Hello everyone and welcome back to Otaniemi!

This year the the Guild’s Weekly Digest will be published only every second week, so it has evolved into Fortnightly Digest. My name is Moby and I am the secretary-publicist in the Guild of Architecture this year. You may have seen my name already in your email boxes sending the board meeting transcripts. 

I hope you all got a good start for the spring and rested well on the holidays. I, myself, am feeling great and ready to see what kind of a year 2023 will be! In the upcoming week the. the Guild will be having honoured guests from EASA coming over, come to listen to what they have to tell!

ReStart ARTS party is welcoming every new exchange student to join the community! Scroll down for more info about the event.

I General

The Guild of Architecture is having guests from EASA (European Architecture Student Association) 17.1. at 17 

Telegram chat for Aalto ARTS exchange students!

II Upcoming events

ReStart ARTS for exchange students

III Interesting stuff

University of Helsinki Taekwon-Do Club


IV Job offers

Aalto Jobteaser: check available job offers

I General

The Guild of Architecture is having guests from EASA

The Guild of Architecture is having guests from EASA (European Architecture Student Association) telling about their community. Come on over  to have a cup of something warm and snacks! 

Where: guild room

When: 17.1. at 17


Telegram chat for Aalto ARTS exchange students!

Join the Telegram chat for Aalto ARTS exchange students!



II Upcoming events

ReStart ARTS for exchange students

”Attention, all exchange students! ”


Join us on Thursday, January 19th, from 18:00 – 24:00 (you can come & leave anytime)

At TOKYO’s Harry Potter Closet in Väre building for a night of fun and relaxation.


Enjoy snacks and drinks provided by us. Also, you can bring your non-alcoholic beverages or snacks. Vanamo (@vanamoinen) will be baking some delicious pulla (buns) for you to enjoy! 


There will also be activities such as drawing, games, quiz, and good music.


This is the first official event held by 2023 TOKYO / ARTS school for exchange students, so don’t miss out! Whether you’re looking to meet new people or just have a good time, this event is for you. See you there!”


There will also be a TOKYO booth where you can be a member of TOKYO and purchase our merchandise!



The Harry Potter closet can be found by descending the main staircase in Väre. It is located ”under” the stairs. If you are lost, Follow the music or ask for help at


III Interesting stuff

University of Helsinki Taekwon-Do Club

Training starts 22.1.2023!

Have you always wanted to learn flashy kicks, punches and blocks? Do you want to improve your balance, flexibility and mobility of body? Are you in need of self-defence skills?

University of Helsinki Taekwon-do Club provides a beginners’ course for all adults (over 18 years). The beginners’ course starts 22nd January! Training sessions will be given in Porthania gym (Yliopistonkatu 3) on Sundays at 11:00-12:30. The course costs 50,00 €, 40€ if you participate with a friend. Fee includes training, membership and belt exam fees. ITF Federation license fee (32€) is paid separately. Until Feb 19th you can attend beginners’ course for free.

Languages: Finnish and English

When: Sundays at 11:00-12:30, Starts on 22.1.2023a

Where: Porthania, Yliopistonkatu 3, Helsinki

Please, register for the beginners’ course via the form


About Taekwon-do:

Taekwon-do is a fast-paced Korean martial art that can be used for defence and offence. This martial art is especially famous for its diversity of kicking techniques and suits people from different groups of age, both as a competitive and general fitness sport.

Taekwon-do develops physical features of the body, such as coordination, agility, mobility and general fitness level. Additionally, it improves focus, perseverance and self-confidence in facing new challenges.

Taekwon-do can roughly be divided into six forms: basic techniques, patterns, sparring, special techniques, power breaking and self-defence. Further information about Taekwon-do’s forms can be found from International Taekwon-do Federation’s or Finnish ITF Federation’s website:


Facebook group –

Our Instagram: @hytaekwondo


See you in trainings!


Polijazz dance courses start 1.2. in Otaniemi 

Are you tired of sitting home and not having enough space to dance?

 We got you, come to dance with us to the dance courses starting in February! 


The sign up is open now! 

We offer a discount when you bring a friend with you! 

Read more from our websites:    


Spring term 1.2.-14.5.2021 Otaniemi 

Modern dance: Thurdays 1

6:00-17:00 (beginner) 

17:00-18:00 (intermediate) 


Breaking: Wednesdays 

19:00–20:00 (beginner) 

20:00–21:00 (advanced) 


Oriental dance: Thursdays 

18:00-19:00 (beginner to advanced)


If you have any questions, you can join our telegram group here: 

or ask me directly @Nokkahiiri 


Hope to see you this spring!

 IV Job offers

(In Finnish) Työpaikkailmoitukset-välilehti on siirretty Tiedotteet-sarakkeeseen, josta löytyy myös viikkotiedotteet! Löydät sinne myös alla olevasta linkistä:
Katso uusimmat työpaikkailmoitukset täältä!

Aalto JOBTEASERS job offers (requires logging in with Aalto-credentials):