WABU EI LOBU aka Wappu is never over <3 Come and celebrate guild’s dance group’s anniversary on Wednesday!
Summer is almost in Finland as well! Yay!
I Events
Five Years of #swagswagnamnam 9.5
Guild of Architecture’s dazzling dance group, #swagswagnamnam is turning 5 – time to celebrate!
Welcome to Design Factory on Wednesday 9.5. at 7.30 pm. Refreshments, snacks, music, great company – and of course the most epic #swagswagnamnam show you’ve ever seen!
The afterparty starts right after the show, starring DJ Duo Nu Black. Channel your inner SWAG superstar on the dance floor!
9.00pm MAIN SHOW
WHAT: #swagswagnamnam’s five-year gala
WHERE: Design Factory, Otaniemi
WHEN: Wednesday 9.5. at 7.30pm
DRESSCODE: Smart Casual (+ teekkarilakki)
Humans vs Zombies Otaniemi 10.-12.5.
The set is ready, the props are on point, just missing one crucial thing… We’re recruiting the freshest talents to join our crew in the making of the next big full-length zombie feature film! Are you the new face of the surviving humans or the eye-catcher in the undead horde? Lights, camera, action! (Disclaimer: The production company is not liable in the case of actual living death.)
Humans vs Zombies is a moderated game of tag where zombie players try to spread the infection by tagging human players. Humans can in turn protect themselves by hiding, fleeing or fighting back (using socks or foam gun darts to ”stun” zombies). Exciting missions and quests will be available every day. Since teamwork is often the best strategy players are guaranteed to meet new people. HvZ is created for campuses like Otaniemi, so we couldn’t have a better area for the game!
Participation is completely free of charge. The organizers will provide the game scarf and special items for you. All you have to do is sign up, show up and play.
More information and sign up: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/hvz/
Flower Day 13.5.
The AYY Campus Section wishes to warmly welcome you to celebrate the traditional festivities of Flower Day (Flooran Päivä), coinciding with the 66th birthday of the Teekkari village, on Sunday May 13th. This year the event will take place in the heart of the village at Servin Mökki, starting at 18:00. You can enjoy the delicious snacks and the spring-themed program. The highlight of the evening is the festive handing over ceremony of the Flower Day message.
More information on the program and timetable to be announced later.
WHAT? Flower Day
WHERE? Smökki, Otaniemi
WHEN? Sunday 13th of May at 18:00
FACEBOOK? https://www.facebook.com/events/768441560027114/
AYY 8th Annual Ball on the 19.5.
The 8th Annual Ball dinner of the Aalto University Student Union (AYY) takes place on the 19th of May 2018. We welcome all members to participate in the celebrations. This year the party will kick off with a cocktail party at Saha, Konemiehentie 1 at 15.00. The celebration dinner will be held at restaurant Koskenranta, located at Helsinki, starting at 18:00. The dinner will consist of a three-course meal and excellent program. The afterparty locations will be announced later.
The cost of the Annual Ball is 80€ for members of AYY and 100€ for others.
Read more: https://www.vuosijuhlat.fi/ (At the moment only in Finnish)
Dress code at the party will be white tie with academic honours.
II Studies
Summer course in co-operative values and principles I, 2.7. – 12.8.2018
Course: CNS-P1 Co-operative values and principles I
Aim: At the end of the course the students have a fair understanding of what co-operative enterprises are and which values and principles they are built on. The students get acquainted with different types of co-operatives and with the ways these apply the co-operative values and principles in practice.
Content: In the course the history of modern cooperatives and their values and principles at both national and international levels are dealt with. The students learn how the cooperative values and principles originated and took shape during the 1900’s, how they evolved during the 2000’s and how they are reshaped to the demands of today’s global world. The study module ends with examples of cooperatives showing that they are not curiosities from the past, but that the challenges of the modern business environment can be answered by them.
Realization and methods: Web course in English (some exercises can be written in Finnish/Itsenäiset opiskelutehtävät voi kirjoittaa halutessaan suomeksi)
Credits: 5 cr
Students at Aalto University School of Economics in Helsinki and at the Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) are entitled to six credit points upon completion of additional tasks.
The course is free of charge to the students of the CNS university network.
Further information about the network and enrollment for the course:
Studying abroad is once-in-a-lifetime experience, and it’s something that can positively impact both your personal and professional future. Many students who have studied abroad report afterwards that it was one of the best experiences in their whole life.
Maybe you already know this and you’ve dreamed about studying abroad, but committing to a full semester or academic abroad just doesn’t fit your plans.
You might want to graduate quickly and may also have other reasons why setting off to a foreign country for a lengthy period of time just doesn’t seem feasible.
If that is the case for you, there is an option for you that doesn’t require that you set aside your life at home for several months at a time. By joining an international summer school, you get to experience a new country, learn the basics of a new language, gain friends from all over the world and take some interesting courses at the same time, all within just a month.
