Weekly Digest 12

It’s finally time for our lovely freshmens Underwater KIIMA! You still have an opportunity to buy your tickets in advance, find the ticket selling times and places from the event.

In addition, Wähäjoulu 111 has opened its committee application! Apply here.

Have a nice week!



I Events

AquaKIIMA 21.3.
Misunderstood sitsit sign up begins 22.3.
Architecture student days in Oulu 22-24.3.

II Pastime activities

Wähäjoulu 111 committee application
A! Games
Vista 30: competition
AYY is looking for a designer and maker for the Master of Ceremonies’ staff


I Events



Tickets cost Beforehand/kide.app 5€ / from the event 6€  / Overalls badge 2€

Upcoming sales in Väre (Otaniementie 14):
18.3 at 11–13
19.3 at 11–13
21.3 at 11–13

In the Candidate center (Otakaari 1):
18.3 at 11–13
19.3 at 11–13
20.3 at 11–13
21.3 at 11–13


The dark winter is finally over: dive into the turquoise water with the freshmen of architecture!

A beat is coming from Smökki, that attracts dolphins, strange deep sea creatures and ancient trilobites towards Otaniemi, filled with corals. ARK’18 offers you a scuba diving vacation never seen even close to these brackish waters… On 21.3 you don’t have to hide your secret mermaid tail anymore or worry about having a beach body. DJs WET X TINYPOPE, DJ KUUKKELI and JUSTUS VALTANEN are playing sweet tropical tunes to you, while the Guild Of Architectures very own dance group #SWAGSWAGNAMNAM steps on the sunny beach stage!

Remember to pack your oxygen and look out for the hazardous jellyfish!

WHERE? Servin mökki – Jämeräntaival 4, 02150 Espoo
WHEN? 21.3. klo 20–
HOW MUCH? Beforehand 5€ / From the venue & kide.app 6€ / Overalls badge 2€
DRESSCODE? Underwater!

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/379460129272523/ 



“Aport! All hands on deck!” An iceberg can already be spotted on the horizon. Every move the crew makes is already in vain. After some misunderstandings the misunderstood people are headed towards their undefeatable and frigid doom. So once more, it’s time to party before the crash!

Come aboard on one ocean-going ship’s fancy deck with the Guild of Architecture, Athene, NuDe and Prodeko. The times are hard but we won’t let that slow us down!

Sign up begins on Friday March 22nd at 12 pm and ends on March 29nd, after which it becomes binding.
LINK TO THE SIGN UP https://athene.fi/ilmo/event/1

Sitsit party are for those over 18 years old!

WHAT: Misunderstood sitsit & sillis
WHEN: 6.4.2019 cocktail event 6 pm, sitsit 7 pm and sillis 7.4. 12 pm
WHERE: Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4; sillis at Rantsu
PRICE: sitsit party 17€, sillis 8€
DC: Cocktail
AFTERPARTY: Smökki, around 11:30 pm

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/391836821594761/



Architecture student Days take over Oulu this year!Oulu architectureguild welcomes 50 students from each architecture guild to participate our atmospheric weekend in Oulu. The weekends diverse program, that includes interesting new perspectives on architecture, good time spent socialising with other students and of course thrilling Sitsit, is organised in the traditional wooden settings of Oulu city and our new campus in Linnanmaa. The theme and
details of the program will be released closer to the event.

The sign up for the weekend starts on Wednesday 20th of Feb 12:00pm and ends Monday 25th of Feb. (In case of cancellation, you must do it before 27th of Feb). Signing up for the weekend happens through the Kide.app (Old bailataan.fi). The tickets price is
26 euros, which includes accommodation, Friday’s and Saturday’s program, Sitsit, breakfast and a little snack on Friday night.”

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1144014785776061/


II Pastime activities



Apply for the Wähäjoulu 111 committee!

The goal is to have two persons responsible for each section of the ball (plus two freshman helpers later on). We’ll do our best to give everyone a section they’re interested in, but it might prove difficult. Neveretheless, this ball is organized as a team, so you can always present your ideas for every section of the ball.

Sign up here.


Which Aalto University’s school has the most precise throws or the best kicks? That’s right, A!-games is here again! The sports committee(LTMK) is organizing this tournament for the second time, where Aalto’s six schools(SCI, BIZ, CHEM, ARTS, ENG ja ELEC) are competing against each other in five different sports: floorball, futsal, volleyball, basketball and ultimate. The tournament is held on the 7.4. in Otahalli and the games are played during 10.00-16.00.You are allowed to choose the sports that you’re interested in participating and you can even choose to participate in every sports if you want. This tournament is for all the Aalto students regardless of the study year! However, there are a few special rules that are applied during the tournament:

  • The team must have at least one freshman on the court at all times during the games.
  • The team must have people representing both genders on the court at all times during the games.

In order to participate in the tournament, you can sign up via your school’s team leader who have created the sign up forms for each school:

ARTS: https://goo.gl/forms/qQZqvL2tEscZx65i1

The best team in the tournament is rewarded with a huge trophy and it gets to rent one of AYY’s saunas for free!

What: A!-games
Where: Otahalli
When: 7.4. at 10.00-16.00


Vista organizes a design competition for board members academic medal and overall badge.
The competition will be published on Monday 4th of March at 9.00 on Vista’s webpage.
The competition takes place from the 4th of March to 30th of April. Award for the winner is 100€!
Find out more: https://vista.ayy.fi/?page_id=1434
To hear more, come to Vista 30 -workshop on 13th of March at 16.00.
Link to the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1038153939701478/ 



AYY is turning nine already, but there is still something missing from AYY. A Master of Ceremonies’ staff, that is!

The Master of Ceremonies’ staff is used at the annual balls and possibly at other ceremonious events of associations or, in the case of AYY, the Student Union. At the festivities, the Master of Ceremonies thumps the ground to get the party crowd’s attention, for example, before a speech. The Master of Ceremonies’ staff is usually around two metres long and has a logo, emblem or other symbol representing the association at its head. The staff usually has a base, which can be either decorative or simple.

With the AYY annual ball approaching once again, the need for a Master of Ceremonies’ staff becomes very real as well. AYY wants a staff that represents our community. This being the case, we are looking for a designer and maker for our staff! This staff will be used by out Student Union most likely for decades to come at all more ceremonious events, and it will act as an important and valuable symbol of AYY. A reward will be settled upon with the maker. So, leave your handprint in AYY’s history and submit your design via this form by 24 Mar: https://lomake.ayy.fi/taide/ayys-master-of-ceremonies-staff/

You can find images of associations’ existing staffs as well as AYY’s existing symbols here: https://ayyfi.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/Taidetoiminta/EjX0eIqzIzFOjxpMhCG3ipIBQKutOvNBzAqvQeyvxQv51g?e=vp3DLu

Both the staff and its head and base can – and should – be designed and executed using your own creativity. The images can be used to help perceive how the staff is used. AYY’s symbols can be used either as they are or to provide individual elements to contribute to the staff’s shape. The important thing is for the staff to represent AYY in some way!

If necessary, some of the parts can be commissioned from an external manufacturer, but most of all, we are hoping for personal handiwork! Aalto Infrastructures has promised the staff’s maker access to the Aalto workshops and offers materials for manufacturing the staff as well.

All questions and requests for further information will be answered by Marianne Honkasaari (marianne.honkasaari@ayy.fi, 0409645608).


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