Weekly Digest week 15




I Events

TuesdaySWIMMING 10.4.

What’s Going on ARTS? 11.4.

Department coffee 12.4.

A!-games 16.4.

Final of the Jäynä Competition 20.4.

The sitsi competition 21.4.

Wappuexchange in Hervanta 22.4.

II Studies

Helsinki-Copenhagen Urban Challenge 13.-31.8.

[1:1] WORKSHOP 2018 invitation 13.-24.8.

III Announcements

Junk bike collection 6.4.-1.5.

A short interview for a doctoral thesis 9.4.


I Events


TuesdaySWIMMING 10.4.

The guild of Architecture is heading to the Leppävaara swimming hall at Tuesday 10.4. klo 17:00. We are taking the same bus from our guild room at 16:30. Swimming hall ticket is 3€.

WHERE: Leppävaara swimming hall
WHEN: Tue 10.4. klo 17:00
WHY: Because swimming is fun!!!!

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/321122048417034/


What’s Going on ARTS? 11.4.

Welcome to discuss the future of ARTS!

On Wednesday 11.4.2018 the Miestentie café fills up with information when this spring’s WgoARTS is here! The theme this time is: life in Otaniemi

In addition to the final moving info you’ll hear about the farewell to Arabia, opening of Väre and the ARTS moving celebrations. You’ll also get a glimpse from everyday life in the new campus building: What can you do there? Where will Kipsari go? What are the workshops like and what can you use them for?

Joining us for the discussion will be the dean, the head of Learning Services and other staff. The event will start with refreshments at 16.00 and the program will take about two hours depending on the conversation.

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/660387534346192/


Department coffee 12.4.

Welcome to have a cup of coffee and something to bite with your fellow students and the department personnel at the Miestentie cafeteria!

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/1528023053977366/


A!-games 16.4.

The time has come to match the schools against one another and find out which boasts the best ballgame team! Woohoo!! 16.4. klo 9-16 we can show to everyone what are the ARTS students made of!

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/208661209900787/


Final of the Jäynä Competition 20.4.

It’s time!

Come and check out the most exhilarating and invigorating jäynäs in the lecture hall U2 (Otakaari 1) on Friday 20th of April at 4 p.m.! The show will be full of surprises! It’s traditionally been a full house, so arrive early to make sure you fit in.

The voting for the public’s favorite is open for everyone and starts immediately after the final at www.jäynä.fi! The public’s favourite will be announced on 30th of April as part of the Wappurieha announcement.

WHAT: 31st annual Final of the Jäynä Competition
WHEN: Fri 20th of April, 4 p.m., the doors will open at 3.45 p.m.
WHERE: Lecture hall U2

Note that the event will be held in Finnish.


The sitsi competition 21.4.

The sitsi competition is coming again to gather all the merry Wappu people to party at the Alvari square! Gather your posse, figure out a fun sitsi theme, pack your food along with tables & chairs and hop to Alvari Square on Saturday, the 21st of April to sitsi with us at 13:00!

The sitsi competition has traditionally seen the most spectacular and imaginatively themed sitsit and creative assemblies both in costumes, songs and food! The most original and inventive teams will be rewarded on the Wappu eve on the 30th of April at the Wappurieha kick off!

Sign up your team at http://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/sitsikilpailut-2018/ by the 19th of April!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/155142915165541/


Wappuexchange in Hervanta 22.4.

If the Wappu in Otaniemi begins to be boring or you want to experience something else, sign up for Wappuexchange to see how Wappu is celebrated in Hervanta!

The merry bus ride to Hervanta leaves from Otaniemi the 22nd of April at 11:00. At Hervanta, there will be a Wappuradio LIVE concert on the front lawn of TTY and the Academic Beer Pong World Championships. The bus will be back at Otaniemi by 03:00 AM, with the bus leaving at 01:00 AM from Tampere.
The price for the entire exchange is approximately 16€ per person, with the bus trip from Otaniemi to Hervanta and back. The 100 spots go to the fastest signups.

Sign up is already open: https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/wappuvaihto-2018/.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/189406575120837/


II Studies


Helsinki-Copenhagen Urban Challenge 13.-31.8.