A summer school is an effective way to combine exploring a new country and studying. It’s more than just sightseeing and lying on a beach, more than just sitting in front of a pile of books the whole summer. You get to take a break from your familiar environment while also feeling that you’re doing something productive:
You get to know a new country and culture better than a mere tourist
You learn things you wouldn’t be able to learn at home, both in- and outside the classroom
You earn academic credits which you can include into your degree back home
You get to know people from all over the world
A summer school looks good in your CV and showcases to your future employers that you are active and make good use of your time
We can help you join international summer school session in Seoul, South Korea and Bali, Indonesia. Taking place in July and August, these summer school programs introduce you to the local language and culture while giving you the opportunity to learn about many other interesting topics as well.
The International Summer Session at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies introduces you to Korean language and culture. Courses are also offered in the areas of performing arts, culture, economy and business, Asian politics, contemporary society and international relations.
The application deadline for the International Summer Session is on May 31st.
Find out more about the International Summer Session at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
The Warmadewa International Summer Exchange organized by Warmadewa University in Bali, Indonesia introduces you to Indonesian language, culture, tourism and business. You won’t be just sitting in the classroom either, but will get to take part in many interesting workshops and excursions as well. At the same time you’ll get to make many new friends from all over the world, learn about other cultures and improve your English skills.
The application deadline for the Warmadewa International Summer Exchange is on May 31st.
Find out more about the Warmadewa International Summer Exchange
If you do feel like going for a full 4 month study abroad semester abroad this year, the application periods for our partner universities in South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Indonesia are still running until the end of May and mid-June.
See all the application deadlines here.
Asia Exchange is a study abroad organization dedicated to making studying abroad in Asia as easy and affordable as possible, for as many students as possible. For 10 years, we’ve helped 4000+ students just like you have life-changing experiences in some of the most fascinating, dynamic and globally ever-more important destinations in the world. We strongly believe Asia is the continent of the future, and that studying abroad in Asia is therefore one of the best possible investments you can make into your own personal and professional future as well. Find out more about Asia Exchange here.
We wish you a great remaining spring and early summer!
III Announcements
Rent a garden bit!
Wappu has been wappued and now it is time for the really important stuff: gardening (according a Chinese proverb) The Guild of Architecture has an allotment in Ossinlampi that will be divided in smaller bits that You can rent for the summer for a very cheap price. More information and the registration is in the form.☘️
AYY:n omien tapahtumien löytötavarat:
Löytötavaroita varten on toimiston alakerrassa erillinen tila. Löytötavarahuoneeseen ei voi valvomatta päästää ulkopuolisia. Yläkerrassa työskentelevien ei ole mahdollista työpäivän aikana poistua työpisteiltään alakertaan löytötavaroiden vuoksi. Tämän vuoksi on tärkeää, että tapahtuman järjestäjä huolehtii itse tapahtumasta tulevista löytötavaroista. Kun jostain järjestämästänne AYY:n tapahtumasta tulee löytötavaroita, voitte itse päättää sekä tiedottaa, milloin olette päivystämässä tavaroiden hakua varten. Muistathan tiedottaa löytötavarapäivystyksen ajankohdasta myös AYY:n työntekijöitä, jotta osaamme tarvittaessa vinkata asiasta kyselijöille. Löytötavaroita voi säilyttää lastauslaiturilla, mutta mielellään ovesta heti oikealle olevissa laatikoissa, jotta siellä voi kulkea vapaasti.
Erillisen löytötavarapäivystyksen jälkeen AYY voi tarvittaessa ottaa yksittäiset hieman arvokkaammatylijääneet löytötavarat lyhyeen säilytykseen yläkerran tiloihin, joissa niitä säilytetään max. 1 kk (porraspäädyn kaappi ikkunaseinällä). Säilytykseen ei oteta esim. pyyhkeitä tai selkeästi rikkinäisiä esineitä.
Muiden kuin AYY:n tapahtumien löytötavaroita AYY ei hoida, eli ohjeistamme järjestäjiä hoitamaan tapahtumansa löytötavara-asiat itse (mm. viemällä arvoesineet poliisille).
Ystävällisin terveisin,
AYY:n jäsenpalvelut
World Village Festival is looking for volunteers!
World Village Festival is looking for volunteers to help make this beautiful, joyous and colourful event a reality on the last weekend of May! Volunteers are key in turning World Village Festival into one of the summer’s greatest experiences, and the festival wouldn’t be there without hundreds of volunteers. That is why we are approaching your organization.
The only qualifications we ask for from our volunteers are legal age and a positive attitude for work. Volunteers need no prior experience, as we will train everyone for their duties. The length of a working day is roughly 8–10 hours. As thanks for their hard work, volunteers are provided meals, a t-shirt, an employment certificate, an invitation to our wrap-up party in the beginning of June and an amazing festival atmosphere!
World Village Festival is held in Kaisaniemi Park and Railway Square in Helsinki 26–27 May 2018.
Volunteer duties include:
· Distribution of the festival magazine
· Driving a car
· Working the info desk and other guidance
· Recycling assistance
· Festival area cleaning
· Decorations
· Catering
Volunteer registration is underway, ending 6 May 2018. Sign up at www.maailmakylassa.fi/ilmoittautuminen-vapaaehtoiseksi.