October has reached its halfway, which means that the elections of the Guild of Architecture are getting closer every day! From this week on, on the instagram account of the Guild (@arkkitehtikilta) will be introductions of the Board. So we will shortly explain what happens behind the scenes of the Guild of Architecture, who does what and why it is important, so stay tuned!
Netta |
I EventsFreshmen’s Festive Table Party Ticket sale starts 15.10.
II Pastime activities
I Events
Cold wind blows, the snow is crunching beneath your boots and northern lights shine in the night sky. Teekkaritraditionsweek begins with the most elegant, the most festive and the overall finest Academic Table Party of the whole Freshman year. On Monday Night Servinmökki will give it’s best inspired by the wildness of the arctic and ruthless beauty of the glacier. It will be a night with plenty of singing, accompanied with delicious dishes and grandiose performances. However, a seat at these tables is not to be taken for granted. As You Freshmen are so great in numbers, there won’t be enough seats for everybody unfortunately. That’s why the signup will be a more than equal, traditional physical queue. Tickets for the Table Party starts at 8:15 a.m. on Tuesday morning 15th October, and the early penguin gets the herring. If you want to make sure you get your ticket, it’s good to be at the queue quite early (and remember to take warm clothing with you!). This Table Party is meant for freshmen from associations of technology only. WHAT: Freshmen’s Festive Table Party Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/443180313214696/ |
Are you familiar with our local brewery that has it’s spaces at historically gorgeous facilities? Do you already have the absolute favourite ale? If you answered “negative” to these two questions, now you have the great opportunity to correct your answers! The Cultural Committee of the Guild of Architecture is organizing a guided tour to Suomenlinna Brewery which includes the ale tasting. Registration for this event is open, be prepared, because only 30 first will take part! ❤️
Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/562067507868205/ |
The highlight of the Teekkaritraditionweek, the Teekkaritraditionparty, will be organised at Dipoli on Friday, 8 Nov 2019. Tickets cost EUR 85 for students and EUR 110 for alumni. More information on Teekkaritraditionparty on Facebook. Registration opens at 12noon on 9 Oct 2019 at https://www.teekkarius147.ayy.fi. Teekkaritraditionweek closes on Saturday, 9 Nov, with Teekkarisillis (“herring breakfast”). You can sign up for Teekkarisillis in connection with the Teekkaritraditionparty. If there are tickets left, ticket sales will be announced separately. Teekkaritraditionparty on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1789100994568444/ |
II Pastime activities
Liikuntatoimikunta järkkää tänä syksynä Healthyappron, jonka aikana yhdeksän eri urheiluyhdistystä esittelevät toimintaansa järjestemällä lajikokeilun yhdeksästä eri lajista. Kokeiluja järjestetään alkaen syyskuun puolivälistä kestäen aina marraskuuhun asti ja jokaisen lajikokeilun jälkeen järjestetään myös mahdollisuus jäädä hengailemaan pelikavereiden ja yhdistyksen edustajan kanssa saunan ja ilmaisen purtavan merkeissä! Lajikokeilut ovat kaikille Aallon opiskelijoille avoimia ja ilmaisia tapahtumia!
Ilmoittautuminen on nyt auki tiistaina 14.10. järjestettyyn Aalto Predators Cheerleading – Foxesin järjestämään lajikokeiluun! Ilmo: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/healthyappro-apc-foxes/ Lisää tietoa Healthyapprosta: https://www.facebook.com/events/514740742687553/ |
Oletko jo pitkään halunnut päästä tapaamaan ihkaoikeaa alpakkaa, mutta syksyn kiireet ja tuleva tenttiviikko eivät tarjoa siihen mahdollisuutta? Haluaisitko edes pieneksi hetkeksi unohtaa koulukiireet ja päästä purkamaan stressiä? Tähän sinulle tarjoutuu oiva mahdollisuus, kun AYY:n yhteisöjaosto Aava tuo Alvarin aukiolle A!pacas & Chill -tapahtumaan lukuisia eri stressinpoistokeinoja. Tapahtumasta löytyy niin alpakoita, kaneja, ilmaista naposteltavaa, sekä stressilelutyöpaja, jossa voit parissa minuutissa askarrella oman puristeltavan stressilelusi! Saavu siis Alvarille 15.10. kello 12-14 poistamaan stressisi ja unohtamaan hetkeksi saapuvan tenttiviikon paineet!
MITÄ: Alpakoita, kaneja, naposteltavaa ja stressileluja
Skipoli Trip to the Alps 2020 The legendary Skipoli’s Trip to the Alps in January 2020 heads to snowy Cervinia in Northern Italy. We are setting of in 18th of January and will be back from the trip 1st of February. The two week ski trip in magnificent mountain landscape costs only 599€. You can find more information from Skipoli’s facebook! (Link below) Attn. The enrolment for the trip arranged in Candidate Centre on Thursday 17th of October 10 am! Address: Otakaari 1, Espoo (Lobby) Link to the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/910078409354466/ |
This October ravers around Otaniemi gather to show their dedication at the Chapel of Rave!
The legendary Neon Rave returns to offer fiery beats and an epic neon lightshow to Smökki on Saturday 26.10. A gothic-themed evening to remember, the Rave showcases multiple artists for your entertainment. Come to the altar of dance, and rave ’till your legs give out! Tickets: Pre-sale 6 € / 8 € from the door. Ticket pre-sales on week 42 & 43, specific dates TBA so stay tuned! LINEUP of NEON RAVE 2019 will be announced soon. This event is sponsored by SOUNDFRONT!
WHAT: Neon Rave 2019: Chapel of rave
“My night is reduced to a single instinct: Rave! As the world fell it was hard to know who was more crazy. Me, or everyone else.” – Mad Max |
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