Hello, and happy new year!
I hope the holidays have been relaxing and you are ready for an eventful spring. I wish you a very warm welcome into this cold January and hope you’ll be following the guild’s activities throughout the spring. I am now ready to fill the boots of my predecessor Moby with these weekly digests and will follow in their footsteps in the deep snow.
In the near future, weekly digests will be published every two weeks, as usual, and you will hear from me again on January 23rd. Until then, enjoy the upcoming events and the slightly warmer weather than last week.
See you on campus,
Guild Publicist
I General Announcements
Reminder for joining the guild through Kide.App
Starting this year there is only paid parking in Otaniemi
Looking for additional committee members for the guild
II Events
tuesday 16.1. – Winter Day Orienteering
wednesday 17.1. – SIK <3 AK Barbiesits
thursday 18.1. – Summer Job Day 2024
III Interesting Exhibitions
Free evenings at EMMA (Espoo’s Museum of Modern Art)
Fridays at 15:00 – 19:00
Katarina Reuter’s and Yrjö Kukkapuro’s exhibitions on display
until January 28.
IV Job Offers
Metsä Group summer jobs 2024
I — General Announcements
Reminder about joining the guild through Kide.App
The Architect Guild’s email lists will be updated during 2024 and only members who have paid the membership fee will be added to the new mailing lists.
You can find the page by scanning the QR-code here, or by typing ”Arkkitehtikillan jäsenyys” in the application search bar.

Starting this year there is only paid parking in Otaniemi
The pilot project will start on the campus on January 1, 2024
Parking practices in the Otaniemi campus area will be unified at the turn of the year | Aalto university
Otaniemi campus area parking practices to be harmonised at the turn of the year | Aalto University
Looking for additional committee members for the guild
We are looking for volunteers especially for the following positions:
master consultant
alumni representative
welfare committee
sportklubb (sports committee)
Feel free to join any other existing committees as well!
Please contact our Community manager / Vice-chairman
Aino Roiha
Mail ak-varapuheenjohtjit@list.ayy.fi
TG @ainoskainen
II — Events
16.1. Winter Day
Maybe you’d like to know more about chess, wine tasting or downhill skiing? Grab your overalls and your friends for one of the grandest checkpoint rallies in Otaniemi. Nearly a hundred different clubs and associations take part in the event, so you’ll surely find something interesting for you and get to shop patches for your overalls.
After the checkpoints there’ll be open saunas in Otaniemi and later on an afterparty at Smökki .
WHAT: Winter day – orienteering
WHERE: Otaniemi campus area
WHEN: 16.1. from 14:30 to 17:30, afterparty at Smökki from 20.30
DC: warm clothing, overalls
WHY: get to know the activities of different associations, collect overalls badges and have fun in the snowy Otaniemi
See you at Winter Day!
17.1. SIK <3 AK Barbiesitsit
Hi SIK! Hi AK! Are the thick coats starting to weigh on your shoulders, and winter shoes causing discomfort? Craving bright colors in the gloom of winter?
Forget the darkness of January because pink is the new black! So, head towards Otakaari 20 on 17.1. in your pinkest outfit from the depths of your wardrobe to enjoy a ride even more exciting than Barbie’s Corvette.
WHAT: SIK x AK Barbie Sits
WHERE: Otakaari 20
WHEN: 17.1. starting at 18:00, the gong at 18:30
PRICE: 15€
DC: Barbie
WHY: Slayy
Registration to Barbie sitsis has been opened!! Few spaces left!!
More info here (https://sahkoinsinoorikilta.fi/events/454). Registration closes 13.1., after which it will be binding.
18.1. Summer Job Day 2024
Welcome to the fair to look for summer jobs in your field!
Summer Job Day 2024 will be organized as a live event in the main lobby of the Kandidaattikeskus (Otaniemi) on two floors on Thursday 18 January 2024 from 11 am to 5 pm!
A CV and LinkedIn clinic and summer job information are available before the live fair. The clinics are organized virtually, and you have to register for them (registration opens on JobTeaser on Wednesday 10 January at 12 noon). There is no need to register for the live event.
More detailed information about the event can be found on JobTeaser.
Aalto JobTeaser!
Summer Job Day 2024 | Aalto University

III — Interesting Exhibitions
Free evenings at EMMA (Espoo’s Museum of Modern Art)
Fridays at 15:00 – 19:00
Katarina Reuter’s and Yrjö Kukkapuro’s exhibitions are still on display until January 28.
More information about current exhibitions at EMMA, as well as opening hours and prices:
Exhibitions on display | EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art (emmamuseum.fi)

IV — Job Offers
Metsä Group summer jobs 2024
What kind of a job motivates you? A fun and encouraging team, meaningful work or decent wages? A summer job at Metsä Group offers you all this. A summer at Metsä Group is an excellent springboard for your career. It offers a good overview of the forest industry and the opportunity to work for a sustainable future – with a great group of people. Continuous product development and innovation are key elements of our business. We offer diverse and responsible summer jobs all over Finland.
You can develop your skills in areas such as production, sourcing and logistics, production planning, technical marketing, IT or customer service.
Apply for summer jobs by 29 February 2024.