Weekly Digest 50/21

Especially the past six months went by quiclky and this is the last weekly digest of the year. Next year Veera will take care of communications and write here.

Wähäjoulu’s pictures can now be viewed on the guild’s website as well as on flickr, where you can get from here. This week there is still the guilds pre christmas party to be had on wednesday! 

A relaxing Christmas holiday for everyone!

– Elina

I General

The search for actives for the Guild of Architecture continues!
Wähäjoulu Photos
Guild products pick up times

II Coming Up

The Guild of Architecture’s Christmas Party 15.12.
Teekkarius 150 NYE party

II Of Interst

KYL Traditional Christmas Concert 16.12.
Archiframe Design Competition

IV Job Offers


I General

The search for actives for the Guild of Architecture continues!

The board and responsible roles in the guild were elected at the election meeting. 

The search for operators will continue with an open application from 15 December 2021 to January 2nd 2022 for the four remaining responsible roles and a large number of committees.

Applications can be made using the form at https://forms.gle/Jqa62wr5sz6QDtps7.

The open committees and roles are:

Excursion Master (1-2 selected)

Gardener (1)

Wellbeing responsible (1-2)

Master Consultant (1)

There is no exact limit on the number of people who can serve on the committees. The persons in charge of the committees may take as many persons as they see fit in the committee. The following roles are open for committee search:

History team

Graphic designers



Website team

Kiltalehti Paper 

Abi team 

AK Sportklubb

Culture Committee

Brand Committee

Business Relations Assistants

Fun Committee

Brewing Committee

Songleader Committee

Guildroom committee


Garden elves

Advocacy assistants

Welfare team

The application for ISO, Master’s tutor or TF Storasyskon will open in the early spring, for the Wähä Committee later in the spring and for the Halloped or Acknowledgement Committee in the autumn.

Questions related to the committee search can be sent by telegram @ainokainen

Wähäjoulu Photos

Photos from Wähäjoulu are up and can be seen from the guilds website or Flickr from the link below


Guild products pick up times

You can pick up pre-ordered guild products via Kide.app as follows:

Guild’s little Christmas party 15.12

II Coming Up

The Guild of Architecture’s Christmas Party 15.12.

Welcome to the Guild of Architecture’s Christmas Party!

The year and all the school stress is finally starting to scatter. There is still a chance to gather together to the Guild of Architecture’s Christmas Party! So come to Takka cabinet on Wednesday 15th December at 6pm, there will be chrismassy treats and atmosphere and we’ll take a look back at this amazing year.
You need to have a valid EU Covid-19 Passport. It can be downloaded from kanta.fi and it will be checked upon arrival to the event.
What: Guild of Architecture’s Christmas Party
Where: Takka cabinet, Jämeräntaival 3A, 1st floor
When: Wednesday 15th December at 6pm–10pm
Why: Well, it’s been a year, It doesn’t surprise me
Teekkarius 150 NYE party 31.12.

 Is your calendar still empty on NYE? Are you looking for a dazzling night of dance and fun to finish off the year? Do you want to start the Teekkarius 150 Anniversary with the best possible bang?

Teekkarius 150 New Year’s Party shakes Smökki on Dec 31, and all Teekkari minded partygoers are welcome! The night is full of live music and crowned with a spectacular Firework at midnight! You can also start 2022 fresh with the New Year’s Sillis on the following day. Ticket sales start on kide.app at 12 pm on Dec 7th! Further information from Facebook: https://facebook.com/events/s/uudenvuoden-bileet-ja-sillis/431088351758283/, remember to also follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/teekkarius150 and
Telegram: https://t.me/teekkarius150.


IV Of Interest

KYL Traditional Christmas Concert 16.12.

KYL’s traditional Christmas concert 16.12.
Come and tune into the Christmas atmosphere at KYL’s traditional Christmas concert at Temppeliaukio Church. As usual, the program includes the most beloved domestic and international Christmas carols.

The choir is conducted by Visa Yrjölä, with soprano Tuuli Lindeberg as soloist. The concert lasts about 1 hour, no breaks. The doors open at 8 p.m.

Tickets: 25e normal / 15 e student

Tickets: https://www.ticketmaster.fi/event/kyl-perinteinen-joulukonsertti-lippuja/304317

The ArchiFrame design competition is now open!

The competition is looking for plans for beautiful prefabricated houses that will inspire contractors to build and people to live in!

Design a durable and scalable wooden prefabricated house, and enter the global ArchiFrame competition. You can win ArchiFrame and Archicad licenses for one year (prize value over $ 8,000)! The competition is open to everyone, including students. Enter the competition through the Prefab 2030 website.

The competition is open until 12 January 2022, and the winners will be announced on 23 February 2022.
More information: https://archiframe.fi/prefab2030

IIV Job Offers



