Hello everyone!
This is an exciting week, since on Friday the Guild members will leave to the Finland excursion (biggest excursion event of the year)! On last Thursday Occupy Aalto began. Occupy Aalto is part of the student-lead demonstrations over Finnish higher education schools against the Finnish government´s plans to weaken the social benefits of students. This is proposed to have a negative impact to students´ health and wellbeing. If you have time, go to Väre to show your support and have a cup of coffee! Yesterday was the Fuksisitz, which was a success. The theme was outer space. Remember to also follow the Guild´s Event Calendar since in the next couple of weeks there will be a lot of interesting events coming! For example, Sportklubb is arranging trampoline-park event on this Thursday and the culture committee are arranging Studio Ghibli movie night at Guild´s Cabin. This week will culminate to the Lakinlaskijaiset, which is a traditional closure of the Teekkari cap season. With October (and Halloween) is coming -vibes Moby secretary-publicist
I General Announcements
Occupy Aalto Aalto Wellbeing Week 2023 AYY: Representative Council Election II Eventsthe Guild of Architecture autumn Sailing trip Architecture Students´ Days in Oulu 14. – 15.10. Lakinlaskijaiset 30.9. III Interesting stuffBacchus Introtasting New event information channel Otaniemi Events ABP: Finnish Series of Beer Pong
I General announcements
Occupy Aalto
(text: Sara Soimasuo, the representative of the organising party)
The Väre Building of Aalto University has been occupied for two days, since 21st September, and continues till next week. We have already reached our goal to cooperate with the University. From this point on, our occupation focuses on being a part of the nation wide occupation phenomenon and raising discussion on the following matters.
Education and research are important for the Finnish society
Finland aims to increase the amount of highly educated citizens to be able to compete in the international market, but this goal shouldn’t be achieved at the expense of quality of education, students and University faculty. The current discussion proposes that while the support of students lowers, University funding would be still tied to students graduating in 5 years. When students have to work on the side of their studies, graduating in target time is nearly impossible, and the real state funding for higher education suffers. Especially students stemming from lower socio-economic backgrounds have to split their focus between studying and working, as they might not have monetary support from their families or savings. The Finnish society need quality education to gain experts of tomorrow.
Finland needs international talent
Many international students coming to study in Finland want to stay here after their studies, but difficulty finding work or building support networks drives them to move out. In order for Finland to be attractive to work based immigration and international talent, we must also understand that moments of unemployment are a reality for most people: 3 months is way too short a time limit.
Aalto Wellbeing Week 2023
Aalto Wellbeing Week is an annual wellbeing event for all Aalto people! A lot of events are available during the week to support your wellbeing.
During the wellbeing week, there is keynote speech by Katri Saarikivi about ”Empathy – a key to the heart of interaction” and different workshops for the wellbeing of mind as well as restorative and energizing body recreational moments.
In addition, there are a lot of wellbeing events in the campus: AGrid’s Wellness Day on 3.10., wellbeing sponsor stands at the Candidate Center 4.10. and ACRE day 5.10. and at the end of the week on 6.10. Aalto people have the opportunity to visit Espoo’s modern art museum EMMA with guided tours or on their own.
The week’s offerings are open and free of charge for both employees and students – that is, for the entire Aalto community. So it’s worth taking advantage of the week’s many events and stopping for a moment at the themes of wellbeing.
Aalto personnel member or student, please log in with your Aalto credentials to see all the events of the week.
Representative Council Election
The AYY Representative Council election will be held again in fall 2023. The nomination of candidates is now open!
The nomination of candidates is open 28 Aug–2 Oct
You can now nominate yourself as a candidate by this electronic form (Aalto login required). The paper form and other materials can be found here.
Don’t know which electoral alliance to choose? Read about the alliances on this page.
The Council consists of 45 representatives who must be members of AYY. The Representative Council has a central role in the Student Union’s decision-making process. The Council decides on AYY’s major directions, strategic goals, guidelines and opinions. These include the Student Union’s strategy, values, rules, policy papers and the up to 17-million-euro budget. Daily activities and detailed preparations do not belong to the Council.
Schedule for the autumn 2023 representative election:
28.8.–2.10. Nominations are open
3.10.–8.11. Election advertising is allowed
6.10. Candidate lists are confirmed
1–8.11. Voting is open
A more detailed schedule can be found here.
II EventsWelcome to the Guild of Architecture autumn Sailing trip on October 21st -22nd! We will sail lake Vesijärvi for two days and one night. Jump on board and let the autumn winds blow school and work stress away. The sail starts from Lahti, where we will travel on Saturday October 21st. by z-train departing from Helsinki railway station at 9:40 a.m. No previous sailing experience is required to join the trip, but you should be able to swim well (200 meters consecutively), even though all participants will be wearing life vests. Registration opens on September 27th at 13:00 and ends October 13th here: Registration is binding after it closes. After our cabin is full, queue spots can be reserved through the same link. The price of autumn sailing is 10€, including two-way student tickets for the z train. With love for waves,
Oulun arkkitehtikilta welcomes architecture students from all over Finland to Oulu to experience its autumnal atmosphere! AO Days will be held 13.-15.10. During the weekend we will enjoy an emotional and thought-provoking program and, of course, also sauna, sit, hot tub (and sauna again) and relax with each other! Registration takes place in Kide.app and opens on Tuesday 26.9. at 12:00 Tickets here Programming is held in Finnish! HOX!! Arkkari and other teekkari freshmen! If you happen to miss out on a ticket or want to earn freshman points, the employment list opens for registrations on Tuesday at 15:00. The link can be found in the guild’s Instagram bio and OTY’s Telegram information channel. There are also accommodation places for Tampere and Aalto employees. Lakinlaskijaiset 2023What better way to end the teekkari cap season than the traditional Lakinlaskijaiset on September 30th! You are of course welcome to come to the depths of Dipoli and enjoy top artists even if you don’t own a teekkari cap. Tickets to Lakinlaskijaiset are available on Kide.App More information about the event can be found on Telegram @lakinlaskijaiset |
III Interesting stuff
New TG event information channel Otaniemi Events
A new event information channel called Otaniemi Events has been established in Telegram for associations under AYY. You can get publishing rights for the channel from AYY’s producer Tero @TuottajaTeroAYY in Telegram. Join the channel and follow what is happening in Otaniemi!
More information: @TuottajaTeroAYY or tero.uutana@ayy.fi
Bacchus Introtasting
Wine club Baccus welcomes every freshman, walrus and senior student to the Introtasting on Wednesday 27 September 2023!
During the evening, you can get to know the activities of Baccus and, of course, enjoy the wines with a tasting!
TICKETS already on sale here .
Read more here
The greatest sporting event of the fall is approaching, the Finnish Series of Beer Pong (FSOBP)! This year the event will be provided by Aalto Beer Pong & Beer Pong Turku!
The grand prize for the tournament is a Beer Pong centered trip to Europe for two! The prize includes flights, accommodation and tournament tickets! (Valued up to 500€). Also, other prizes in addition to the grand prize will be awarded! The Finnish Series of Beer Pong is held on 11.11.2023 from about 12.00 o’clock onwards at Kaivohuone in Helsinki. The Early Bird tickets are on sale only for a few day now as the price goes up from 20€ to 24€ on 1.10., so act fast!
Buy your tickets and find more information about the tournament from kide.app