Weekly Digest 11/22

Good evening! Drop by the Guild room tomorrow for some coffee and houseplant scion exchange at 4 pm! Teekkarius 150 representatives come by at 4 pm as well to treat us with little activities (and probably snacks as well)! There’s still time to registrate to Wappu Opening with Inkubio and Athene. In other news, Students’ Mental Health Day is coming up and our Guild is participating through social media posts and some chill & fun activities for the Guild members – find out by reading more. :)

Veera Vornanen
The Guild of Architecture
Telegram: @veeratainen


I General

Aalto ARTS education portfolio to be renewed

Important tips for course enrolment on Sisu

COVID guidelines from Aalto, AYY and THL

II Upcoming events

Guild room Coffee Break 4.4.

AK, Inkubio & Athene: Wappu opening 6.4.

AK participates: Students’ Mental Health Day 7.-14.4.

Aalto Open Air 21.4.

III Interesting stuff

Hankkijain Munajahti; Egg Hunt 5.4.

Guild’s official announcement channel on Telegram

IV Job offers

Aalto Jobteaser: check available job offers

I General

Aalto ARTS education portfolio – what, why, when?

As of 1 August 2022, the School of Arts, Design and Architecture will have a revised education portfolio. This page gives information on the renewal, its schedule, and instructions and material for students:


There will be info sessions and clinics for students about ARTS education portfolio renewal. Timetable for these sessions and clinics will be updated here at the beginning of spring 2022.

Important tips for course enrolment on Sisu

Dear student! There are four important things to remember when you are registering for courses in Sisu. More information on Into:


COVID guidelines from Aalto, AYY and THL

Up-to-date website for facilities and COVID regulations on campus


Reservable AYY workspaces closed until 7.2 + general current information:


COVID info from the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare:


II Upcoming events

Guild room Coffee Break
4.4. / at 4-6 pm // Guild room / Otakaari 1

Guildroom coffeebreak is here again! Come to chill, meet fellow guildmembers and hear about April’s events next Monday 4.4. at 16-18 pm! There will also be a plant scion change 🌱 and a visit from Teekkarius150-committee at 4 pm! See you there🌞☕️

What? The Guild room Coffee Break

Where? At the Guild room of the Guild of Architecture!

When? Tomorrow at 4-6 pm!

Why? Because Teekkarius 150, houseplant scion exchange and of course, free coffee

Wappu opening
6.4. / reg. opens 28.3. at 12 pm // Rantasauna
Spring is on the way, the sun is shining and the first sparks of the Wappu-spirit are in the air. Come celebrate the opening of the Wappu season on Wed the 6th of April together with the guild of Architecture, Athene, and Inkubio!  
The evening begins at 16 with sparkling wine tasting and continues with live music from 18. Finally, the event ends with a sauna / hot tub chill from 19-23. Snacks will be available at the event. 
The registration begins on Mon 28.3. at 12.00 and ends on Mon 4.4. at 23.55, sign up here: inkubio.fi/ilmo/event/160. The event costs 10€ per person.
 WHAT? Wappu opening night with Inkubio x AK x Athene
 WHERE? Rantasauna, behind Jämeräntaival 5
 WHEN? 6.4. from 16-23
 PRICE? 10€
AK participates: Students’ Mental Health Day
7.4. / 13.4. / 14.4. // Otaniemi

This year’s Students’ Mental Health Day will be celebrated on Wednesday 13 April and there will be campaigning in social media around it for a week during 7 – 14 April 2022. The goal of the campaign is to provoke conversations about students’ mental health and to invite everyone to support the cause of mental well-being. The theme of this year’s campaign is compassion.

Guild of Architecture will be participating with a WellbeingBINGO on social media and with events during the week.

Thursday 7.4 Overall badge sewing at 17.00 →
Wednesday 13.4 Planting Easter grass (rairuoho) at 12-13
Thursday 14.4 Yoga at Otahalli Aava-hall at 12-13

More information
Ig @nyytiry

#AivanHyvä #HeltBra #GoodEnough
#OpiskelijoidenMielenterveyspäivä #Mielenterveys

– AK- Wellbeing team & Sportsklubb

Aalto Open Air
21.4. / at 4 pm onwards // Alvarin aukio / Otaniemi

Are you ready to take a head start to festival summer? Are there too many lecture-filled days left before Wappu Eve?

Aalto Open Air is finally ready to rock in Alvarin aukio after a two year break! This music festival starts the Otaniemi Wappu celebrations with a style. In addition to music, there are various activities to choose from, for example beerpong tournament, several saunas and a ravebox. The festival wraps up with a concert by Jukka Poika!

WHAT? Music festival in the heart of Otaniemi
WHEN? Thursday 21.4. starting 4 pm
PRICE? Free!
WHY? Because Wappu is coming!

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/670036060881869/?ref=newsfeed

III Interesting stuff

Hankkijain Munajahti; Egg Hunt 5.4.
HurCaw – Munajahti is back again!
Inspired by last year’s great success, Munajahti is returning bigger and greater than ever before! As usual, the locations of the eggs are obscured, but this time Haukikana has laid six orange eggs at heated bars instead of cold reeds. The location of the eggs is determined by solving clues, and the clue to the next checkpoint is always obtained from the previous checkpoint. Haukikana’s ambassadors are waiting at the checkpoint, offering a hint for the next checkpoint after the team has completed a small task.
More info on Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/events/531850294919340
Notice: The clues in Munajahti are in Finnish, but it’s still possible to attend the event and have fun even though you don’t speak Finnish!
What: Munajahti
What: 3-in-1 checkpoint tour-treasure hunting-bar crawl
When: 5.4.2022 at 4pm
Where: Otakaari 20 big side
What it costs: 5 € / 7 € with overalls badge (There’s still main tickets for sale!https://kide.app/events/fd181255-274c-4d7b-a8b2-f817ef4dfef3

Guild’s official announcement channel on Telegram

An official announcement TG-channel for the Guild of Architecture has been made!
Announcements and info about events and news aimed towards the members of the Guild will be messaged on the channel.
For now info about events, etc will be announced on the Arkkitehtikilta-group chat as well, but finding the information will now be easier with the help of an announcement channel. ⭐

The main languages on the channel are Finnish and English.
For now the admin rights for the channel belong to this year’s Board of the Guild of Architecture. (2022)


 IV Job offers

Työpaikkailmoitukset-välilehti on siirretty Tiedotteet-sarakkeeseen, josta löytyy myös viikkotiedotteet! Löydät sinne myös alla olevasta linkistä:
Katso uusimmat työpaikkailmoitukset täältä!

Aalto JOBTEASERIN työtarjoukset (vaatii Aalto-tunnuksilla kirjautumisen):



Onko sinulla kehitysehdotuksia?

Jos haluat tiedotteesi ensi viikon Viikkikseen, lähetäthän materiaalisi (suomeksi ja englanniksi mielellään!) sähköpostiini tulevaan perjantaihin mennessä. 

Työantajat: Työpaikkailmoituksen julkaisusta sovitaan erikseen – olethan ajoissa yhteyksissä! 


Ota yhteyttä: 

Telegram: @veeratainen