Weekly Digest 3/22

Hi everyone! I highly recommend writing down the dates for the upcoming events! Winter day is next week, let’s hope for a nice weather. If I were you, I would visit the T150-checkpoint to get a Teekkari Point Card for myself. A what now? Read more in the Interesting stuff -section to find out! ;)

Let’s get into the second Weekly Digest of 2022!

Veera Vornanen
The Guild of Architecture
Telegram: @veeratainen


I General

AYY’s rental facilities are available for booking 8.2.

COVID guidelines from Aalto, AYY and THL

II Upcoming events

Fuksi’s Winter day 14.2

Fuksi’s song test moved to 22.2

Laskiaisrieha, Laskiaisappro Pub Crawl & Gravitaatio 1.3.

III Interesting stuff

T150 – Teekkari Point Card

The search for Guild Room Committee is still open!

Landscape architects’  Telegram chat

Teekkarispeksi tickets on sale

Polijazz: sign up for dance classes

IV Job offers

Kalvotalo: Haemme pienoismallin tekijää!

Virkkunen & Co: Arkkitehtiylioppilas saa paikan

Gravicon Oy: Haluatko tehdä töitä joustavasti opiskelujesi ohessa?

Aalto Jobteaser: check available job offers

I General

AYY’s rental facilities are available for booking 8.2.

AYY’s rental facilities are available for booking from 8 Feb 2022 onwards. All bookers must ensure that they are familiar with the restrictions and guidelines for indoor gatherings. The bookers must plan the measures to be taken to prevent the risk of infection due to the use of the facility. The maximum capacity of the facilities is limited according to the size of the facility and the number of seats.

Reservation can now be cancelled no later than 7 days before the event free of charge.

For further info contact: tilat@ayy.fi

COVID guidelines from Aalto, AYY and THL

Up-to-date website for facilities and COVID regulations on campus


Reservable AYY workspaces closed until 7.2 + general current information:


COVID info from the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare:


II Upcoming events

Fuksi’s Winter Day
14.2 at 2.30–5.30(-9.00)pm (spare date 24.2.) //  Otaniemi
Winter Day is here! ☃️
Winter Day is a checkpoint crawl for first-year students. The event will be held on Monday 14th Feb in Otaniemi! So gather a group of 6-10 people and come to Alvarin aukio for the grand start at 2.30 pm. At the start, checkpoint cards will be distributed and the patch of the event will be sold (in cash). Checkpoints are held by ISOs (tutors) as well as various associations, committees and clubs. Checkpoints are open from 14:30 to 17:30.
After that, if the situation allows, all the saunas in Otaniemi’s one-time rental premises will open, and they can visit those freely! 🔥 The sauna tour is open around 5-9 pm. In addition, there will be an afterparty held in Smökki from 8.30 pm on. The entrance ticket for the afterparty is the overall patch of the event, which is also sold at the door.
If you have questions you can contact Fuksi Major.
Fanni Mattsson
fanni.mattsson@ayy.fi (mainly)
TG @Rouvamajuri
Fuksi’s Song Test Sauna
22.2 // Extra info coming up shortly!


Laskiaisrieha, Laskiaisapprot Pub Crawl & Gravitaatio
1.3. // Kaivopuisto park / Helsinki

The craziest downhill race is here again!
On Shrove Tuesday (1.3.) it’s time to find you something that passes for a sled and head on over to Kaivopuisto park, Helsinki! Students from all over are showing up for an action-packed afternoon outdoors – so why not you as well?

The most daring and ambitious ones take part in the legendary Academic Downhill Race, where teams pilot their home-made sleds in the hope of winning the grand prize! Sleds and teams are judged not only on their run’s distance, but creativity and showmanship as well.

After the amazing afternoon sledding the action continues with the Laskiaisappro Pub Crawl where you can slalom through downtown Helsinki touring bars all the way to the official afterparty Gravitaatio!

WHAT: Laskiaisrieha 2022

WHERE: Kaivopuisto park, Helsinki

WHEN: Shrove Tuesday 1.3.

