Elections for next years actives are happening right now! Come and meet the actives today at the Guildroom at 6pm, and find out about all the posts and what kind of things actives do.
See you guys there! Netta |
CONTENTSI EventsAsk the actives 28.10. II Pastime activities
I Events
What does the Guild do? What are the board members and other guild officials up to? What could YOU do in the Guild in 2020?
The year is coming to its end and it is time to elect new people to run the Guild. Come and listen to past year’s actives and find out your future Guild career in the Election Info: Ask the actives on Monday 28th of October at 6PM! Don’t forget the Candidate Eve on the 11th of November and the Election Meeting on the 13th of November! And everything about the election can be found here: https://arkkitehtikilta.fi/?page_id=6733 Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1390514244448822/ |
AYY Representative Council Elections voting period starts today at 12.00!
What the RepCo actually does and why your vote counts? Come to hear more and meet LUOVA candidates to the Guildroom on Monday 28th October at 12-13. Coffee & Snacks are served☕️ Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/651721235351397/ TL;DR |
Have you been dreaming of wall climbing? So has AK Sportklubb and we’re taking the guild members wall climbing for 5 euros at Boulderkeskus Espoo. Registration opens October 21st 12:00 for the first 20 people so be fast! Shoe rent (3€) is free for first timers.
Common leave from guild room at 17:10 WHAT: Wall climbing/bouldering Event on Facebookissa: https://www.facebook.com/events/2761649660565059/ |
Come and join in to the legendary and truly anticipated Finland Excursion of The Guild of Architecture. During this excursion we’ll have the chance to see the most inspiring firms and some breathtaking architecture and landscapes. When signing up to this excursion, the only thing you can be sure about is that you’ll sleep the worst night’s sleep of the year and have the absolute best and most bizarre experiences.
The journey starts the 22th of November at 8.45 in front of the main entrance of the Undergraduate Centre in Otaniemi and ends the following day at 19-ish o’clock. The only things you need bring besides yourself are stuff you need to stay overnight and crazy spontaneous spirit. The registration for this excursion will be opened on Wednesday 30.10. at 12. There are only 29 seats on the bus, so sign up fast! WHAT? The Finland excursion of the guild of architecture Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1390144654476870/ |
The darkness has fallen over Otaniemi, and the delinquents have found their way to Smökki with their catch. The masked group is just about to open up the confined treasures, when suddenly something interrupts the moonlight. The criminals are not alone. The good forces have arrived. What will happen when the evildoers face their punishment?
Decide on your inner morals and arrive at Smökki together with the Guild of Architecture, Kannunvalajat and Rakennusarkkitehtikilta on thursday 21.11. at 18:30. Are you a superhero or a supervillain? Will you side with the good or the evil? The ticket sale ( to the event starts on 31.10. at 12:00 in the kide.app (https://kide.app) and will act as the sign up to the event. The sign up will be binding when the ticket is purchased, but you can sell the ticket in kide.app to another person. The ticket will cost 16 euros and does not include the service fee of 0,40 euros. It is recommended to sign up for the app beforehand. WHAT: Good vs. Evil sitsit Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2414670435484585/ |
Hee-a-hoy! Release the anchor and let’s head out to sea! Autumn Holiday is only a distant memory and Christmas party season is already knocking on the door. Neon lights and trip to South in the best company will brighten up the darkening fall evenings!MAIK x KIK 24h cruise sitsit party starts with boarding on Sat 16th of Nov at 18.30 at Otakaari 20 Small side. After boarding the sitsit party will start at Otakaari 20 upstairs with hitting the gong at 19.00. After sitsit party the night will continue with good old karaoke and Atlantis Palace night club. After midnight it is time to climb to the Moonlight Bar at Deck 12. Rain and cold won’t catch those who purchases the Naughty or Nice -suite package as they may enjoy the night at the upstairs guesthouse suite. The suite package includes an exclusive cocktail party for the suite guests that starts already at 18.00. When the sun rises the next morning it is time to set the course back home. Journey back home couldn’t be spent more lusciously than in our spa area with marvelous delicacies. Be quick as there won’t be many tickets on sale. Sign up begins on Fri 1st of Nov at 12.00 and closes on Fri 8th of Nov after which it becomes binding. Link to the sign up will be published later. Each Guild (AK, IK, MK & KIK) has 20 persons quota for the sitsit party. The Naughty or Nice -suite is available for the 20 first enrollee despite the guild. WHAT: MAIK x KIK 24h cruise sitsit party |
