This week I am going to start this fortnightly newsletter by announcing some good and bad news:
Let me start with the latter, which is as follows: This day marks the day for the last forthcoming Weekly Digests as is. The good news is that all guild members will still get all information regarding future events and studies-related news by other means of social media, just in a slightly different form. While the concept for this new era of Weekly Digests is still under way, I can personally promise you that I along with the rest of the Guild Board will figure out a way to reach as many of you as possible with a more neatly packed array of events and announcements for every coming week.
Although new winds are blowing I haven’t completely forgotten about this little blog of mine and there indeed will be a recipe included at the end of this issue. It is especially dedicated to those of you with direct or indirect access to an apple tree just like yours truly, because autumn is objectively the season of soup and pies, and I had way too many apples in my kitchen for my own good.
I wish for your room to be filled with the lovely smell of cinnamon,
Guild Publicist
I General
PIN codes are back – how to move on campus
Apply for the Acknowledgement committee of the Guild of Architecture!
II Events
19.9. AK Freshmen Sitsit
26.9. – 29.9. Finland Excu – Extended Remix
30.9. Otatarhan Ajot
30.9. Lakinlaskijaiset
20.9. Architecture Guild Autumn Sailing
6.9. – 3.10. Designs for a cooler planet festival in Marsio
III Other
The legendary Product Development Project (PdP) course is coming again!
PIK Introductory flights 2024
Tempaus 2024: 21.10. – 27.10.
Publicist’s recommendation ♥ Vegan apple pie recipe <3
I — General Announcements
LINK TO KIDE.APP: https://kide.app/memberships/65fffe59-10e7-4c03-8aea-acc396e642f6
Hello guildmate! You can become a member of the Architecture Guild through Kide.App. In the link you can find more information and you can buy a membership for the coming academic year!
If you have any questions regarding the membership, contact the guild’s facilities and accommodation manager:
Come pick up your work from Väre room J302!
On September 9, a final cleaning will be organized in the room, in which student help is highly encouraged. If you are working / have worked in the space, remember to check that any unfinished work you have is labelled with a name and date. Anonymous works will be thrown away.
PIN codes are back – how to move on campus
For Aalto community
We want to ensure safe and controlled access to the university premises. Starting from February 2024, a PIN code will be required to open the outer doors, when entering buildings, in the evenings after 22.00 and the early morning before 6.15. This includes all Aalto University buildings.
Read more Here.
PIN code is back from 1 February – how to move on campus | Aalto University
Apply for the Acknowledgement committee of the Guild of Architecture!
Acknowledgements will be given during Wähäjoulu, but in order to give thanks, we need a group to find those worth the thanks. The committee is at is best when it represents the diversity of the Guild, all fields and years represented! You might be the exact person we need to share your knowledge of the amazing people of our Guild!The committee year spans from October 2024 to September 2025. The committee meets at least twice. The deadline for the application is Sunday Sep 29, after which the Board of the Guild of Architecture names the new Acknowledgement committee based on the suggestion of the previous year’s committee. The new committee will start their run in a couple weeks after being selected. Apply here: https://forms.gle/2hqUTPQmTGFgfgsG9
II — Events
Thursday 19.9. AK Freshmen Sitsit
Are you one whose heart has always beat for the sea? Did you dream of becoming a Sea Captain (BSc) when you were young? Do you feel like you’re the Jack Sparrow of your own life?
No worries! You now have the chance to fulfill your maritime dreams at the Fuksisitsit hosted by the Architecture Guild, where Smökki will set sail with ARK’24 onboard—that’s you! So come join us as we drift towards the horizon and get introduced to the sitsi culture in a seafaring setting. The evening will culminate in swaying afterparty somewhere beyond the horizon!
Your travel companions will be the seasoned ISOs and BIGs, who will sit by your side at the sitsitables.
