Wappu has been declared and the sun is starting to shine, so now is a good time for long walks and the spring cleaning of our wonderful cabin. In the following weeks, there will also be a large selection of different sits, so dig out your black square and start singing!
Have a lovely evening,
Guild Publicist
I General
PIN codes are back – how to move on campus
Looking for additional committee members for the guild
II Events
Solve the SDG Aalto Ventures 22.3. – 24.3.
Thursday 21.3. Rainbow Sits!
Friday 22.3. Bunny Sitsi!
Saturday 23.3. CONCRETEPARTY
Friday – Sunday 22. – 24.3. Maja labour party
Wednesday 27.3. Misunderstood Sitsis
Tuesday 2.4. Time Travel Sitsit – Song Leader Seminar
III Other
11-24.3. SportsHopping
The run for TOKYO’s annual Spring Sales 2024 has started!
The year 2024 is Tempaus year
120 Hours 2024: April 1st – April 6th
I — General Announcements
PIN codes are back – how to move on campus
For Aalto community
We want to ensure safe and controlled access to the university premises. Starting from February 2024, a PIN code will be required to open the outer doors, when entering buildings, in the evenings after 22.00 and the early morning before 6.15. This includes all Aalto University buildings.
Read more Here.
PIN code is back from 1 February – how to move on campus | Aalto University
Looking for additional committee members for the guild
We are looking for volunteers especially for the following positions:
master consultant
welfare committee
sportklubb (sports committee)
Feel free to also join any other existing committees
Please contact our Community manager / Vice-chairman
Aino Roiha
Mail ak-varapuheenjohtjit@list.ayy.fi
TG @ainoskainen
II — Events
21.3. Rainbow Sits
Have you been craving sunny mimosas to brighten this gloomy weather? Don your most extravagant brunch outfits for breakfast-at-night! Join your fellow gays for a bubbly brunch-themed evening!
Ticket sales start on 7.3. at 15 on Kide! Make sure to mark the dates in your calendars
What: Rainbow Sits
Where: OK20 upstairs
When: 21.3. Doors open 17:30, sits start at 18
Cost: 15€
Dress code: Brunch Elegance

22.3. Bunny Sitsi!
Are you tired of the dark winter days? As spring is approaching, stay all ears, because the Bunny Sitsi is around the corner!
It’s time to hop into the spring with us, so grab your friends and put on your best bunny ears. Come join us on the 22nd of March in OK20 at the Bunny Sitsi to celebrate the end of winter.
Spend the night singing and having fun, while enjoying the 3 course meal included in the 12€ ticket!
The sign-up sheet can be found through this link: https://forms.gle/52pVFuiPER164hmy9
What: Bunny Sitsit
DC: Bunnies (or Vappu jackets)
Date: Friday, March 22nd
– Cocktail hour begins at 18:00
– Sitsi begins 19:00
Location: OK20 Upstairs
Event ticket: 12 € (15 € for non-NuDe members)
(Tickets must be paid for before the event, until the 20th of March)
If you have any questions contact us via Telegram @justinemzrs or @annaakisss
Hi there! We TF phuxes wish you a warm welcome to a fairly new tradition, and this year’s most thrilling event, that is BETONIBILEET 2024!
Betonibileet offers a rare chance to see TF’s party culture with your own eyes! Yes, you understood this correctly – Täffä does not only serve Otaniemi’s legendary spaghetti, we also offer you a unique chance to take over the dance floor and travel in time!Now is the time to pull out your dad’s shirt from the 80s or why not fulfill your childhood dreams by travelling into the future?
WHAT? Betonibileet (TF-phuxes’ party to EVERYONE)
WHEN? Saturday 23.3. 20:00→
WHERE? Teknologföreningen, Otakaari 22
PRICE? 10 € (including an overall patch), more info about the KIDE-sale coming soon…
DC? Put on something that takes you forward or backwards in time: maybe 1300s, 1980s, 2800s?
Follow Betonibileet’s TG-channel: https://t.me/betonibileet2024
And IG-account: @betonibileet for more info (+ surprise giveaway )
Note! We have a legal bar – don’t bring your own drinks! Quench your thirst at our bar instead ;)
What are you waiting for? Pull out your calendar, because on Saturday the 23rd of March it is TIME!
See you then!;D

