Weekly Digest 21/22

Hi! <3

There’s a lot happening this Friday in Otaniemi, because the teekkari cap’s period of use is coming to it’s annual end at the end of September! Traditionally during the day we’ll follow the Otaniemi Grand Prix in Alvarin aukio – also for the honor of Teekkarius 150 anniversary, there’s a lot more to do on campus at daytime.

Anything else? Dipoli’s Appro is here soon, and ticket sales start the day after tomorrow. More on that on this Weekly Digest!

Veera Vornanen
The Guild of Architecture
Telegram: @veeratainen

I General

Thefts in Otaniemi

Landscape Architecture Day 2022 14.10.

Aalto University: Mentoring Programme for master students

II Upcoming events

Otatarha Grand Prix 30.9.

T150: Resiinat Raide-Jokerilla 30.9.

T150: Teekkarikaupunkihaaste 30.9.

Lakinlaskijaiset 30.9.

[AK] Anything but an Architect- Guild sitsi’s 5.10.

Dipoli’s Appro 12.10. (tickets 28.9./29.9.)

III Interesting stuff

Saint Gobain: Architecture Student Contest 2023

Aalto-Volley – volleyball sports club

IV Job offers

Aalto Jobteaser: check available job offers

I General

Thefts in Otaniemi

We have learned that residential properties in Otaniemi have recently been broken into and property has been stolen in connection with student events. The break-ins reported to AYY have also been reported to the police.
In Teekkarikylä, round-the-clock district guarding will begin without delay around AYY’s properties in addition to the already existed guarding in Jämeräntaival 1, and door codes to properties will be changed. Furthermore, we kindly ask everyone to pay special attention to the safety of their belongings both in their home and when using the other facilities.

More info can be read here: https://www.ayy.fi/en/thefts-in-otaniemi-comprehensive-security-starts-around-ayys-properties

Landscape Architecture Day 2022 14.10.

Registration for Landcape Architecture Day 2022 is open!

We offer free entrance for Department of Architecture degree students and members of staff (150 seats quota). For this free entrance students should use aalto.fi e-mail address for registration.

Lunch tickets and dinner tickets available for purchase.

Registration is open until 30.9. (or until quota is full). If you miss your free entrance, you can buy your ticket from the event website. There are tickets for online stream available also!

You will find the program and more info from here: https://boldnessandbeauty2022.com/program/

Special link for Aalto registration is here: https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/AALTOY22

NOTE! Possible inquiries concerning registration via event website (not to undersigned)

Tervetuloa mukaan! Welcome!

Tapahtuman järjestäjien puolesta,

On behalf of the organizers,


Aalto University: Mentoring Programme for masters students

Master´s student, are you about to graduate but feel uncertain about your career direction? Would you like to discuss your options and broaden your career horizons? Learn from a seasoned professional and get advice on career design?
Apply to the Aalto University Mentoring Programme and find a meaningful direction for your career!
There are more than 180 mentor candidates from different fields you can apply for. Mentoring offers a great opportunity to learn about working life, connect with our alumni and get support for creating your own path!
Read more and apply as an actor:

Application period 15 Sept  – 9 Oct

II Upcoming events

Otatarha Grand Prix
30.9. / 12:00-16:00 // Alvarin aukio
The time of lowering our Teekkari caps is coming soon, but before that is time to throw ourselves back to the stone age and go crazy with our primitive cars. That is because Otatarha Grand Prix is back once again! So, take with you your sticks and rocks and come compete to find the toughest cookie in Otaniemi!
Even if you don’t participate in the race, you should come to Alvarinaukio to enjoy the stunning race atmosphere and the beautiful autumn day. Besides the race course the area will be filled with other fun activities!
More info about the event is here on Facebook!
Teekkarius 150
30.9. / from 1 pm onwards // Alvarin aukio / Harald Herlin outdoors


As is tradition, fuksis are racing on non-motorized vehicles in Otatarha Grand Prix! However, as a special celebration for Teekkarius 150, this year crowds are also welcome to test their own racing skills by giving a traditional draisine a go on the brand new Jokeri Light Rails rail tracks!
Come satisfy your need for speed on Friday 30.9. 13-16 outside Harald Herlin’s Learning Centre!
To celebrate Teekkarius 150 Anniversary, we have sent a challenge to all teekkari cities. The goal of this challenge is to gather as many students as possible to one spot (wearing their overalls and teekkari caps) and to form the number 150.
In Espoo this challenge will be conducted on the 30th of September around 14.30 during the Otatarha Grand Prix and Handcars on Jokeri Light Rails events. To participate, you only need to come to Alvarin aukio and follow the instructions given by the organizers.
Follow Teekkarius 150 on Telegram to not miss out on upcoming events and detailed info!
30.9. / tickets 19.9. at 11-13 in undergrad. center’s lobby // Dipoli, Otaniemi

Lakinlaskijaiset is here again! When the time of use for the teekkari cap ends for this year, it’s time to celebrate the passed season properly. Whether you you study science, arts or business, head towards Dipoli on 30.9. to blast with Maija Vilkkumaa, KNV and AaltoDJ – our wonderful artists.

Please follow the @lakinlaskijaiset info channel on telegram in order to hear about the schedule of the ticket sale and wristband exchange among the first ones.

P.S. The application form for volunteers is now open! So if you want to ensure your access to the party or get a possibility to achieve the pink volunteer cordon, apply now! https://lomake.ayy.fi/jtmk/lakinlaskijaiset

[AK] Anything but an Architect – Guild sitsi’s
5.10. / reg. open til 30.9. (quota full) // Otakaari 20
What would an architect do if they weren’t an architect? Will you find a suprise buried in the landscape architect’s garden? What does the interior architect secretly dream about? What would you do, if you didn’t study at Aalto? Are you living a double life and during your free time transforming like Hannah Montana?
Now is the time to reminiscence your childhood’s dream job or dig up those old student overalls, because quildsitsis are coming again! Dress up as the profession / dream of your choosing and come raise toast with us to all kinds of alter egos on 5.10. 18:00 at Otakaari 20!
WHAT: Anything but an Architect – quildsitsis
WHERE: Otakaari 20
WHEN: 5.10. at 18:00, the gong at 18:30
PRICE: 15€
DRESSCODE: Any profession (other than an architect)
WHY: Who hasn’t searched for them selves? Still everyone of us is AK
The sign up begins on Thursday the 22nd of September at 12:00 and ends on the 30th at 23:59, after which it becomes binding. Come as you are but not as yourself! (Sign up link is in Guild’s announcement channel!)
Dipoli’s Appro
12.10. / Tickets 28.9. / 29.9. // Otaniemi

Come and enjoy the appro atmosphere and tour Otaniemi with Dipolin Appro on Wednesday, October 12th.

Ticket sales open on Kide.app on September 28th at 12:00. Tickets are also available on September 29th from the lobby of Kandidaattikeskus (Otakaari 1) at 12:00. Tickets are sold together with the Polin Appro ticket so you can get your ticket for Polin Appro at the same time. The price for the joint ticket is 18 €.

Join Polin Appros information channels to get more detailed information about ticket sales and the event:
Telegram: t.me/polinappro
Instagram: @ polinappro

Polin Appro is part of the teekkari tradition week and it will be held on two days this year, 9-10th of November. There will be a separate ticket sales for Polin Appro later, more information about it and other information about the event will be published on the channels above.

III Interesting stuff

Saint Gobain: Architecture Student Contest 2023
Previously at Guild room Coffee Hour Saint Gobain threw a challenge for architecture students interested in competitions; the Architecture Student Contest 2023 starts this September!
In last year’s Contest of 2022 the first place went to students from University of Oulu – it would be amazing to see proposals from Aalto University’s architecture students as well!
More info about the Architecture Student Contest can be found here: https://architecture-student-contest.saint-gobain.com/


Aalto-Volley is an active student sports club that offers opportunities to play volleyball at an official series level or simply for recreation. Our practices are held four times a week in Espoo at varying skill levels. This season we aim to arrange a women’s team and two men’s teams for the local and regional series.

We also arrange more casual playing days so everyone with all skill levels can come to try and train. Feel free to contact aalto.volley@gmail.com if you are interested in playing volleyball!

Additionally, Unisport offers their own volleyball series for students. More info can be found at https://unisport.fi/en/other-activities-unisport/ball-sports-series and possibly from your guild’s sports team.

 IV Job offers

Työpaikkailmoitukset-välilehti on siirretty Tiedotteet-sarakkeeseen, josta löytyy myös viikkotiedotteet! Löydät sinne myös alla olevasta linkistä:
Katso uusimmat työpaikkailmoitukset täältä!

Aalto JOBTEASERIN työtarjoukset (vaatii Aalto-tunnuksilla kirjautumisen):



Onko sinulla kehitysehdotuksia?

Jos haluat tiedotteesi ensi viikon Viikkikseen, lähetäthän materiaalisi (suomeksi ja englanniksi mielellään!) sähköpostiini tulevaan perjantaihin mennessä. 

Työantajat: Työpaikkailmoituksen julkaisusta sovitaan erikseen – olethan ajoissa yhteyksissä! 


Ota yhteyttä: 

Telegram: @veeratainen