MORE INFORMATION: https://www.facebook.com/events/1131578604245200, (registration for downhill race closes on 20.2.)

1.3. // Apollo Live Club

Get ready to experience the pull of Gravitaatio as we stumble down the rabbit hole from Laskiaisrieha all the way to Apollo!

After sledding and crawling, we get to fight the influence of gravity while jumping and dancing to the beat of some of the best artists in Finland!

Gravitaatio is held on Shrove Tuesday (March 1st) as an after party for Laskiaisrieha & Laskiaisappro. More information coming soon on the website and the Teekkari Section (Teekkarijaosto) Instagram and Facebook!

III Interesting stuff

T150 – Teekkari Point Card

Re-experience the charm of the fuksi-year as you collect Teekkari points and find out if you can become a HyperSuperTeekkari!

In connection with the Teekkarius150 anniversary, you can complete the Teekkari Point Card, in which you can receive points from many of the already familiar recreations and T150-themed activities. Point cards are distributed at T150 events and are always advertised on Instagram and on the tg-channel. So remember to follow T150 on social media @teekkarius150 (Telegram, Instagram, Facebook).

The first opportunity to collect points is on Winter Day, where we are handing out cards at the T150 checkpoint. Come and say hello, get your card and have fun throughout the anniversary!

AK-Raati: Guild Room Committee

Love swimming in the ball pit? Interested in Monstera cuttings? Do nostalgic PS2 games bring joy to your days filled with never ending Rhino work? If your answer to any of the above is yes, it’s not too late to join the Guild Room Gang!

Interested? Send a message to Guild Room & Hut Supervisor @samuelhautamaki on Telegram.

“Maisumieliset” Telegram group for Landscape Architects

Did you know landscape architects and all others interested in the field have their own Telegram chat? 🌿

Join in on interesting discussions about everything under the sun (quite literally) and stay tuned about what’s happening in Vista, the landscape architects’ student association!

So, just in case you haven’t joined yet: https://t.me/+EUmpAB9az4JhZmU0 💚

Up-to-date information and other nice things can also be found through Vista’s Instagram @vista.ry and mailing list: https://vista.ayy.fi/?page_id=33


“Androids are rattling and the coffee-o’-matic is beeping as the Teekkarispeksi of 2022 hops aboard a spaceship and dives into the world of sci-fi. Thrilling moments are had onboard the vessel of a space exploration company as world renowned astrologer Reine Haan’s new gadget picks up a mysterious signal. Where is it coming from and what exactly is it trying to tell us?”

Tickets for Teekkarispeksi 2022 are on sale now at https://teekkarispeksi.fi/!


Sick and tired of lounging around at home? No room to boogie down in your dorm? Get rid of your extra energy in dance classes held by the students’ dance association Polijazz! Classes start in February, registration opens Jan 24th. First time’s free, bring a friend and get a discount! 


Contemporary dance: Mon 4:45-5:45pm (intermediate)

Breaking: Wed 7–8pm (beginner), 8–9pm (advanced)

Oriental dance: Thu 6–7pm (open level)

English-speaking instructors available.”



 IV Job offers

Työpaikkailmoitukset-välilehti on siirretty Tiedotteet-sarakkeeseen, josta löytyy myös viikkotiedotteet! Löydät sinne myös alla olevasta linkistä:
Katso uusimmat työpaikkailmoitukset täältä!

Aalto JOBTEASERIN työtarjoukset (vaatii Aalto-tunnuksilla kirjautumisen):



Onko sinulla kehitysehdotuksia?

Jos haluat tiedotteesi ensi viikon Viikkikseen, lähetäthän materiaalisi (suomeksi ja englanniksi mielellään!) sähköpostiini tulevaan perjantaihin mennessä. 

Työantajat: Työpaikkailmoituksen julkaisusta sovitaan erikseen – olethan ajoissa yhteyksissä! 


Ota yhteyttä: 

Telegram: @veeratainen