Cold wind blows, the snow is crunching beneath your boots and northern lights shine in the night sky. Teekkaritraditionsweek begins with the most elegant, the most festive and the overall finest Academic Table Party of the whole Freshman year. On Monday Night Servinmökki will give it’s best inspired by the wildness of the arctic and ruthless beauty of the glacier. It will be a night with plenty of singing, accompanied with delicious dishes and grandiose performances. However, a seat at these tables is not to be taken for granted.As You Freshmen are so great in numbers, there won’t be enough seats for everybody unfortunately. That’s why the signup will be a more than equal, traditional physical queue. Tickets for the Table Party starts at 8:15 a.m. on Tuesday morning 15th October, and the early penguin gets the herring. If you want to make sure you get your ticket, it’s good to be at the queue quite early (and remember to take warm clothing with you!).This Table Party is meant for freshmen from associations of technology only. The event will be held in Finnish.WHAT: Freshmen’s Festive Table Party WHERE: Ticketsale is at the Bachelor Center, Cocktail event at X and the Table Party in Servinmökki WHEN: Ticketsale starting 8:15 a.m. 15th October, Main Event starting 4th November COST: xx € DRESSCODE: Dark suit / Cocktail dress THEME: Arctic Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/443180313214696/ |
Teekkaritraditionweek 2-9 Nov 2019
Teekkaritraditionweek is here again! Teekkarius (“being a student of technology”) celebrates its 147th anniversary with a journey around the world. Teekkaritraditionweek offers an opportunity to celebrate teekkaritradition, regardless of your study field or study year. Teekkaritraditionweek is celebrated on 2-9 Nov 2019. Events mainly take place in week 45 but we start with a Club Night already on Saturday, 2 Nov 2019. More information on the events and programme of Teekkaritraditionweek can be found at https://www.teekkarius147.ayy. |
Teekkaritraditionparty 8 Nov and Teekkarisillis 9 Nov
The highlight of the Teekkaritraditionweek, the Teekkaritraditionparty, will be organised at Dipoli on Friday, 8 Nov 2019. Tickets cost EUR 85 for students and EUR 110 for alumni. More information on Teekkaritraditionparty on Facebook. Registration opens at 12noon on 9 Oct 2019 at https://www.teekkarius147.ayy.fi. Teekkaritraditionweek closes on Saturday, 9 Nov, with Teekkarisillis (“herring breakfast”). You can sign up for Teekkarisillis in connection with the Teekkaritraditionparty. If there are tickets left, ticket sales will be announced separately. Teekkaritraditionparty on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1789100994568444/ |
II Pastime activities
This fall, the sports committee organizes Healthyappro, during which nine different sports associations present themselves by organizing nine different sports events. These events will be organized starting from September and lasting until November and after every event, there will also be a possibility for the participants to hangout with the other participants and representatives of the sports associations and enjoy a warm sauna as well as free snacks! All these sports events are free and open for all the students of Aalto! The sign up is now open for event organized by Aalto-Volley, which is on 2.11! Sign up: https://lomake.ayy.fi/ More information about Healthyappro: https://www. |
This fall, the sports committee organizes Healthyappro, during which nine different sports associations present themselves by organizing nine different sports events. These events will be organized starting from September and lasting until November and after every event, there will also be a possibility for the participants to hangout with the other participants and representatives of the sports associations and enjoy a warm sauna as well as free snacks! All these sports events are free and open for all the students of Aalto! The sign up is now open for event organized by FC Kissat, which is on 8.11! Sign up: https://lomake.ayy.fi/ More information about Healthyappro: https://www. |
Teekkari song contest 2019 has begun! These nearly epic singing revelries are where the most clever wordsmiths and euphonious poets are separated from the chaff.
This year has four different divisions: 1) previously non-presented songs 2) previously presented songs 3) freshmen division 4) International-division. One person / team can participate in several divisions with several songs. Participation is possible with a song written after last year’s Song competition sitsit (6.11.2018). Songs can be entered to the contest until Friday 1.11.
The winners are chosen at Teekkari Tradition Weeks Song Contest Sitsis on Tuesday 5.11. Sitsis begin at Otakaari 20s big side at 18.30 and the doors are opened at 18.
Songs can be entered through the following form:
What: Song Contest Sitsis
Where: OK20 big side
When: 5.11 at 18
Price: 12e
Sign up for the sitsit:
Sign up for the competition: https://docs.google.com/forms/
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