This is an early reminder that the Helsinki-Copenhagen Urban Challenge on smart cities (7,5-10 ECTS) will be organized August 13th – 31st 2018 in Copenhagen and Helsinki. The call for applications is open until 20th of April 2018.

Interdisciplinary summer scool on smart cities and urban innovation. Bringing together urban planning, smart governance and mobility to address real callenges of modern urban development together with municipal and private stakeholders.
For more information, detailed course description and structure visit program’s website
The Helsinki-Copenhagen Urban Callenge is offered by Copenhagen Business Scool and Aalto University. A group of students from both universities will spend together first one and a half a week in Copenhagen and then one and a half a week in Helsinki, having lectures, workshops, site visits and at the end of the course presenting own project for urban innovation.
The course is free and all students who attend the course are offered a travel grant of 275 EURO. Additionally, students from Aalto ENG will receive a travel grant of 225 EURO. Students from other Aalto scools and the University of Helsinki should cck for additional grants within their own scool.
How to apply
Fill in application form here: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/4D11BAF3088E9147
Applications are accepted until 20.4 2017. We will notify all accepted students by email 27.4.2018.
For more information, please contact dina.mavliutova@aalto.fi


[1:1] WORKSHOP 2018 invitation 13.-24.8.

Dear architecture and design students,

o.z. WOVEN in collaboration with o.z. Young Folks and Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Slovakia would like to invite you to 6th edition of [1:1] WORKSHOP 2018! We will design and build again, this time from 13 to 24 august in Lučenec, Slovakia.

[1:1] WORKSHOP is a great opportunity to explore the field of timber construction in practice, build your own design proposal and get to know other enthusiastic students sharing this interest.
This year’s workshop is lead by professional international tutor from Denmark, who is happy to share his experience and knowledge with architecture, design and construction. The workshop language is English. [1:1] WORKSHOP is an official Academy of Fine Arts and Design (Bratislava, Slovakia) subject and is worth 2​ ECTS​ credits.

Check out the last years galleries at www.woven.sk and follow us on Facebook to get all the updates!

Apply here: www.woven.sk to secure your place

Best! Your
​WOVEN team.


III Announcements


Junk bike collection 6.4.-1.5.

The Otaniemi junk bike collection is here and it’s bigger than ever. This year, we’ll be collecting abandoned bikes in the Otaniemi area not only from properties owned by AYY and Hoas, but also from ACRE’s buildings.

All bikes will be marked with a colorful bracelet between the 6th and 8th of April. All bikes that still have the bracelet intact will be collected during May. So remember to remove the bracelet from your bike as soon as possible! Please also tell your friends and roommates who aren’t in Otaniemi during the collection period to make sure the bracelet is removed from their bicycle. Is your friend on an exchange? Help them out!
All collected bikes that are in good condition will be sold in September. Then is your chance to buy yourself a working bicycle at an affordable price.

More information: https://ayy.fi/ylioppilaskunta/vapaaehtoistoiminta/jaostot/kampusjaosto/romupyorakerays/


A short interview for a doctoral thesis 9.4.

Hello from ARTS!

We are trying to find people to participate on a research conducted by one of our students writing his doctoral thesis. Would you or anyone you know be interested to participate on a research about visual development of user interfaces? Or do you happen to have few minutes to spare in your Monday’s schedule?

The interviews will be held in TOKYO Space (next to the HUB and guild room of The Guild of Physics) at 08.00 – 14.00 on 09.04. at Otakaari 1, Espoo. Interviews will take 5 – 10 minutes and all of the participants will get a free lunch!

If you are interested, you can sign up by filling this form https://goo.gl/forms/6mqf6D2cXGLvYwAc2 or just come in if you happen to walk by!

If you have any questions, you can send them to me via email at ville.mansikkaniemi@aalto.fior straight to Peetu at peetu.kumper@outlook.com

What: A short interview for a doctoral thesis
Where: Otakaari 1, TOKYO Space
When: 09.04. between 08.00 – 14.00 depending on your schedule!
Why: Free food!


Do you want your announce in the Weekly Digest?
Do you have any ideas for the Digest?Please be in contact: