The Guild of Architecture Guild Room has moved! New location above. Access is granted with the same University token as to Paja building. Cya in the new Guild room!


I Events

Recycling Block 17.9.
Bike Sale 17.9.-18.9.
Otatarha Race 1.10.
FutureKIIMA 4.10.
Architecture student Days 12.-14.10.

II Studies

Location of Department of Architecture in Väre

III Announcements

Guild Magazine Paperi looking for staff!
Guild’s Cardboard sales now in Aaltopahvi
ARTS is looking for project workers to
a study guidance pilot 1.10.-31.12.

I Events

Recycling Block 17.9.

At the Recycling Block, you can make amazing flea market finds and sell off your spare gadgets!

Autumn is on its way, with new students arriving in Otaniemi and old ones leaving. How to optimise the flow of belongings in and out of student housing? By recycling, of course! At the Recycling Block, the two floors and courtyard of Otaniemi 20 will be transformed into a dream destination for even the most experienced flea market goer on Monday 17 September between 4 pm and 8 pm.

WHAT? Recycling Block
WHERE? Otakaari 20 upstairs, downstairs and courtyard
WHEN? Mon 17 September 4–8 pm
WHY? Come for some flea market finds!

Bike Sale 17.9.-18.9.

Are you looking for a bike of your own that you could use to travel to the campus, the store and home? In September, you will have the chance to buy yourself a working bicycle at an affordable price at the Otaniemi Bike Sale!

The bicycles cost 20€, 40€ or 60€, depending on the condition of the bike. We also sell diverse used bike parts, where the price depends on the offers made. Acceptable payment methods are card and cash. If you are paying with cash, please bring the exact amount of change with you to make everything run smoothly! The bikes have been collected in the spring from the bike racks and storages in Otaniemi. They are abandoned but in good condition.

WHAT? Bike Sale
WHERE? Otaniemi, address will be announced later
WHEN? Mon 17th September & Tue 18th September 15-19 o’clock
WHY? Buy a good bike!

Otatarha Race 1.10.

Otatarha Race is back again! Challenge yourself and others, design and build the greatest vehicle and come and compete for the win of the race at Alvarin aukio! You and your friends have a chance to participate in this contest wilder than the Formula 1 races with a self-built vehicle that isn’t motor-powered. Points will be awarded for the vehicle’s aesthetics and speed, but also for the overall spirit of the team. The winners of the race will receive glorious prizes, so start preparing for the contest NOW!

More info in the Facebook event:

Signup for the teams opens on 10th of September at 12pm at
and closes on 24.9. at 12am.

FutureKIIMA 4.10.

Let the glow of neon and strobos flashing lure you back to Smökki one more time! Tomorrow was yesterday and we are already in the Future.

The 4th of October Guild of architecture will let its wildest visions of future free! Whether your category is Utopian fantasy or Blade Runner Grim realness you’re welcome to celebrate with us. Djs Tinypope, Vesipoika and LaaseriHaukka3.14 will be giving their best future fantasies to the audience! Legendary dance group #SWAGSWAGNAMNAM will perform during the evening!

Event is R18

WHAT? FutureKiima
WHERE? Smökki- Jämeräntaival 4, 02150 Espoo
WHEN? 4.10. at 20-03
COST? Tickets in advance 4€, At The door 6€ – online 5€ – Patch 2€

Architecture student Days 12.-14.10.

It’s here again! YAY!

Architecture student Days will be kickstarted in lovely Hervanta of Tampere. The event takes place from Friday to Sunday on 12.-14.10.
The weekend consists of the traditional sitsis on Saturday night, sauna, networking and architecture related activities. Exact schedules  and the event theme will be published at a later time.

Each guild has 50 participant spots reserved for the event. The registration form opens on Monday 17.09. at 12:00. Registration happens  at The event has to be paid when registering. NOTE the registration at demands a sign up. Make sure you take care of the sign up before the registration opens.

There is a separate ticket type for each guild, as well as a few tickets for the waiting list in case of cancellation spots.
The registration is binding starting from 24.09. 12:00. After that the tickets cannot be cancelled.
About cancellations or other questions you can contact TamArk’s Architecture student Day official Maria Järvelin by email at Name the email subject as ”Arkkitehtiopiskelijapäivät 2018”

Link for the registration:

On Facebook:

What? Architecture student Days 2018
When? 12.-14.10.2018
Price? 26€
Where? Hervanta, Tampere

II Studies

Location of Department of Architecture in Väre +

contact information

You can find our departments staff and student services in O- and P-wing’s third floor. Student services’ office is P304.

Some of our staff has own working space in Otakaari 1. You can check each person’s contact information in

III Announcements

Guild Magazine Paperi looking for staff!

Hi, looking for new members to guild magazines editorial staff! If you are intrested in to write or draw something to the magazine please contact the editor in chief! Contact Annaleena Puska, or 0503095093

Guild’s Cardboard sales now in Aaltopahvi

The Guild of Architecture has ended its cardboard sales. You can find the cardboard you need in Aaltopahvi, Harald Herlin Learning Centre. Aaltopahvi contact info:, +358 401921132

ARTS is looking for project workers to

a study guidance pilot 1.10.-31.12.

Learning services ARTS is looking for two (2) project workers to a new Helping hand guidance pilot 1.10.2018-31.12.2018 with a possibility of continuance. Helping hand is a low-threshold meeting point for students. The pilot started 1.5.2018 on the Department of design and will now expand to other departments.

The applicant should be a MA-level student or a finishing a bachelor’s degree and continuing to master’s degree at ARTS and interested in student guidance. The responsibilities are working as a student advisor, running the meeting point and collecting data for development of the pilot. Working hours is approx. 5 hours a week with fixed times. This is a paid opportunity.

To apply send your free-form application by email to Planning officer Tiina Pylkkönen ( latest 24.9.2018.

Do you want your announce in the Weekly Digest?
Do you have any ideas for the Digest?

Please be in contact: