Weekly News – Week 7

Hey! Over the course of the next few days you can get many tips for summer jobs applications. Also, the sign-up for the springs most awesome cruise, the MAIK-cruise opens tomorrow!

Tue 16.2. Nuori arkkitehti yrittäjänä -seminaari
Tue 16.2. Ilmoittautuminen MAIK-risteilylle
Wed 17.2. Arkkarien Urailta
Fri 19.2. Opiskelijapalautetilaisuus
Fri 19.2. PerjantaiSäbä
Sat 20.2. Väärinymmärrettyjen sitsit ja sillis
Mon 22.2. Kiltapäiväkerho: KV-strategia

Tue 16.2. Nuori arkkitehti yrittäjänä -seminaari
This event is held in Finnish.
More information in Finnish on the event on Facebook.

Tue 16.2. Sign-up for the MAIK-cruise
It’s time for the traditional, annual MAIK-cruise! Gather your own cabin crew and take a cruise across the Baltic Sea with the guilds of Civil Engineering, Surveying, Mechanical Engineering and Architecture. On cruise there will be a bingo and some other activities that will specify later on. The cruise starts at 17:00 20nd of March and ends 10:30 22th of March.
Event and link to sign-up on Facebook.

Wed 17.2. Architects’ career night
How to land a (summer) job in the field of architecture and where can you start looking for one? What kind of skills do you need? And how do the different ”fields” of architecture actually differ from one another?
We’re aiming to answer all of these questions during the event, organized in co-operation with O-SAFA (Student subdivision of Finnish Architect’s Association) and Architecture Guild.
Event on Facebook.

Fri 19.2. Student feedback session
The Faculty of Architecture and the Guild of Architecture are arranging a feedback session based on the questionnaire made by SAFA. Among subject matters are students’ well-being and workload. The teaching staff are present, you should also come and offer your opinion. Some snacks are served. The session is Fri 19.2. at 11-13 at Miestentie, room 103.

Fri 19.2. PerjantaiSäbä / FridayFloorball
Come and join us to play some floorball at Unisport Otaniemi, Otahalli. We’ll meet in the entrance hall of Otahalli at 12.50 PM.
Event on Facebook.

ma 22.2. Kiltapäiväkerho: International strategy
Rosa Väisänen, AYY’s responsible for international students, will be giving a short introduction to the strategy for internationalisation. There will a workshop and discussion on the topic. The event is open to all guild members.
Event on Facebook.