Publicist greetings
Hey, A-Guild! Time for the first weekly digest of the new semester. Let’s kick it! For the most recent members of the Guild, the purpose of the weekly digest is to compile the events of the coming weeks and the most important information outlets in one place for everyone to easily find. Releases will be published as needed, but in principle always on Mondays of even weeks. This may live to some extent when the situation requires so, as the most accurate might already notice 🙈 Without further ado, I wish everyone a memorable start to the school year on these special, strange days. Be well, stay healthy and support one each other.
Ps. Last week I went to watch the documentary of Aaltos’, directed by Virpi Suutari. Have to say, it exceeded all expectations. Where possible, a strong recommendation to visit the movie.
I GeneralYear tags II What’s going on#swagswagnamnam III Job OffersArknieminen, published 14.9. |
I General
Year tags
Student ID, where can I order it and when can I pick up a year tag?
Frank is responsible for both delivering the plastic cards and the use of the digital card. You can start using the free digital card by downloading the Frank App onto your phone and creating a user account. The membership fee for the academic term in question must be paid for and updated into the student register before you can use the card.
You can find out more about card options and their prices on the Frank website.
The tag of spring 2020, marked with 9/2020, will remain valid for many student discounts until 30 Sept 2020 (except FSHS until 31 Jul 2020). We will start handing out new year tags at the end of August/in early September at a separate year tag service point. A more detailed schedule will be updated onto the Services Office website later. Year tags are also available from the Student Service Desks and Starting Point of Aalto University within their opening hours.
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The Design Calendar 2020–2021 reflecting elementary school nostalgia
New calendars, fresh out of the print, are finally here! This year, the academic year calendar, i.e. the Design Calendar, was published for the third time in cooperation with TOKYO, Students of Art, Design and Architecture in Aalto University.
Read more
Department and school facilities:
Links to help finding important info
II What’s going on
Interested in dancing howling completely free and in a wonderful company? The rehearsals of the architect guild’s own dance group # swagswagnamnam have spun off again, and the dance legs are waving everywhere they look. The swags will have induction training 21.9., to which both freshmen and older students are welcome. Come test it!
We are looking forward to new members
See you around 21.9. at. 20.00
Address JMT 3
The Architecture Student Days, or more familiarly the AO Days, will come on Friday 2.10. starting at 2pm in the form of a live stream. Forget the fall rains and dull winds as you can watch AO days right from your warm home couch.
This year, the theme of the AO Days is Haloo! Talking architecture that discusses phenomena as well as projects that have spoken to people in the past or present.
Stay tuned! More information will follow soon.
Nordic CityMaking
Nordic CityMaking is a forum and a movement based in the Nordics connecting citymakers across countries, cities and communities.
In this first edition of Nordic CityMaking Week we ask ourselves: What is Nordic in our cities? What do we mean with citymaking? And how can we as citymakers create better ways of working and thinking together to make our cities better?
With the Nordic CityMaking initiative we aim to build sustainable bridges by connecting urban topics to street life, international guests to local stakeholders, thought to action.
During 15-19 September NCM Week 2020 will host seminars, round table talks as well as numerous site visits. As a conference without walls the event will spread to different neighbourhoods of Helsinki, Vantaa and Espoo and connect the topics to real life developments. Everyone is invited to participate in creating the manifesto for the future of our Nordic cities.
40+ experts of urbanity from approx. 20 different countries will speak at the conferences and webinars and take part in the workshops of the week. We are happy to announce that Mayor of Vantaa Ritva Viljanen and Mayor of Helsinki Jan Vapaavuori are joining the conversation. See the list of speakers
The program of NCM Week 2020 is curated and produced by Urban Practice. Joining as Hosting Cities are City of Helsinki and City of Vantaa, and as Main Partners KONE and NCC.
Teekkarispeks courses are coming again – and so are introductions to freshmen (and others interested in specs)!
Join us for our dance, impro and acting courses – you don’t want to miss these educational and fun courses! Introductory evening 25.9. you get to hear and see what and what is spec. Take a look at more information about specs on our website and schedules and descriptions of future courses
Aalto Gamers Tournament
Aalto Gamers Valorant Tournament Autumn 2020 is here! The tournament is for players of all skill levels – we will create balanced mixed teams from all the registered participants. Come join us for a day of fun competition with Riot’s new game and find new friends.
Event details here:
Aalto Gamers is a university gaming organization, organizing esports tournaments and casual gaming events for students.
Follow us on Facebook: and Instagram: @aaltogamers
Would you be interested in starting a new hobby or bleeding old volleyball skills? In the coming season, Aalto-Volley will offer the opportunity to play volleyball at several different league levels or even more casually once a week. In our ranks, you can play the men’s local series with a relaxed grip, as well as the men’s regional series more purposefully. The goal is also to announce the women’s team to play in the women’s local league.
There are training shifts in 5 weeks, so there are sure to be suitable shifts and a suitable game club for everyone.
If you were interested, contact Matias or Rosanna!, TG: @Peltoketo, TG: @manninen
Aalto-Basket searching for players
New season is soon starting and aalto-basket is recruiting. Contact or through our social media channels
You can find us also on Facebook
New singers for Dissonans
Looking for fun for your darkening evenings? Dissonance is now looking for new singers for his diverse mixed choir. You are warmly welcome to our open rehearsals on 22.9 and auditions on 23.9. International singers included too!
III Job offers
ArknieminenPublished 9/14/2020 Creating a SketchUp model of an old people’s pavilion (townhouse) I designed. Not all apartments need to be built on a model; 3 pieces of different housing types are enough. If you are interested, please contact us by e-mail: According to the message, a preliminary estimate of the number of hours spent on the work and the hourly rate, or the amount of the total bonus. The price estimate can be refined once the final workload is known. Here you can see what the house looks like: regards, Sari Nieminen Job offers can be found at: CAREERWEBIN TYÖTARJOUKSET |