Weekly Digest 45/21

Hello! Do you still have no plans for the weekend and feel like doing something fun with your friends in the guild! Do not worry since there are still a few tickets left for the Finland-excursion! I myself am still a little down that I did not get myself tickets for the excursion last time that it happened so do not miss your opportunity like I did! Also the Äljöttely competition is still on so head to the guild room to do absolutely nothing at all! 

I General

Department and School Facilities
Guild products pic up times
All information to be moved from Into to Aalto.fi
Suggest meritorious people in the guild!

II Election

Electional Sauna 17.11.
Election meeting 23.11.

III Coming Up

Finland excursion 2021 12.-13.11.
MAIK sitsi

IV Of Interest

Äljöttely Competition of the Guild of Architecture!

IIV Job Offers


I General

  Department and School Facilities:

Useful links for finding information on the current situation:


Guild products pick up times

You can pick up pre-ordered guild products via Kide.app as follows:

In the electional sauna 17.11.

From Guild Room 2.12. from 3 to 6 p.m.

Guild’s little Christmas party 15.12

All information to be moved from Into to Aalto.fi

All information on into.aalto.fi will soon be transferred to Aalto.fi. 

How can Aalto University communicate better about studies and studying at Aalto? Take a survey by 15 Nov for a chance to win a gift card! The survey is intended for all Aalto University students.

Link to the survey: https://link.webropol.com/s/IntoSurvey

Suggest meritorious people in the guild!

The end of the year is approaching, as is the guild’s wonderful anniversary Wähäjoulu! Wähäjoulu also means that it is time again to nominate people for their good work in the guild!

Do you have in mind a person who has worked with the guild for a long time, who would earn praise for their work, or even a guild member who always keeps up the good spirits? Suggest guild members who you think deserve recognition! Proposals can be sent untill 19.11. at 11:59 p.m.

From this form➡ https://forms.gle/y1MpemJBrVgrWkg16

More information about the guild’s acknowledgements can be found on the website: https://arkkitehtikilta.fi/?page_id=11644

17.11 at 18–22 // Jämeräntaival rooftop sauna (Jämeräntaival 3)

On Wednesday, November 17, there will be an opportunity to chat about operating in the Guild with the Board and Actives in a wine and sauna heated atmosphere. Candidates can also express their interest in enlistments and answer questions from others – that is, rehearse speaking at an election meeting.


23.11 at 16–21 // A1-lecture hall, Otakaari 1 X

On Tuesday, November 23, we will gather true to tradition in lecture hall A1 to elect the Board and Actives of the Guild of Architecture for 2022! Arrive to witness an exciting evening with your guild friends and good food. Influence the future of the Guild by voting or running for a post yourself.


III Coming Up

The Finland excursion 2021!

Rättätää here it comes again!
Hop on the excu-bus and come along on a mysterious journey into the unknown. Versatile and exiting destinations will be revealed only during the trip so this is an event you wouldn’t want to miss!

WHAT? The Finland excursion of the guild of architecture
WHERE? in Finland
WHEN? 12.-13.11.
WHY? Because excursions are the spice of life
COST? 40€

MAIK sitsi

Hello everyone!
More than anything we would like to welcome you all to the most elegant party of the year the family reunion with MAIKkoset (also known as MAIK sitsit) at 20.-21.11!

As an honorable guests you are privileged to arrive at 6 pm. Otakaari 20 downstairs to raise a glass to our wonderful party and familymembers (of course after getting tickets to the event). After this fancy ceremony we will kindly ask you to move to upstairs where the main party is held. The party will start 6.30 pm with the sign of the master of ceremony. During the event you will be enjoying great food, drinks and a few awesome shows. After the party you will move back to downstairs where you can enjoy karaoke and other afterparty activities.

When the next days sun will rise at Sunday 21.11. it is time to gather on more time with your family members to Otakaari 20 where you can enjoy food and spa.

Be quick as there won’t be many tickets on sale. Sign up begins on Tue 9st of Nov at 12.00 and closes on Mon 15th of Nov after which it becomes binding. Link to the sign up will be published later. There will be 25 seats for AK and MK and 30 for IK at the sitsi party.

WHAT: The family reunion with MAIKkoset
WHEN: 20th of Nov cocktail event 6.00 pm, sitsit 6.30 pm and sillis on 21th of Nov at 12 pm
WHERE: Cocktail party Ok20 downstairs, Sitsit Ok20 upstairs, Sillis Ok20 downstairs
PRICE: sitsit party 15€ (+ overall badge 2€ if wanted), sillis 8€
DC: Familymember stereotypes (for example grandmother, father, dog etc.)
Why: Because family comes first!

IV Of Interest

Äljöttely Competition of the Guild of Architecture!

Next Monday it is November here! November is the best month of the year, the month of Äljöttely. It is time to declare open the first Äljöttely Competition of Guild of Architecture 

Äljöttely might be an unknown concept for many, so it is necessary to open it slightly.

Äljöttely means hanging out uselessly at the Guild Room. In other words, studying, working remotely, or doing other productive activities is not considered as Äljöttely. You may do Äljöttely either alone or with some friends. Coffee is the recommended sports drink in the competition.

The winner of Äljöttely competition is the person who does Äljöttely the most within a month. The participants will register the daily time consumed in Äljöttely in a form. 

The competition starts on Monday the 1st of October and ends on Tuesday the 30th of November.

Everybody is liable to mark their own minutes reliably and correctly. In case of fraud of any kind, a score may be disqualified.

The winner of the competition will be announced on December 6th at the Hangover brunch of Wähäjoulu. Addition to honor and glory, the winner will also get their name on the wall of the Guild room. Good luck!

Instructions in a nutshell:

Go to Guild room

Do nothing productive

Have fun

Register the daily minutes


IIV Job Offers



