Weekly Digest week 21





I Events

BYE BYE Miestentie 3 22.5.

Farewell party 25.5.

R.I.P. Kipsari 25.5.

ARTS Amnesty Day on 31.5.

Academic Quidditch World Cup 15.9.

II Studies

Summer course in co-operative values and principles I, 2.7.-12.8.

Last chance to apply to study abroad in Asia in 2018!

III Announcements

Rent a gardening allotment!


I Events


BYE BYE Miestentie 3 22.5.

We are leaving Miestentie 3! Join the departments of Media and Architecture and DADA and the Guild of Architecture to say goodbye to the wonderful office building within whose walls we have learned so many things and made many friends. Luckily the move is permanent, and our new facilities new and shiny.

There will be some drinks and food served, but BYOB if you’re really thirsty ❤


Miestentie cafeteria @ 1800 →

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/154442378743099/


Farewell party 25.5.

The semester is coming to an end and unfortunately it is time to say goodbye to some of our exchange students. After the final critiques join us all in the OK 20 in Otakaari 20 to celebrate the end of the year and the beginning of summer. The sauna is also warm so don’t forget to bring your towel!

Little snacks and drinks are served and you are also more than welcome to bring your own treats. The well equipped kitchen of is available for use. Please contact FLC Isabella Rauh if you are keen on cooking!

The event is open for all guild members. You are most welcome to join us whether you are an international or just internationally minded student. See you on Friday!

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/177428849631884/


R.I.P. Kipsari 25.5.

Death of Kipsari! The times in the basement of Arabia campus are now coming to an end. This means an end of an era so come celebrate this historic moment when Arabia’s Kipsari is throwing a party literally for the last time. On Friday 25.5. The restaurant will reve its last meals and in the evening the place will be filled with damn good music, TOKYO people, neighborhood regulars and the last night vibe. There will be four bands performing during the night: Kynnet, Turpakäräjät, Linkopii, Ikivirhe and the DJ of the night Juuso Tervo.

It is time to say farewell to the old Kipsari and to the Arabia campus and party before the end. In the fall we ill celebrate the rebirth of Kipsari in Otaniemi.

Ticket sales open on Wednesday 9.5. 12.00 and tickets can be bought from Kipsari in Arabia, Studio Kipsari in Otaniemi or online through Holvi https://holvi.com/shop/TOKYOry/. Tickets are 5e TOKYO members, 7e, students, 10e others. Be quick because there is a limited amount of tickets.

What: Kipsari’s last party in Arabia
Where: in the familiar location of Kipsari in the Hämeentie 135 E basement
When: Friday 25.5. 20.00-04.00
Why: One last time in Arabia

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/978345702336503/


ARTS Amnesty Day on 31.5.

To help you finish your uncompleted courses and leave for a summer job or well-deserved holiday with light shoulders, the School of Arts, Design and Architecture has decided to organize an ARTS-wide Amnesty Day on 31.5.2018.

On this day, you will be able to turn in any leftover work from courses undertaken this semester, so you can receive the credits for this academic year. Courses older than that may be returned at the responsible teacher’s discretion. If you have courses you would like to submit leftover work for on this day, please contact the teachers of the course as soon as possible, however by 24.5., to make sure they have time to prepare for the extra grading work.

If you have missed an exam, there is an ARTS General Examination date on Saturday, June 16th , where you may take the test. To enroll to take a test, please contact your teacher by 24.5.

In the future, we are improving the possibilities for students to plan their studies ahead by changing to a 2-year course planning period, collectively planning different courses’ deadlines not to overlap whenever possible, and providing better guidance for personal study planning (HOPS).

WHAT: Amnesty Day
WHEN: 31.5.2018
WHERE: Everywhere in ARTS
COST: A bit of work
WHY: By completing your unfinished courses you get a chill summer and a chill Kela!

We wish you a productive end of the spring and a joyful summer!


Academic Quidditch World Cup 15.9.

Last year succesfull World Cup is organised again in Silkkiniitty 15.9. More info as the event comes near. Write down the date and get your teams ready!

Rules can be found eg. on last year’s info pages https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/huispaus/academic-quidditch-world-cup/


II Studies


Summer course in co-operative values and principles I, 2.7.-12.8.

Course: CNS-P1 Co-operative values and principles I

Aim: At the end of the course the students have a fair understanding of what co-operative enterprises are and which values and principles they are built on. The students get acquainted with different types of co-operatives and with the ways these apply the co-operative values and principles in practice.

Content: In the course the history of modern cooperatives and their values and principles at both national and international levels are dealt with. The students learn how the cooperative values and principles originated and took shape during the 1900’s, how they evolved during the 2000’s and how they are reshaped to the demands of today’s global world. The study module ends with examples of cooperatives showing that they are not curiosities from the past, but that the challenges of the modern business environment can be answered by them.

Realization and methods: Web course in English (some exercises can be written in Finnish/Itsenäiset opiskelutehtävät voi kirjoittaa halutessaan suomeksi)

Credits: 5 cr
Students at Aalto University School of Economics in Helsinki and at the Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) are entitled to six credit points upon completion of additional tasks.

The course is free of charge to the students of the CNS university network.

Further information about the network and enrollment for the course:


Last chance to apply to study abroad in Asia in 2018!