22.3. – 24.3. Maja labour party
Now is the time to register for the Maja Labour Party that will be held this following weekend! Welcome to work to Maja in a good company <3
The purpose is to do various tasks on Friday and Saturday. Work will be done during daylight. One warm meal is served per day. You can come for a quick visit or stay for the whole weekend! In addition to chores there will be a sauna and some relaxing, which means you’ll forget even the worst school stresses ;)
Fuksis! Remember that from Maja Labour Party you can get a point on your fuksi pointcard!
WHAT?: Maja Labour Party
WHEN?: this weekend, 22.-24.3.
WHERE?: Metsäkalliontie 46, so in Architecture Guilds’ Maja
WHY?: Because Maja is the BEST
<3: Majava (if you have any questions, message me @ronjakarvonen!)

27.3. Misunderstood sitsis
Lights! Camera! Action!
Dive into the vibrant world of cinema as the year’s fanciest Misunderstood sitsis are here! With the smell of popcorn wafting over Otaniemi, you know you’re in the right place, on your way to the flashing sea of cameras and the sparkle of sequins. Whether you’re a superstar on the silver screen ready to take your star to the Walk of Fame or a supporting actor just starting out your career, there’s room for everyone at this Hollywood celebration.
Dress up in a cocktail outfit appropriate for Hollywood’s hottest night outs and pair it with accessories to match your own guild’s genre, which you can see below. On Wednesday 27 March, the red carpet will lead party-goers into the heart of Smökki, where the spotlights will be turned on and the cocktail event will begin at 18:00. At 18.30, the party-goers will move to the tables and the glittering evening can begin. The registration for the celebration begins in Prodeko’s ilmokilke (https://ilmo.prodeko.org/en/event/2024-3-27-vaarinymmarretyt) on 15.3. at 12.00
The film genres for the guilds:
The Guild of Architecture – romance
Athene – western
NuDe – crime
Prodeko – horror
Once the registration closes, the registration is binding and the registrant is obliged to pay the entry fee. The event will follow AYY’s safer space policy.
In questions please contact @isaentae on telegram
What: Misunderstood sitsis
Where: in Smökki
When: 27.3. The cocktail event at 18.00, sitsis start at 18.30
DC: Cocktail + film genre
Why: Glitz and glamour in the middle of everyday life

2.4. Time Travel Sitsit – Song Leader Seminar
Is 2024 boring you? Have you always dreamt of the 2080s or the Medieval Golden Age but don’t own a time machine?
Join us in defying the laws of physics and embark on a time adventure with LuTku’s Time Travel Sitsit! The sitsit will be held in OK20 upstairs on Tuesday 2.4. We start warming up the time machine at 18:00 and the journey starts at 18:30. To avoid causing any major temporal paradoxes, dress according to your time travel experience (study years), as listed below:
7+ = Cambrian
6 = Stone age
5 = Antiquity
4 = Medieval era
3 = Renaissance
2 = 1900–1989
1 = Year 3000
Registration begins on Kide.app (https://kide.app/events/b3d03a0f-146c-4195-af6b-a587562fb1ff) on Tuesday 19th of March at 12:00 and closes on 26th of March at 23:59. The 50 fastest time travelers are able to join this adventure.
WHAT: Time Travel Sitsit – Song Leader Seminar
WHERE: OK20 upstairs
WHEN: Tue 2.4. at 18 →
WHY: Sitsit for song culture enjoyers
DC: listed above!
PRICE: 16 €
III — Other

