Weekly Digest – week 03

Terveisiä Raadinwaihdosta! // Instagram @Arkkitehtikilta


I Tapahtumia / Events

Näyttely ARK15 ekskursiosta kahviossa / Exhibition of ARK15 USA excursion
Talvipäivä 16.1. / Winter Day 16.1.
Kiltalehden ensimmäinen toimitustapaaminen 18.1. / First gathering of guild’s magazine 18.1.

II Opiskelua / Studies

Architecture Speaks – Juhani Pallasmaa and Peter Zumthor 17.1.
ARK-E3506 Revitilize! Lecture course
Puuosaajien workshop

I Tapahtumia / Events


Näyttely ARK15 ekskursiosta kahviossa
Exhibition of ARK15 USA excursion

Viime keväänä ARK15 kävi historiallisella ekskursiolla Yhdysvaltain länsirannikolla. Reitti kulki rajalta ja rajalle Seattlesta San Diegoon asti. Kuvia ja kohde-esitteitä 2000 kilometrin seikkailulta on esillä Miestentien kahviossa viikoilla 2-4.
Last spring the second year architecture students visited the United States. They travelled from border to border along the West Coast, from Seattle all the way down to San Diego. Photos and brochures from this 1200-mile excursion are displayed in the Miestentie cafeteria on weeks 2-4.

Talvipäivä 16.1.
Winter Day

Talvipäivä on täällä!

Uuden vuoden avaa mitä parhaimmin talvinen rastikiertely Otaniemen sydämessä, joten tervetuloa mukaan temmeltämään!Lumisen rastikiertelyn alkupamaus kajahtaa Otakaari 1:n Amfilla klo 14:30, ja yhdistysten, kiltojen ja ISOhenkilöiden pitämiä rasteja voi kierrellä klo 17:30 asti. Alkupamauksesta ja suunnistuksen aikana on mahdollista ostaa FTMK:n tuottaman Fuksi’17 suunnistusten haalarimerkkijunan viimeinen vaunu hintaan 2€.

Klo 17:00 aukeavat Otaniemen kaikkien saunojen ovet! Oletko koskaan aikaisemmin saunonut saman päivän aikana kaikissa Teekkarikylän saunoissa? Haaste on heitetty.Talvipäivän jatkojuhlat alkavat Servin Mökissä klo 20:00. Jatkoilla palkitaan myös rastikiertelyn voittaja!
Jatkoilla talven kylmyyttä tanssilattialta karkoittamassa:
DJ Otoo
DJ Yungmac

Winter has come, so let’s celebrate!

What would be a better way to celebrate a new year and a new semester than running, crawling and playing in the snow?
Winter Day is a jolly checkpoint crawl in the heart of Otaniemi. The event starts at the Amphitheatre of Otakaari 1 at 14:30, and you can visit checkpoints organized by tutors, guilds and associations until 17:30.

You can buy the last piece of the Freshman ’17 checkpoint crawl badge series for 2€ at the start of the event from Amfi and from the freshmen captains during the crawl.
All the saunas in Otaniemi will open at 17:00. It is a challenge to go to all the saunas in one day, so do you think can you do it? No extra points will be awarded for this, but it’s still an experience and something to brag about.
The afterparty starts in Smökki at 20:00. It’s going to be a great party, and the winner of the checkpoint crawl is awarded here! Keeping the dance floor hot during the afterpary:
DJ Otoo
DJ Yungmac

Kiltalehden ensimmäinen toimitustapaaminen 18.1.
First gathering of guild’s magazine

Kiltalehden ensimmäinen toimitustapaaminen on ensi viikon torstaina 18.1. klo 18-20 kiltahuoneella. Kaikki kiltalehden tekemisestä innostuneet paikalle! Vapaamuotoinen ideointi- ja toimituksen rekrytilaisuus, jossa suunnitellaan Arkkitehtikillan juhlavuoden ensimmäistä kiltalehteä.

Jos olet kiinnostunut, mutta et pääse paikalle, ota yhteyttä Anskuun (annaleena.puska@aalto.fi, fb tai tg/ whatsupp 050-3095093)

Thursday 18th January, first gathering of guild’s magazine, at 18 o’clock. Everyone who is interested in making the magazine, welcome! This will be informal brainstorming and recruiting of new people to editorial staff and we will be planning the first magazine of jubilee year’s guild magazine.

If you are interested in making magazine but you can’t make it Thursday, please contact Ansku (contact information above)

II Opiskelua / Studies


Architecture Speaks – Juhani Pallasmaa and Peter Zumthor 17.1.

Architecture Speaks! -lecture series continues in January with a dialogue between Juhani Pallasmaa and Peter Zumthor.
Architect and Professor Juhani Pallasmaa (b. 1936) is known, besides his architecture, for his wide selection of publishings on art. Swiss architect Peter Zumthor (b. 1943) was awarded with the Pritzker Prize in 2009 and in 2013 he received the RIBA Royal Gold Medal.The lecture series is designed and chaired by professor Jenni Reuter, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Architecture. It is organised in collaboration with the Museum of Finnish Architecture.Unlike the previous lectures in the series, this event takes place only once, at Dipoli, Otaniemi. Please note that Dipoli has a limited capactiy of seats. Arrive on time to secure your place.

Held in English. Free admission.

ARK-E3506 Revitilize! Lecture course

Dear students,

Welcome to the Revitilize! -lecture course!
The course is
– directed to master students
– recommended to students in the Reuse-studio
– open for all

Some have found it hard to find info on the course so here you go:

ARK-E3506 Revitalize! – Critical thoughts on sustainability and reuse of built environment
Lecture course open for all.
Thursdays 10am-12noon
First lecture on Jan 18th
More info on Mycourses.
In Oodi the course is called Building Technology Special Project/Rakennusopin erikoistyö and it can be found here:



Elina Koivisto
Arkkitehti SAFA, Yliopisto-opettaja
Rakennusoppi, Arkkitehtuurin laitos
Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu

+358 50 5059470

”The lecture series covers different aspect of sustainability focusing on reuse and renovation of buildings. Lectures and supporting workshops are given by visiting lecturers and professors of Building Technology. To reuse an existing built structure is almost always a sustainable strategy. The embodied energy, materials as well as functional and cultural values in an old building should be carefully evaluated and the existing potentials utilized to the maximum. Phenomena such as accelerating urbanization and scarcity of resources underline the importance of these issues. In addition to the focus on Reuse, the lecturers will cover broader perspectives around the themes of sustainable architecture.”

Puuosaajien workshop

Dear All,

Next week Xamk will organize a “Puuosaajien workshop 15. – 18.1.2018” in Kouvola.
They asked me if students from Aalto (preferable ARK students) are interested to join the event.

Please find a short description (that’s all information I have):
In this workshop participants design a new kind of element for indoors, using CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber). The idea is to create a space within a space – by using these elements, you could build some sort of housing (for example) within a larger space (industrial hall). We have have participants from many different fields: designers, engineers and carpenters. At the beginning of the workshop participants will be divided into new groups. Every group should have students from different fields. The necessary skills for participants from Aalto are sketching and drawing (which won’t be a problem, i assume). Of course we are also looking for people with strong motivation and ”good spirits”.

Please let me know if any of your students might be interested to join the workshop.

Best regards,