Wappu is soon here and with it all kinds of fun things to take part in and enjoy! So now is the perfect time to check out all the fun things that are happening and make a note of what you want to participate in so you don’t miss a thing! Wappu Events During the Weeks 16 and 17: By clicking the event name you get to the possible already existing event page, note that some of the events are held in Finnish 19.4. Cocktail-evening And so you don’t miss anything remember to subscribe to the Guild of Architectures Telegram, Instagram and Facebook! And here in the familiar form: Short versions of some of the events and other fun things: I GeneralDepartment and School Facilities II Coming UpThe Jäynä Finale 22.4. III Of InterestRadiodiodi 19.-30.4. IV Job OffersArkkitehtikilta.fi |
I General
Department and School Facilities:
Useful links for finding information on the current situation:
II Coming Up
Jäynä Finale of 2021
The Jäynä Finale is coming closer and all are invited to come and raise their wappu spirits on Thursday the 22nd at 16.30 at the Jäynä Finale of 2021. The show holds this years best jäynäs and the winner of the 34th Jäynä winner is chosen by the judges as well as the crowds favourite. This you don’t want to miss!
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/223783906156290–
The WappuXQ is here! The Guild of Architecture presents to you the first Wappu event of the season, a fun excursion where you get to find out more about the history of wappu by visiting important spots around the city. You also get a chance to win amazing prizes by completing tasks! We warmly welcome you to join us
The event starts at 12 and ends at 21:00 so you have the whole day to participate. Grab a friend or have an adventure by yourself! You’ll get more Information closer to the date.
WHAT? A fun Wappu Excursion
WHEN? 23.4.
WHERE? Everywhere
HOW MUCH? It’s free!
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/3998115666944963
The Guild of Architectures Wappu
It’s Wappu now!
Tune in to Wappu and stay up to date by following the Guild of Architecture’s social media. For two weeks until Wappu Day, you will be entertained by daily surprises as well as groundbreaking happenings. Among other things the guild’s traditional Brunch Sitsit will be on April 27th as well as Wappu punch after Manta has got her student cap, and in addition to these, many new Wappu challenges will be arranged. Follow this Facebook event and the Guild of Architecture’s Instagram so you don’t miss the epic remote Wappu!
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1702663049937564/
III Of Interest
Radiodiodi is a temporary student radio station based in Otaniemi. Our main goal is to organize a two-week-long radio station project from the middle of April until the festive Wappu and a shorter production for orientation in the beginning of September. The broadcast is produced in Otaniemi campus in a construction container town.
Programmes are produced by volunteering Aalto students (even you!). The Radiodiodi team has no clue about the content of the broadcast – we facilitate it, you make it.
We organize Radiodiodi for the community and we hope to make a great Wappu for everyone!
Wappu is almost here and so is the Wappustudio!
From Wappustudio you can find broadcasts of wappuevents such as Fuksispeksi or Who Wants to be a Wappunääri Quiz Show. These can all be found later on from the OUBS website at https://oubs.fi/
The Sustainable Curriculum Survey by You Tell Me -Collective
Hey students of Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Interior Architecture! How do you feel sustainability is handled in the current curriculum?
Answer the Sustainable Curriculum Survey by You Tell Me -Collective! We are looking for opening the discussion with the Department of Architecture and aiming to get real changes to the curriculum. Answering takes only about 15 minutes and each answer is important. The survey is anonymous.
Here’s the link to the Survey: https://forms.gle/J8T2q6BzWAnQZcvM7
Deadline for answering is on 26th April at 23.59
WappuApu Fundraise
Loneliness is something that should not be a taboo. Especially during the corona pandemic, more and more students are struggling with loneliness. Together with the Fuksi Committee of the Aalto University Student Union, we want to provoke a discussion on an important topic and remind us to ask family, friends and, most importantly, ourselves, how it is going. In addition, we encourage you to participate in our WappuApu fundraising! By participating in the campaign, you support HelsinkiMission’s work to reduce young people’s loneliness and increase their well-being.
If you or a friend needs help, visit: helsinkimissio.fi/nuorten-kriisipiste . The Youth Crisis Point provides free and short-term conversational assistance with a crisis worker.
Web Page : https://oma.helsinkimissio.fi/nuori/16-3669
IV Job OffersKatso työtarjoukset osoitteestahttps://arkkitehtikilta.fi/?page_id=12502 JOBTEASERIN TYÖTARJOUKSET |