11-24.3. SportsHopping
Have you forgotten your New Year’s resolution to get a gym membership? Doesn’t the gray slush outside inspire you to go for a jog?
Don’t worry! Aava’s Sports and Wellbeing Committee is here to help and is once again organising the popular SporttiApprot. We now invite you and other Aalto members to rediscover your motivation for exercise through a variety of sports try-outs!
The try-outs last for about one hour and are held over a two-week period, so the most enthusiastic participants have time to try out several sports.
Also join our Telegram group (t.me/+jtDk-NPVlTxjMWRk).
The group provides more information on the try-outs and notifies you of the available places!
P.S. If the joy of exercise alone is not enough to get you off the couch, it’s still worth signing up for the try-outs to get the amazing overall badge!
WHAT? Sports try-outs
WHEN? 11–24 Mar 2023 (2 weeks)
WHERE? Otaniemi/Helsinki

The year 2024 is Tempaus year
The eight-year wait is over. The rumours are true – the year 2024 is Tempaus year!
Tempaus harnesses the collective power of students to inform the public about issues that students consider important and topical. The last Tempaus took place in 2016, with the aim of raising the importance of basic education to a national debate.
Tempaus 2024 is aimed at the entire Aalto community, regardless of the year or field of study. More information about the theme and practicalities will be announced during the spring. Follow our information channels to stay updated!
Telegram: @tempaus2024
Instagram: @ayy_fi
Website: www.tempaus.fi
Contact: tempaus@ayy.fi

Spring is in the air and the run for TOKYO’s annual Spring Sales 2024 has started!
The first round of table bookings begins today 12:15! Head to our kide.app page (https://kide.app/events/dc22e075-4381-4c31-b176-302c5ef878e1) and book yourself a table to show off and sell your artworks on our great grand spring sales on the 4th and 5th of May. The spring sales are for TOKYO members, so remember to buy or renew your membership through this kide.app link if you haven’t already. (https://kide.app/memberships/8c7e8716-77e4-4a2f-895a-a18eee229742)
(https://kide.app/events/dc22e075-4381-4c31-b176-302c5ef878e1)The price of a two-day table booking is 35€ for students and 60€ for alumni.
(https://kide.app/events/dc22e075-4381-4c31-b176-302c5ef878e1)Additionally, this year we’re providing space for TOKYO members to sell their non-art stuff in a separate second-hand section! The booking price for a second-hand table is 15€ for one day and 25€ for two days.
(https://kide.app/events/dc22e075-4381-4c31-b176-302c5ef878e1)Didn’t get a table today? No problem, you have another chance next week, at 27.3. noon.
More details are on our spring sales’ kide.app page. (https://kide.app/events/dc22e075-4381-4c31-b176-302c5ef878e1)

120 Hours 2024: April 1st – April 6th
Calling all students,
120 hours is the world’s largest architectural competition for students, by students. Every spring since 2011 we
publish an assignment for students around the globe to complete and submit within 120 hours. In our busiest
years we receive 700+ entries from over 70 countries, exhibited and reviewed by a proficient, uniquely
assembled jury. Previous jury members include Christian Kerez, Ellen van Loon, Dagur Eggerston and Jorge
Otero-Pailos, to name a few.
The 2024 edition of the competition will be posted on https://www.120hours.no/, April 1st at 2 PM UTC +02.00.
The deadline for entering is 120 hours later – April 6th at 2 PM UTC +02.00. Submissions can be done solo or in
teams consisting of up to three students. Collectively, all submissions make up a public exhibition at the old
Munch Museum in Oslo.
Winners will be awarded with cash prizes of NOK 30 000 (1st place), NOK 15 000 (2nd place) and NOK 7500
(3rd place).
Follow us on instagram to receive news and hints on the competition: https://www.instagram.com/120hours/.
More information can be found at https://www.120hours.no/.
5 days. 120 hours. 7200 minutes. 432 000 seconds. That is all the time you have to show us what you’ve got.
Open for students from all over the world.
Inquiries: contact@120hours.no / instagram DM to @120hours.