Weekly Digest week 12


Guilds 110-year historique is on the making! Share your stories at tinyurl.com/arkkarimuisto or with hashtag #arkkarimuisto ✨◾️◽️🔺




I Events

Relaxed evening with the Guild & Temal Oy aka TILE PARTY 22.3.

Editorial day of the Guild’s 10-year-history book 24.3.

AK110 Jubilee Pavilion Plan Reveal 27.3.

White overalls sitsit of AK, FK, SIK, Prodeko and the Faculty of Medicine 28.3.

Stupid Hack by Junction 13.-14.4.

II Studies

Architecture Speaks: CARLOS CASTANHEIRA 21.3.

Student tutor search open till 23.3!

III Announcements

Applications to the AYY Art Year working group are now open

Recruitment from the perspective of young professionals -questionnaire

Teekkaripurjehtijat (TRIP) sailing courses during spring


I Events


Relaxed evening with the Guild & Temal Oy aka TILE PARTY 22.3.

Welcome to Temal & Partners’ Urban Living Store and Kylpyhuonekeskus to spend a chilly evening with workshops & good food, drinks and company. The theme of the night is designers ROOTS, wich is same as theme for the biggest finnish design event Habitare for 2018!

Sign up here: https://goo.gl/forms/YdvOp3Hnjn0OVVfq1

WHAT: Relaxed evening with the Guild & Temal Oy aka TILE PARTY
WHERE: Runeberginkatu 4, Helsinki
WHEN: Thursday 22.3. at 5pm
WHY: Good company & drinks & FOOD
COSTS: Nothing!!


Editorial day of the Guild’s 10-year-history book 24.3.

This year the Guild of Architecture turns 110! But what kind of memories has our guild’s second century already produced? Come to the Cabin and share your memories with us. Let us know how you have seen the last ten years. We will be sharing our stories with good food, amidst familiar faces and in the heat of the sauna.

The Guild’s History Committee invites everyone interested to the editorial day of the Guild’s 10-year-history book at the Cabin on March 24th starting at 2pm. The commitment at which you participate is up to you – whether it be by editing, writing or researching and gathering material.

We’re collecting memories from the past ten years before the editorial day with this form, so please share your best memories with us there: https://goo.gl/forms/fEEbFpVoYMCeP0U63
Filling up the form is recommendable especially if you can’t make it to the editorial day!

WHAT: The editorial day of the Guild’s 10-year-history book
WHEN: Saturday 24th of March starting at 2pm
WHY: Because even we can’t remember everything.
REGISTRATION: The form will be published later.


AK110 Jubilee Pavilion Plan Reveal 27.3.

As part of the celebration of the 110-jubilee year, the Guild of Architecture builds an unique pavilion for special jubilee events. The pavilion is part of the Open Call motion, which aims to work for suistainable development schemes at the Otaniemi kampus.

The great reveal of the pavilion plan takes place at the A2 lecture hall, Otakaari 1. You are welcome to enjoy the servings and company of fellow guild members, department staff and partners at 18. The official reveal begins at 18:30. Be there!

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/169433433866918/


White overalls sitsit of AK, FK, SIK, Prodeko and the Faculty of Medicine 28.3.


Spring Sun is heating up and the sides of the pavement are wet from the melting snow. A surreptitious sound echoes from the bushes and behind the slight straws shows through a pair of smooth bulges. One of these ovals begins to wobble accelerating to serious jerking. A hard knock cracks the delicate shell and a tiny furry head peaks out from the egg. CHIRP!

A nose twitches in a crack sniffing the air. Bunny comes out of the hole having its beautiful fur shine in the sun. Gentle tussock offers the bunny an excellent place to enjoy the warmth. All of a sudden, a huge shadow covers the sun, but as swiftly it appeared, it rolled over to the grassy jungle. Cottontail lifts its gaze alertly, ready for the upcoming race.


Bunnies and chicks invite the students of AK, FK, SIK, Prodeko and the Faculty of Medicine in their white overalls to celebrate Spring in Smökki, March 28th. Cocktail event begins at 18.00 and the sitsit at 18.30. Grab along some furry ears or a beak for embellishment.

The sign up begins on March 13th at 12.00 and closes on March 20th at 23.59, after which it is binding. Every guild has reserved spots for the sitsit. The sitsit costs 13 €.

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/2030193647197347/?ti=icl

WHAT: White overalls sitsit of AK, FK, SIK, Prodeko and the Faculty of Medicine
WHERE: Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4
WHEN: March 28th cocktail event at 18.00, sitsit at 18.30
COST: 13 €
DRESSCODE: White overalls with bunny or chick accessories!
AFTERPARTY: Rantasauna around 23.00


Stupid Hack by Junction 13.-14.4.

Hey, how awesome would it be to translate your speech to your dog? An app that’d make you yawn more during work-hours? Or a chat where you can only communicate with emojis?

Stupid Hack by Junction is where you can actually create those without any stress or pressure and with whatever-background. We welcome you and your crazy ideas and love for experimentation to join us to the STUPIDEST hackathon ever held!

The application form opens on Monday 26.3. at noon. We will share the link on our Facebook event. Be alert and make sure to click “interested” on this event so you don’t miss the application form. There are only 100 places available, so be quick!

WHEN & WHERE: April 13th-14th @ Startup Sauna
HOW TO APPLY: Through application form March 26th at noon on Facebook

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to holla at us at hello@hackjunction.com or on Facebook messages.

Erika Ojanperä
& Junction team


II Studies


Architecture Speaks: CARLOS CASTANHEIRA 21.3.

