Hi again! Teekkari traditions week is soon here with its happenings and of some of them you can read about underneath! If you are interested in what else is happening then you can check out the website https://teekkarius149.ayy.fi/teekkaritraditonweek/. For those longing to go to Maja Pikkujallus are here again! Tomorrow at the Guild actives fair you can get to know more about what is done in the guild and meet our actives as well!
I GeneralDepartment and School Facilities II ElectionGuild actives’ Fair 26.10. III Coming UpTeekkari tradition week take off 2.11. IV Of InterestSong competition IIV Job OffersArkkitehtikilta.fi |
I General
Department and School Facilities:
Useful links for finding information on the current situation:
III Coming Up
Teekkari tradition week take off 2.11.
Teekkari tradition week takes off on Tuesday, November 2, when Smökki explodes at the starting bang of the week!
The night starts at 11pm with the kick-off of the night croquet tournament. A moment later, the doors of Smökki open to the party crowd, which will be accelerated at 23.30 by AaltoDJ’s own DJ Tako. In addition to the whopping music there is going to be an opportunity to buy some night snacks!
Registration for the night croquet tournament opens on Tuesday 26.10. at 12.00. A link to the registration will be posted in the Facebook event. The tournament can accommodate the first 16 teams, so it is recommended to be super sharp with the registration! This way you can ensure your team has a chance to win amazing prizes!
For the night croquet tournament, the team is registered by one person, who thus acts as the team’s contact person. The size of the team can vary from 2 to 4 people. The tournament costs € 6 per team! More information about the event and the rules of the game will be updated later in the Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/VBAaOXjz
What: Night croquet + open starting bang party
When: Tuesday 2.11. at 11 pm ->
Where: Around Smökki and in Smökki!
Registration for the tournament: Tuesday 26.10. at 12.00, sign up link will be posted in this event!
Costs: Night croquet -> 6 €, smökki party -> 0 €, night snack -> a little
Maja Pre Christmas Party Nov. 5th
The best time of the year is almost here. Somebody is taking notes behind the window about who is kind and who naughty.
Welcome to the epic and mysterious Cabin Pre Christmas-Party at AK’s Cabin on November 5th. At the magic moment of the midnight might Jallu Buck show up to kind architects.
Come and feel the spirit of nobel spirits!
Bring a small and fun/useless/crappy gift if you like to take part in the gift giving circle hosted by Jallu Buck!
Elonkorjuu 6.11.
The darkest time of the year is coming as Demeter, the goddess of harvest and all living plants, begins her mourning. Her daughter is about to return to the land of the dead. Before that, however, it is time for Elonkorjuu – so dance, laugh and enjoy the last days of abundance before the autumn comes to an end!
On Saturday 6.11. the first Elonkorjuu in history takes place in Servin Mökki! The event is organized by the Teekkari Section, GAYY and Jalostajat. During the night, you get to enjoy live music, good food and an excellent drink selection. The activities of the evening include different tastings, watercolor painting and glitter art. The dresscode for the night is “classy” – we encourage you to use your imagination, and “too much” is just enough.
The participation fee is 5€ including the overall badge. The ticket sale will begin on Monday 25.10. at 4 pm on kide.app. There is a limited amount of tickets for sale, so be fast.
The Facebook page: https://fb.me/e/VGa1U8pm
WHAT: Elonkorjuu by Teekkari Section, GAYY and Jalostajat
WHERE: Servin Mökki
MILLOIN: 6.11. at 18-01
TICKETS: https://kide.app/events/feadbcfd-5e10-4df5-badc-8fc5a9483ee4
DC: Classy, with a touch of “too much”!
Elonkorjuu is part of the Teekkari Tradition Week event selection. All of the events of the week can be found on https://teekkarius149.ayy.fi/
IV Of Interest
Song competition
The song competition is here again !!
The song competition is an annual fun-loving competition organized by the Lukkari Committee, in which everyone from Aalto can participate. Get involved by writing new lyrics to a melody or composing your own song altogether! The singing competition is open 3.11. until!
More information about the competition on the event page.
Forms: https://forms.gle/R6HtqpvpJ77YUPZh9
Start Aikido in Otaniemi!
Aalto Aikikai welcomes new beginners to their activities starting next week. We will hold an aikido show and a introductory session on Monday 1.11. 17: 30-19: 00 in Tatamisali, Jämeräntaival 5. Bring a t-shirt and sweatpants etc.
Training in autumn 2021:
on Mondays from 17:30 to 19:00 Jämeräntaival 5
on Thursdays from 17:30 to 19:00 Jämeräntaival 5
After the trial, you can join the trainings during the first two weeks. More information: aaltoaikikai.ayy.fi
Series Aaltoes
Aalto Entrepreneurship Society’s new innovation program S1 is HERE! What’s S1 and Series?
Series a community that exists to support students across continents in their quest of solving societal challenges. Series a place for students with multidisciplinary educational backgrounds and diverse skill-sets where they can unite their forces to create impactful solutions that address the world’s greatest challenges.
Series provides a platform, a new innovation program called Series 1, for students from any university or school of applied sciences to develop their knowledge,skills and qualities in order to affect positive change at the level of the wider society. Unlike any other innovation program, S1 aims to steer the path of innovation away from the usual direction – competition – towards a community, where students can brainstorm and exchange ideas openly. As a participant you will learn new approaches to generate and adopt new knowledge and ideas.You get to expand your network and build connections with the best experts in their fields and multi-talented students across the globe. Experience a growth of self-confidence in your talents.
Train your adaptability. 27.9. – 31.10. Join S1 to plan a new way forward. Our partners: Espoo City,Technology Industries of Finland and Aalto University.
More info: www.series1.io and @series.global
IIV Job Offers
–Arkkitehtikilta.fihttps://arkkitehtikilta.fi/?page_id=12502 JOBTEASER |