaodi TLDR: WHAT: Vappu Brunch Sitsi WHEN: 16.04 @ 12:00 WHERE: OK20 Upstairs DC: Casual and Comfort PRICE: 12€ REGISTRATION: https://forms.gle/Z7wSsLjyjzaj9drj8 – Wappu Exchange 2023Feeling the wappu? Do you feel like taking a little prestart? On 23 April you have an unbelievable chance to experience what our colleagues in Tampere are doing in the run-up to wappu. The programme includes the Academic Beerpong World Championship, TTMK dragrace day and of course the afterparty! The cost is a mere 35 € and includes bus fares in both directions and all the spectacles of Hervanta. You won’t want to miss this opportunity, as there is only room for the 50 fastest registrants! Registration starts on 11 April at 16.30 at: https://kide.app/events/1b365005-267e-4b0b-9902-629fc79be872 For more information, visit the AYY website: https://www.ayy.fi/fi/wappuvaihto-2023 and TJ’s Instagram @teekkarijaosto. –Retuperän WBK 90th Anniversary ConcertsRetuperän WBK turns 90 this year, with two concerts at the Musiikkitalo. Together with Retuperä we are giving away four tickets for the concert in Musiikkitalo on 15 April at 12:00. Take part in the concert ticket draw in the end of this article.
Further information: |
III Interesting stuff
Urban Academy´s Master´s thesis topics
Urban Academy supplies Master’s thesis topics to students of Aalto University and the University of Helsinki from the cities of the Helsinki metropolitan area and from research groups at Aalto University and the University of Helsinki.
On this page https://urbanacademy.fi/tutkimus/lopputyomarkkinat-thesis-topic-market/ you will find current themes and information needs related to urban development and research, that could suit for thesis topics. The topic of the thesis is often formulated together with the topic provider and in many cases the student can suggest a perspective or research question. Some topics may also include the possibility of a fee or internship.
Don’t hesitate to be in touch with the topic provider and get your thesis work started!
You Tell Me Collective: Evening Schools
The evening schools have returned! You Tell Me Collective is hosting a series of discussion events with the first one covering the theme:
Architecture Without New Construction
In 2021 French architect Charlotte Malterre-Barthes launched an initiative called A Moratorium on New Construction. The initiative calls for a pause to new construction, demolition and extractive practices to enable critical reflection of the construction industry. Through this pause, the construction industry could realign itself to less extractive and destructive paths, focusing on care, repair, working with the existing buildings and redistribution of real estate.
Is architecture without new construction stagnant and conservative, or does it in fact open up a fundamentally different, more meaningful and exciting direction for the field?
Welcome to discuss on Wednesday 5.4. 18:00 in the library of the Museum of Finnish Architecture.
IV Job offers
Työpaikkailmoitukset-välilehti on siirretty Tiedotteet-sarakkeeseen, josta löytyy myös viikkotiedotteet! Löydät sinne myös alla olevasta linkistä:Katso uusimmat työpaikkailmoitukset täältä!Aalto JOBTEASERIN työtarjoukset (vaatii Aalto-tunnuksilla kirjautumisen):https://aalto.jobteaser.com/en/dashboard |