Weekly Digest week 13



Merry MAIK-cruise!



I Events

Urban Façade exhibition opening 27.3. 18:00

AK110 Jubilee Pavilion Plan Reveal 27.3. 18:30

Coffee break with the Guild 28.3.

White overalls sitsit of AK, FK, SIK, Prodeko and the Faculty of Medicine 28.3.

Cabin Enhancement Day Easter Edition 29.3.

II Announcements

Moving-newsletter 23.3. – Spaces of ARTS in Otaniemi

The Nice Roomie Contest


I Events


Urban Façade exhibition opening 27.3. 18:00

A glass of wine, huge 1:50 cardboard models, Alvar Aalto marble. Welcome to the opening of Urban Façade studio course exhibition at the lobby of the old architecture department on Tuesday 27.3. at 6:00 PM.WHAT: Urban Façade exhibition opening
WHERE: Otakaari 1X beta SPACE, that is: lobby of old architecture department, ground floor
WHEN: Tuesday 27.3. at 6:00 PM
WHY: Because this is truly architecture


AK110 Jubilee Pavilion Plan Reveal 27.3. 18:30

As part of the celebration of the 110-jubilee year, the Guild of Architecture builds an unique pavilion for special jubilee events. The pavilion is part of the Open Call motion, which aims to work for suistainable development schemes at the Otaniemi kampus.

The great reveal of the pavilion plan takes place at the A2 lecture hall, Otakaari 1. You are welcome to enjoy the servings and company of fellow guild members, department staff and partners at 18. The official reveal begins at 18:30. Be there!

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/169433433866918/


Coffee break with the Guild 28.3.

Come to find out about all the events held in April at the coffee break with the Guild on Wednesday 28.3. at 12:00 in the cafeteria of Miestentie – there will be coffee and snacks!


White overalls sitsit of AK, FK, SIK, Prodeko and the Faculty of Medicine 28.3.


Spring Sun is heating up and the sides of the pavement are wet from the melting snow. A surreptitious sound echoes from the bushes and behind the slight straws shows through a pair of smooth bulges. One of these ovals begins to wobble accelerating to serious jerking. A hard knock cracks the delicate shell and a tiny furry head peaks out from the egg. CHIRP!

A nose twitches in a crack sniffing the air. Bunny comes out of the hole having its beautiful fur shine in the sun. Gentle tussock offers the bunny an excellent place to enjoy the warmth. All of a sudden, a huge shadow covers the sun, but as swiftly it appeared, it rolled over to the grassy jungle. Cottontail lifts its gaze alertly, ready for the upcoming race.


Bunnies and chicks invite the students of AK, FK, SIK, Prodeko and the Faculty of Medicine in their white overalls to celebrate Spring in Smökki, March 28th. Cocktail event begins at 18.00 and the sitsit at 18.30. Grab along some furry ears or a beak for embellishment.

The sign up begins on March 14th at 12.00 and closes on March 20th at 23.59, after which it is binding. Every guild has reserved spots for the sitsit. The sitsit costs 13 €.

A link for the sign up will be posted to this event later on!

WHAT: White overalls sitsit of AK, FK, SIK, Prodeko and the Faculty of Medicine
WHERE: Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4
WHEN: March 28th cocktail event at 18.00, sitsit at 18.30
COST: 13 €
DRESSCODE: White overalls with bunny or chick accessories!
AFTERPARTY: Rantasauna around 23.00


Cabin Enhancement Day Easter Edition 29.3.

https://goo.gl/forms/GDdOY3QtMlVEi2aQ2Yahoo. the most awaited weekend is here AGAIN! Come and challenge yourself in the mind and body hardening Cabin enhancement event Easter edition! The event takes place from 29th to 30th of March 2018, at the Architecture Guild’s Cabin. Keep in mind that 30th day is Good Friday and the school is closed.

The event friday is going to be full of fun building works, logs, going to sauna and eating basically for free! Thursday is the sauna and board games day. Come and spend awesome time doing things with your fellow students.

Clothes for outdoor work
A sleeping bag
Toiletries for sauna
Beverages and snacks, if you want

Food served:
THU: supper
FRI: breakfast, lunch

Remember to enroll with the link above, so that there’ll be enough food!

For more information about the event, contact majavastaava(at)arkkitehtikilta.fi.

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/551010235298242/


II Announcements


Moving-newsletter 23.3. – Spaces of ARTS in Otaniemi

Most of all the spaces of ARTS will be located in the A-wing of Otakaari 1 or in the new building of ARTS, Väre. A map of all the workshops located in Väre can be found in the attachment.
In addition to this, ARTS will have services in 7 other buildings in otaniemi:
Otakaari 7, Sähkömiehentie 4, Maarintie 8, Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Kemistintie 1, Metallimiehenkuja 4 and Vuorimiehentie 2.In-depth map of the services can be found at https://inside.aalto.fi/display/fiarts/ARTS+One+Campus+2018.
During the move Aalto Studios will operate in Otakaari 7, the Studios of Laippatie and the stage of Pengerkatu.

The Nice Roomie Contest

Roommate done something nice for you? Let us know!

Has your roomie nursed you with zinc and vitamin C when you’ve been struck down by the flu? Helped you move? Baked you cookies for your B-day? Organized a movie night at the shared apartment? Unclogged the sink? Helped with your calculus exercises? Evicted a stray moth from your room? Held the bucket when you’ve felt sick? Given you a hug when you’ve been in dire need of one? Something else? Let us know!

Inform us of a nice roommate act! It can be anything at all, as long as it has brought joy to the other roommates. If you were the one carrying out the act, you can just inform us of it yourself. Do it here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/kampusjaosto/kiva-kamppisteko-kilpailu/

The rewards for nice roommate acts will be handed out at the Wappurieha declaration on the 30th of April. That means there is still ample time to carry out nice acts for your roommates! The deadline for contest submissions closes on Wednesday 18th of April 2018. All AYY and Hoas Otaniemi apartments are involved in the contest, so whether your flat is a friend, family or shared flat, it is time to do something nice for your roommates!


Do you want your announce in the Weekly Digest?
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