What? AK’s Freshman Sitsit
When? 19.9. at 18:00
Where? Servin Mökki
Friday 20.9. Architecture Guild Autumn Sailing
The weather has cleared up, and the guild’s sailing masters are once again headed out to the sea! This time we’ll sail both trips on Friday the 20th of September, first one leaving from Haukilahti to Särkkä at 3 pm, the second one leaving from Särkkä at 8 pm. All the other details of the event are as previously announced. The new sign-up form will open on Thursday at 12 https://forms.gle/QPNqtnxooWgoZyof9
30.9. Lakinlaskijaiset
Cool autumn winds blow from the North, guiding the festive crowd toward the warmth of Dipoli and the magnificent Lakinlaskijaiset on September 30th! Don’t miss out on these legendary festivities —come listen to the evening’s dazzling artists and lower your Teekkari cap with friends!
Join the event telegram here: https://t.me/lakinlaskijaiset
6.9. – 3.10. Designs for a cooler planet festival in Marsio
Experience tomorrow – Welcome to Marsio!
The Designs for a Cooler Planet festival is one of the three main events of Helsinki Design Week. The festival’s exhibitions will be showcased on campus and in the new Marsio building from 6 September to 3 October, 2024. Information about open events and guided tours will be available at the beginning of August on Cooler Planet’s main page.
The Marsio building, set to open in the heart of the Otaniemi campus in September, is a tribute to the creative pioneer, architect, designer, entrepreneur and Aalto alumna Aino Marsio-Aalto. Aino and Alvar Aalto’s architectural firm triumphed in the Otaniemi site plan design competition in 1949.
III — Other
PIK Introductory flights 2024
Have you always wanted to pilot an aircraft, but don’t know how? The students’ flying club PIK organizes glider and motor glider introductory flights this September. Everyone interested in sports aviation is welcome to join. Theory sessions on Thu 19.9. and Thu 26.9., 18:00-20:00. Flights on Sat 21.9. (in English) and Sat 28.9. (in Finnish). Sign up and more information on our website.
Polyteknikkojen Ilmailukerho ry (PIK)
Tempaus 2024: 21.10. – 27.10.
The Tempaus Command of the Engineer with a sturdy beard, Sheryl Tokyo, and Kunniamursu was read at Aalto Open Air and the Declaration of Wappu Madness. The theme of Tempaus is now clear: increasing the appreciation of volunteer work in Finland.
As the economy tightens, workplace productivity has become increasingly crucial. Nevertheless, we should not forget about work for which you cannot set a price. Volunteer work cuts across the entire Finnish society and has been evident in the community spirit throughout history. It also holds significant value. It is ultimately about caring for others and genuine altruism, which are also reflected in small daily acts. Many of us engage in volunteer work by donating blood, cleaning up litter from nature, or participating in sports club activities. In our view, volunteer work today does not receive the appreciation it deserves in society.
We invite the entire Aalto community to pay attention to all the volunteer work being done in Finland. Let’s bring up everyone’s efforts together! The preliminary dates for Tempaus are 21–27 Oct, when we will mobilise in large numbers to campaign within cooperative associations.
Telegram: @tempaus2024
Instagram: @ayy_fi
Website: www.tempaus.fi
Contact: tempaus@ayy.fi

Publicist’s recommendation ♥ Vegan apple pie recipe
Original recipe: Kaurainen omenapiirakka – Resepti (kotikokki.net)
I made a spicier vegan version of this and left out the crumbs so the flavour of the apples wouldn’t be overshadowed. The pictures show the wonderful and very delicious result being tasted. Many thanks to my assistants Aino and Maija, and to Jasmin for the stunning arrangement of the apples <333)
100 g margarine
1 vegan egg, I used 1 tbsp chia seeds / 1 tbsp water, but e.g. applesauce works also
1½ dl oatmeal
½ dl sugar
1½ dl wheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp cardamom
1 tsp vanilla sugar
5 apples
Mix together the soft margarine, chia egg or applesauce, sugar, spices oatmeal, wheat flour and baking powder. Press the dough into a greased round pie pan with the help of flour. Slice the apples and place them nicely on top of the dough.
Bake the pie at 200 degrees for approx. 25 min