The Guild room address is Otakaari 1 A. Location is pictured above.

The Guild Room

The Guild Room is an open place for all members and friends, where you can meet others and spend time together. Small events, such as movie nights are organized in the Guild Room. Also, you can find yourself in the ball pit, under the huge plant ‘’Monstera Deliciosa’’, or hug toy dogs!

The rules of the Guild Room

  1. Non-discrimination and equality

The same principles of non-discrimination and equality are followed in the Guild Room as in the entire Aalto University environment: ‘’Aalto University’s goal is to offer everyone an equal and non-discriminating working environment where people of all genders, positions and backgrounds are treated alike’’. All the classes of different years are welocome to be in the Guild Room. No bullying or discrimination is allowed in the Guild Room. 

  1. Cleanliness and order
  • Take your dishes to the kitchen and put them in the dish washer. If the dish washer is full, put it on. You’ll find the tablets underneath the sink.
  • Throw away all your thrash. We recycle paper, cardboard, metal, glass, biowaste and mixed waste. You’ll find the trashbins in the kitchen. 
  • Deposit bottles are collected separately in a black box in the kitchen / Guild Room. 
  • The coffee drinkers are also responsible for emptying and cleaning the coffee maker after using it. Don’t forget to turn off the coffee maker.
  • The food you put into the refrigerator should be named. Unnamed food will be thrown away. Do not leave your food in the refrigerator to rot.
  • The Guild Room is not a room for storage. Ask permission from the Guild Room Officers prior to bringing anything there even temporarily.
  • If you lend anything from the Guild Room, return it immediately after you have used it.
  • Leave the room in a better condition than it was when you entered.