Publicist greetings
What does the Guild of Architecture do?
What could you do in the Guild in 2021? The year 2021 is coming closer, and it’s time to elect new actives to our lovely Guild!
Stay tuned, more to come! Digest just for you 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
I GeneralDepartment and school facilities II What’s going onYou Tell Me Collective 15.10 III Job |
I General
Department and school facilities:
Links to help finding important info
II What’s going on
Climate Crisis – situation check through 5 images
We all have an understanding that climate change is a major threat and something needs to be done about it. We also hear a lot of talk of how climate actions are being taken and how various products, means of transportation and cities will soon be made carbon neutral. But do we really understand the scope and urgency of the challenge? Or how much of the carbon neutrality talk is greenwashing? And what if we have missed the train and we need to simply adapt to the impending climate catastrophe?
The second evening school of the Autumn will be hosted by Pasi Toiviainen. Toiviainen is an environmental and science reporter from Helsinki. He has worked in the science department of the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE since 2004 and before as a free journalist. Toviainen is known for example for his book Ilmastonmuutos. Nyt. (Climate Change. Now.) and his documentary film The Venus Theory. Toiviainen has a degree in architecture and at the moment he is working on his PhD dissertation on the history of ecological architecture.
The discussion event is part of the Buildings We Live In -campaign that has been visible in Helsinki’s metro and on social media. The goal of the campaign is to highlight the environmental impact of construction and the coming evening schools of the Autumn will study the solutions to these challenges. You can read more on the campaign at
What: A discussion on the current state of the climate crisis (the discussion will be held in English)
Where: Online on Google Meets (the link will be posted to the event)
When: Thursday 15.10.2020 18:00
Coffee break with the guild
Coffee break with guild? In a world like this? It’s more likely than you think.
This friday we are organising a Zoom coffee break to all the interested, community driven, providing-their-own-servings, people of the guild !
Session starts at 12:30 and entertainment will consist of an info packet about all the upcoming fall events!
So mark the date and we’ll see you there!
WHAT: Coffee break with the guild
WHEN: 16.10. at 12:30
WHERE: Zoom link will be provided later!
III Job offers
Job offers can be found at: CAREERWEBIN TYÖTARJOUKSET |