Weekly Digest 44/2020

Publicist greetings

What does the Guild of Architecture do?

What could you do in the Guild in 2021?

The year 2021 is coming closer, and it’s time to elect new actives to our lovely Guild!
12.10. The board members are introducing themselves in Instagram in next two weeks! Go check it out!
28.10. The board members are online telling what they are doing in the Guild! Join and ask anything!
29.10. The Guild actives are online and introducing what they are doing!
30.10. The Guild actives are in instagram!
2.11. The candidates for the board can write down to the Guilds website why they should be elected!
9.11. The candidates for the board introducing themselves online
11./12.11. Election meeting! The board and the actives (resposible for teams) are elected
16.11. The actives are elected!

Stay tuned, more to come! Digest just for you 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

I General

Department and school facilities

II What’s going on

Guild clothes! DL 6.11.
Ask the Actives 28. & 29.10.
Coffee break with the guild 16.10.

III Job Offers

Cereerwebin työtarjoukset

I General

Department and school facilities:

Links to help finding important info





II What’s going on

Guild clothes
Now you can get them! Guild clothes!

Order these wonderful new Guild of Architecture clothes for you! A black college shirt and a canvas bag are available with the logo of the Guild of Architecture from Pure Waste!
The order is made through the kideapp application. Size Chart (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nx5ug11Xsx2RfBWcrxgYQ8Eh2RiVBT8e/view)

NB! Please read the delivery options before making your decision to order. You can submit orders until midnight on Friday, November 6, 2020. The order is paid for in advance on kideapp. The association orders the products as custom made products that cannot be returned to the manufacturer. Please consider before buying.

The guild will order the products as a package and you can pick up your order from our guild room. As the guild members do not have free access to the guild room at the moment, there will be three separate “pick up point” searches, which are about three hours at a time. Search times will be announced later when the products arrive. You can also get an order for a friend as long as the friend sends their order from their kideapp application to your kideapp application.
Please take into account the limited delivery possibilities when ordering products.

Buy products here: Kideapp

Ask the Actives
What does the Guild do? What are the board members and other guild actives up to? What could YOU do in the Guild in 2021?
The year is coming to its end and it is time to elect new people to run the Guild.
Join the events ‘’Ask the Actives’’ to hear what the actives of the past year have been doing! You can also ask questions about their interesting positions! The events will be held this year in Zoom, and there are two of them:
28.10. 5 pm-7pm Board – Ask the Actives
29.10. 5 pm-8pm Actives – Ask the Actives
Because there are a huge number of positions, it also takes time to present them. For this reason, these presentations of the guild actives have been scheduled tightly. The schedule and Zoom link will be published later in the facebook event and in telegram!
Information about the quild actives is also available on the Guild’s website, as well as on Instagram!
Here are the election-related events entirely:
12.10. Instagram // Presentations of the Board Washes, take a look at @arkkitehtikilta
28.10. 5 pm // Board – Ask the Actives
29.10. 5 pm // Actives – Ask the Actives
30.10. Instagram // Introduces of the actives begin, check out @arkkitehtikilta
2.11. Website // Presentations of candidates // arkkitehtikilta.fi/vaalit
9.11. 5 pm Zoom // Candidate Eve // Candidates of 2021 introduce themselves!
11.11. The election meeting of board members + responsible actives will be elected. Meeting as a hybrid way in Otakaari 1’s C-hall + Zoom!
16.11. The selection of actives’ assistants begins!

Event https://www.facebook.com/events/665488327712334/

III Job offers

Job offers can be found at:


