Weekly News March 30th

Tuesday jog with Engineering students

Join the Guilds of Architecture, Civil Engineers, Electrical Engineering and Chemistry for a Tuesday jog!

Guild Coffee – PAPERI release!

Join for a coffee on Thursday, on April the 2nd, between 11 and 13 in Miestentie 3 and come and get your copy of this year’s first issue of PAPERI, the Guild magazine.

The Guild of Architecture and the Kannunvalajat present: Where we once went vol. 2

Where we once went sends Kannunvalajat and the Guild of Architecture once again on an adventure around Helsinki city! Mixed teams will be sped up with a bottle of culture, so just follow the map and be prepared to have fun! The journey begins by the Parliament house and will reach its climax at an after-party at the New Student House (Uusi ylioppilastalo). Signing up starts on Tuesday the 31st at 12 pm here: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/59897/lomake.html. Put on your overalls and come and get to know amazing people across disciplines!

REMINDER: Cafe Lingua – Magical Mystery Tour

Get ready to meet fellow wizards and sorceresses in our next Café Lingua on the 31st of March, when Mosaic’s cozy little coven welcomes you for a magical evening at the OK20 in mystical Otaniemi. The doors will open at 6 pm. so be there to hear the latest legends and enjoy our delicious concoctions.

WHAT: Mosaic’s Cafe Lingua – Magical Mystery Tour
WHEN: Tuesday, March 31st from 6 pm. till late
WHERE: Otakaari 20, Otaniemi
HOW MUCH: Free of charge
WHY: Wizardry and witchcraft for everyone!

REMINDER: Mosaic Running Dinner

Running Dinner is a concept of cooking, meeting people and partying in the end. You will have the opportunity to enjoy a three-course meal while meeting 12 new people during one evening, only for a price of the meal you cook. In teams of two, participants prepare one dish, either an appetizer, main dish or dessert, and enjoy the rest of the dinner at two different places. There is no admission fee, but every team should aim to spend approximately 16 € on their course, drinks not included.

WHAT: Mosaic’s Running Dinner
WHEN: Monday 13/04, 7 pm till late
WHERE: Dinner around Otaniemi, afterparty at Otakaari 20
HOW MUCH: No admission fee, 16€/team for the food
WHY: Enjoy a three-course dinner with 12 (guest) stars!
SIGN-UP: https://lomake.ayy.fi/mosaic/running-dinner/

Coming up in April:

Guild coffee with the company WSP on April 9th