Winter and spring have just swept by and summer is already knocking on the door!
If you feel like you’re a bit late to the party with your plans for studying abroad this year, worry not – there’s still some time to make that life-changing decision and make sure your autumn is filled with some academic adventures!
Even if a full-length study abroad semester doesn’t fit your plans right now, you can go for a much shorter summer school session in South Korea or Indonesia. It’s the perfect way to combine studying, earning academic credits and traveling within just a few weeks.
Below you can find a list of all the universities and programs for which the application deadline is just around the corner. Apply now and secure your place among other international students!

Easy application process – just fill out an electronic application form on our website and submit it with a few attachments. Find out more about the application process here.
Secured study place – Your study placement is guaranteed, as long as you fulfill the basic requirements for applicants
Confirmation even in one day – No waiting for weeks or months. You’ll get a confirmation of your study placement as quickly as in a day, or at most in a few days.
Apply together with friends – Best experiences are those you share with others. We make it possible to easily apply with a friend or a group of friends.
Affordable tuition fees – We have negotiated discounts for the tuition fees and strive to keep them as low as possible, to give as many students as possible the chance to take part in our programs. We also offer plenty of information about scholarships and other funding options on our website.
Information services – As a participant in our programs, you’ll get access to our comprehensive Asia Exchange Guides as well as orientation webinars. We’ll also answer all your questions within 24 hours except on weekends. You can find our contact

Our study abroad programs are meant for students who want to arrange their study abroad semester independently outside of their home institution’s bilateral exchange agreements, as a complementary option for these. All the courses in the programs are taught in English. It’s possible to earn up to 38 ECTS or 22 US credits per semester. If you’d like to get even more out of your study abroad period, it is also possible to apply for two semesters in one or two different destinations.

Find out more about study abroad destinations with application deadlines coming up in the next couple of weeks:

Seoul is equally known for its cutting-edge technological advancements as well as for its ancient Korean traditions and several UNESCO world heritage sites. South Korea is world-famous for its high educational standards and Seoul is ranked among the best student cities in the world. The high-quality study programs of the best international university in Korea, ideal location in the heart of East Asia, captivating cultural contrasts and the warmth of the local people have made Seoul a sought-after study abroad destination where only one semester is often just not enough.
Application deadline for Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul: May 31st

Taiwan in a booming commercial and hi-tech hub surrounded by a rich culture, natural wonders, great outdoors opportunities and some of the friendliest people on the planet. As one of the four Asian Tigers, Taiwan is one of the most important technological and economic centers in East Asia, and the living standards and quality of education are considerably high, which is why it has been attracting countless students and expats in the recent years. Taiwan is also ranked as the 2nd safest country in the whole world, surpassing even countries like Germany, Finland and Sweden.
Application deadline for Shih Chien University in Taipei, Taiwan: May 31st
Find out more & apply

Study abroad in Indonesia on one of the most beautiful islands in the world! Bali is not only a world-famous tourist hotspot known for its white sandy beaches, perfect waves and a rich cultural heritage, but it also attracts hundreds of adventurous students each year. Lombok, on the other hand, is ideal for those looking for unspoilt nature, tranquil atmosphere and a generous, communal spirit. Now, you also have the chance to study at one of the best universities of these regions and spend a semester in the heart of authentic Indonesian culture.
Application deadline for universities in Indonesia: May 31st (except Warmadewa University June 18th)
Find out more & apply:
Warmadewa University – Bali
Udayana University – Bali
Mataram University – Lombok

Whether you prefer life in one of the most iconic metropolises of the world or in a tropical paradise, Thailand has it all. Bangkok is a city of contrasts, endless discoveries and some of the best universities in South East Asia offering both exchange semesters as well as full degree studies. In contrast to Bangkok, in Phuket you will spend a semester in a true paradise setting on one of the most popular holiday islands in Asia. The high-quality study program at the oldest university in Southern Thailand and a variety of exotic free time activities guarantee an unforgettable semester! Phuket is also the ideal destination for those living abroad for the first time.
Application deadline for Siam University in Bangkok, Thailand (both BBA and MBA programs): May 31st
If for some reason a full semester is not feasible for you, but you still want to have the chance to study abroad in Asia, a shorter summer school session is an ideal solution. Within just one month, you will get to experience a whole new culture, learn the basics of a new language, gain friends from across the world and advance your academic studies. A summer program abroad will also show your future employers that you have made a productive use of your summer break. You can join the following international summer school programs organized in July/August 2018 at two of our prestigious partner universities.

Application deadline for summer schools: May 31st
HUFS International Summer Session – Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Seoul, South Korea)
Warmadewa International Summer Exchange (WISE) – Warmadewa University (Bali, Indonesia)

Asia Exchange is a study abroad organization dedicated to making studying abroad in Asia as easy and affordable as possible, for as many students as possible. For 10 years, we’ve helped 4000+ students just like you have life-changing experiences in some of the most fascinating, dynamic and globally ever-more important destinations in the world. We strongly believe Asia is the continent of the future, and that studying abroad in Asia is therefore one of the best possible investments you can make into your own personal and professional future as well. Find out more about Asia Exchange here.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us! We’ll get back to you in the next 24 hours max.

We wish you a great beginning of summer!

Best regards,
Pekka Pernu (Mr) | International Coordinator
pekka@asiaexchange.org | Tel. +358 40 837 3793


III Announcements


Rent a gardening allotment!

Wappu has been wappued and now it is time for the really important stuff: gardening (according a Chinese proverb) The Guild of Architecture has an allotment in Ossinlampi that will be divided in smaller bits that You can rent for the summer for a very cheap price. More information and the registration is in the form.☘️



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