Weekly Digest 08

Best of luck to this weeks critiques! Remember to fill out all the course feedback forms.



I Events

Architecture student Days in Oulu The sign up for the
weekend starts
SaturdaySledriding  23.2.
AYY: Art, coffee and activity 26.2.

II Studying

AllWell? 2019 6.-20.2.2019

III Pastime activities

Sports tutor application 2019
Sign up to a civil disobedience workshop for climate!
Train as a Security Officer, AYY pays for the costs!


I Events



Architecture student Days take over Oulu this year!

Oulu architectureguild welcomes 50 students from each architecture guild to participate our atmospheric weekend in Oulu. The weekends diverse program, that includes interesting new perspectives on architecture, good time spent socialising with other students and of course thrilling Sitsit, is organised in the traditional wooden settings of Oulu city and our new campus in Linnanmaa. The theme and
details of the program will be released closer to the event.

The sign up for the weekend starts on Wednesday 20th of Feb 12:00pm and ends Monday 25th of Feb. (In case of cancellation, you must do it before 27th of Feb). Signing up for the weekend happens through the Kide.app (Old bailataan.fi). The tickets price is
26 euros, which includes accommodation, Friday’s and Saturday’s program, Sitsit, breakfast and a little snack on Friday night.”

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1144014785776061/



Arkkitehtikilta Sportklubb is taking the guildmembers sledriding on February 23rd! In addition to playing in the snow you can sit down to enjoy hot chocolate and eat in the pizzeria next to the slope.

We leave from the guildroom 12:30 pm, bring your own sleds if possible, however Sportklubb will bring some sleds on the spot to borrow.

WHAT: Sledriding
WHERE: Westendintie 107, slope on the west side of the road
WHEN: February 23rd 1pm

Event on Facebook:  https://web.facebook.com/events/397109624396099/



What if an art piece portraying the Arabia chimney was created in Otaniemi? Could the metro station be utilised to display student artworks? Should the AYY t-shirts be completely redesigned? What could Otaniemi Night of Arts look like this year?

What kinds of activities do you think the Student Union should organise in terms of the art field? Come around for a cup of coffee, to bounce around ideas and to discuss the subject. The best ideas may end up as realised projects, and participation is fully up to what you are interested in and have time for. All Aalto students are welcome at the event, which is held on Tuesday 26 Feb from 5 pm onwards in Väre, in the Working Café opposite the Aalto University Shop between the building’s M and L blocks. Welcome!


II Studying


The study well-being questionnaire AllWell? will be sent again to all Aalto 2nd year bachelor’s and 1st year master’s students. Give us 15 minutes of your time – you will get personal feedback. The questionnaire will be available online from 6 Feb. to 20 Feb. 2019. Your response will remain completely anonymous.

We will communicate the programme level results to the heads of the degree programmes. Development and improvement must be based on facts, and that is why your response is crucial! Within one month, you will get personal feedback with ideas on how to improve your study skills.

The AllWell? project is a part of Aalto University’s strategy 2016–2020. The goal is to enhance student well-being by advancing the development of teaching, learning services and support for studies and better study skills.

Contact us: allwell@aalto.fi


III Pastime activities



Sports tutor is a tutor-person, who is guiding the first year’s students or new foreign degree students into the secrets of university sports. You don’t have to be an international tutor to be a sports tutor – you could be a motivated person who just wants to spread the word of sports.

Next fall a new sports concept will be launched and the idea is that every week some sports association organizes a sports event where the students can come and try out the sports. The role of a sports tutor is to help organize these events and to bring new students try out new sports, so the tutor will not act alone! We will also gather a network of all Aalto’s sports tutors so if you need any advice, we will be there for you. A sports tutor doesn’t have to be a hard-ripped and very sporty person. The main requirement is an open mind and an interest in helping organizing sports events.

All sports tutors will get:
• Opportunity to help organize fun sports events for freshmen
• 4 month membership to Unisport’s services, if you:
• Attend to the sports tutors training
• Participate in some of the sports experiments in the fall
• 4 months extra membership, if you:
• Actively participate in the sports experiments in the fall, more specific terms will be defined later
• Sports tutor -badge
• Possibility to meet an interdisciplinary group of sports tutors
Apply now: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/liikuntatutorhakemus-2019/


Sign up to a civil disobedience workshop for climate!

The workshop will be an introduction to civil disobedience and Nonviolent Direct Action and we’ll also do some practical exercises. The training is preparing the participants to join climate change demonstrations later on.

Sign-up here: http://bit.ly/kansalaistottelemattomuus. NB: don’t hesitate signing-up though the workshop would be already full. We are trying to arrange extra-workshops.



AYY is organizing a Security Officer course. The training is held from the 1st to the 3rd and from the 8th to the 10th of March 2019. The course is free if you commit to working as a Security Officer in four (4) AYY events by the end of 2020. You can also take part to the Security Officer refresher course on 9th and 10th of March if there is room left on the basic course.

The course will be held in Finnish.

The course has 15 slots and it’s organized at Otaniemi. The signup opens on the 12th of March at 12pm and closes on the 19th of March at 23:59pm or when the course is full.

More info and signup: https://lomake.ayy.fi/vapaaehtoiset/kouluttaudu-jarjestyksenvalvojaksi/

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