13:15, Otakaari 1X, Espoo (Auditorium A2)
18:00, Museum of Finnish ArchitectureNext week the Portuguese architect Carlos Castanheira will be our guest in the Architecture speaks lecture series. You are most welcome to come and listen to his talk either in Otaniemi or at the Museum of Finnish Architecture.Best wishes,

Jenni Reuter
associate professor, architect, SAFA


Student tutor search open till 23.3!

Student tutors help new students to get to know Aalto and the study culture in Arts and their own programmes. By being a tutor you can get new friends, gain new skills and make Aalto a good place to study for new students! Tutors work in teams at the departments supported by the faculty and student organizations.
Tutors’ tasks:
– The mission is to support, help to get into the group and help to a smooth start
– 3 hour training in the spring (options: 17.4., 18.4., 25.4. or 26.4., either at 9-12 or 15-18)
– ARTS tutors meeting in the spring (approximately 2 hours)
– Planning the welcome of new students with others related
– Contacting the new students in the summer and answering questions
– Participating in the orientation week and starting events, such as tutor group meetings
Tutoring should not interfere with tutor’s studies. Tutors can do a 1 ECT course based on their experience by participating in the trainings and returning a short report on their learning. All departments have a tutor responsible to support other tutors and we aim to find more than one tutor for each programme.
Part of the tutors can act as specialized tutors for international students. In addition to the task list, we expect them to take part in a short extra training, to support getting settled to Finland and to give a bit more help and guidance. For this extra trouble a 200 € reward is paid. Task doesn’t require prior knowledge. Some of the international tutors can continue their work to cover students arriving in January, and an extra reward will be paid.Sign up: http://bit.ly/2Fkd9NLFor more information:
Susanna Koistinen
Study coordinator


III Announcements


Applications to the AYY Art Year working group are now open

One of the themes of the Aalto University Student Union for 2018 is artistic operations, and we want to highlight the subject especially at the end of the year.
The goal of the Art Year working group is to organize activities related to the theme throughout the year and to support the artistic operations of other parties operating within AYY. The biggest single project is the “Night of Otaniemi” campus event organized in the autumn in Otaniemi, which is similar to the Night of the Arts event.
Applications to the working group are open until Tuesday, the 20th of March, until 16:00.
More information about the role and composition of the working group and the application form:


Recruitment from the perspective of young professionals -questionnaire

Do you want to win tickets to the number one music festival of the summer for you and your friend?

By filling out the aTalent recruitment survey Recruitment from the perspective of young professionals you will take part in a competition where we draw two three day tickets to the best music festival of the summer in Turku. By doing this you will also help us shake the current recruitment market!

Our objective is to find out what young professionals think about current job seeking methods, working culture as well as recruitment processes.

Be sure to fill the survey before April 27th. You will get to the survey via the link below.

Link to the survey: https://my.surveypal.com/Rekrytointitutkimus-2018–Rekrytointi-nuorten-ammattilaisten-sil


Teekkaripurjehtijat (TRIP) sailing courses during spring

Teekkaripurjehtijat (TRIP) organises practical sailing courses authorised by the Finnish association of sailing instructors, Purjehduksenopettajat ry (Pory). The possibility of arranging English-speaking courses depends on the number of interested participants and the availability of teachers.

You can sign up either for the elementary level Sailing Crew Course or for the Inshore Skipper Course where you concentrate on route planning, navigation, skippering, and safety & emergency procedures. For the Inshore Skipper Course we recommend a minimum of 100 nautical miles of sailing experience and completion of the first level of shorebased navigation and seamanship theory course (such as the Royal Yachting Association’s Day Skipper course or the Finnish equivalent) or possess corresponding skills and knowledge in the basics of seamanship, coastal navigation and pilotage, chartwork, position fixing, plotting a course to steer, weather, collision regulations etc.

There are limited amount of places in the courses, so sign up for courses as soon as possible, the places will be filled in the order of signing up!

The courses consist of two weekday evenings of class teaching taking place at the end of April (usually at 5-9pm depending on the availability of teaching facilities) and of a practical on board course in groups of 2 to 4 students with two instructors during May/June – the boats are harboured in Ruoholahti,

The practical part usually takes place during two weekday evenings and a weekend (Sat-Sun) when opting for overnight trip course you will be staying at a harbour somewhere in the capital region archipelago for a night (or two) on board the boat. Please see the more specific course times and dates for each small group below. The small groups that may be taught in English will be separately indicated.

Common theory-evenings for all courses on 2 evenings in April from 5 pm to 9 pm. Theory evenings will be held at Aalto Design Factory in adress: Betonimiehenkuja 3, 02150 Espoo. Dates and times are provisional and we reserve the right to make changes to the information stated below. (osittain retkikurssi = an overnight trip course; to=Thu, pe=Fri, la=Sat, su=Sun; opettaja=instructor).

The courses are arranged for the members of TRIP only and accordingly the membership fee is obligatory. The TRIP membership fee includes insurance cover provided through the Finnish Sailing and Boating Federation. The course costs 195€ for student members and 350€ for other members.

If we are unable to hold a course in English or if there is no space in the group you are interested in the course fee will be refunded.

Unfortunately all the written additional course material is in Finnish.

More information:
Registration to the spring 2018 courses: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6aAkwRbDnz_sp3IePYm29gHOutEA2LoqzzHH0fCddf4kuqw/viewform

TRIP also organizes a sailing trip “TripVenture” to Greece in September and a lot more other activity, find more information on our homepage: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/ . Welcome!


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