Weekly Digest week 22




The Board of the Guild of Architecture has held the last meeting of the study year. It’s time for Summer Siesta and the last Weekly Digest of spring semester! However, You shouln’t miss all the great events before autumn semester starts including Guild’s Summer days 3.-5.8. At the Cottage or MAIK head start 24.-26.8.!

Wishing You a joyful summer




I Events

ARTS Amnesty Day on 31.5.

Summer Kiljava 15.-17.6.

Guild’s Summer days 3.-5.8.

MAIK head start 24.-26.8.

Academic Quidditch World Cup 15.9.

II Studies

Summer course in co-operative values and principles I, 2.7.-12.8.

III Announcements

Rent a gardening allotment!


I Events


ARTS Amnesty Day on 31.5.

To help you finish your uncompleted courses and leave for a summer job or well-deserved holiday with light shoulders, the School of Arts, Design and Architecture has decided to organize an ARTS-wide Amnesty Day on 31.5.2018.

On this day, you will be able to turn in any leftover work from courses undertaken this semester, so you can receive the credits for this academic year. Courses older than that may be returned at the responsible teacher’s discretion. If you have courses you would like to submit leftover work for on this day, please contact the teachers of the course as soon as possible, however by 24.5., to make sure they have time to prepare for the extra grading work.

If you have missed an exam, there is an ARTS General Examination date on Saturday, June 16th , where you may take the test. To enroll to take a test, please contact your teacher by 24.5.

In the future, we are improving the possibilities for students to plan their studies ahead by changing to a 2-year course planning period, collectively planning different courses’ deadlines not to overlap whenever possible, and providing better guidance for personal study planning (HOPS).

WHAT: Amnesty Day
WHEN: 31.5.2018
WHERE: Everywhere in ARTS
COST: A bit of work
WHY: By completing your unfinished courses you get a chill summer and a chill Kela!

We wish you a productive end of the spring and a joyful summer!


Summer Kiljava 15.-17.6.

The summer Kiljava assembly has long traditions among Finnish architecture students. This is the first time the Finnish architecture students are inviting nordic students to join their summer assembly. We hope that you find the time to come to Finland and celebrate the beautiful Finnish summer with us!

– Student SAFA

Read more and enroll!

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/122581408597087/


Guild’s Summer days 3.-5.8.

Guild’s Summer days on the Cottage are here again! Please write down the time to your calendar not to miss all the fun! More info will be released on the Facebook-group nearer to the event.


MAIK head start 24.-26.8.

Get your calendars and pens! The academic year of Surveyors (MK), Architects (AK) and Civil Engineering (IK) students starts as always at MAIK head start. Remember to write down the time to your calendar. More info to be released on Facebook nearer to the event!


Academic Quidditch World Cup 15.9.

Last year succesfull World Cup is organised again in Silkkiniitty 15.9. More info as the event comes near. Write down the date and get your teams ready!

Rules can be found eg. on last year’s info pages https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/huispaus/academic-quidditch-world-cup/


II Studies


Summer course in co-operative values and principles I, 2.7.-12.8.

Course: CNS-P1 Co-operative values and principles I

Aim: At the end of the course the students have a fair understanding of what co-operative enterprises are and which values and principles they are built on. The students get acquainted with different types of co-operatives and with the ways these apply the co-operative values and principles in practice.

Content: In the course the history of modern cooperatives and their values and principles at both national and international levels are dealt with. The students learn how the cooperative values and principles originated and took shape during the 1900’s, how they evolved during the 2000’s and how they are reshaped to the demands of today’s global world. The study module ends with examples of cooperatives showing that they are not curiosities from the past, but that the challenges of the modern business environment can be answered by them.

Realization and methods: Web course in English (some exercises can be written in Finnish/Itsenäiset opiskelutehtävät voi kirjoittaa halutessaan suomeksi)

Credits: 5 cr
Students at Aalto University School of Economics in Helsinki and at the Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) are entitled to six credit points upon completion of additional tasks.

The course is free of charge to the students of the CNS university network.

Further information about the network and enrollment for the course:


III Announcements


Rent a gardening allotment!

Wappu has been wappued and now it is time for the really important stuff: gardening (according a Chinese proverb) The Guild of Architecture has an allotment in Ossinlampi that will be divided in smaller bits that You can rent for the summer for a very cheap price. More information and the registration is in the form.☘️



Do you want your announce in the Weekly Digest?
Do you have any ideas for the Digest?Please be in contact: