Tekijä: Timo Paananen

  • Weekly News December 8th

    Christmas is getting closer and the Guild of Architecture is embracing the upcoming holiday season as well! Check the events below for some Christmas fun with your fellow Guild members! Christmas Culture & Sports Combination Event Join your fellow Guild members for a nice get-together on Thursday! The event starts with ice skating in Tapiola…

  • Ilmoittautuminen WSP-työpajaan

    Työpaja perjantaina 27.11 klo 9.30-12.30 [wpgform id=’6869′]

  • Ensimmäinen laitossopimus allekirjoitettiin

    Eilen Kiltakahveilla allekirjoitettiin ensimmäinen Aalto-yliopiston Arkkitehtikillan ja Arkkitehtuurinlaitoksen välinen yhteistyösopimus. Alussa laitosjohtaja Pekka Heikkinen piti pienen puheenvuoron siitä, miten tärkeänä pitää Arkkitehtikillan tekemää työtä opiskelijoiden yhteisön ja innostuksen eteen. Allekirjoitustapahtuma oli historiallinen, koska vastaavanlaista sopimusta ei aiemmin ole ollut. Sopimuksen neuvottelut ovat kestäneet noin puoli vuotta, minkä aikana sitä on muokattu monta kertaa tarkemmaksi paremmin…

  • Weekly News November 18th

    The elective meeting of the Guild Election heat! The year is coming to its end and it is time to elect new people to run the Guild. Elective meeting of Guild of Architecture is on the 20th of November, 12.00. The meeting elects the President of the Guild 2016, 12 board members and quite a…

  • Weekly News November 10th

    Guild Elections coming up The elections of the Guild will be held on Friday November 20th 2015 at 12 AM in lecture hall 117, Miestentie 3. Check out Facebook and the Guild website for more information! Registration for 107th Wähäjoulu, the Annual Ball of the Guild You might arrive to Wähäjoulu without knowing where you…

  • Weekly News November 5th

    Arabia Maskerad 2015 Arabia Maskerad, Finland’s biggest (and greatest) masquerade and the birthday party of the world’s grandest, largest, best, amusement institution aka Student Association TOKYO, is back, gleaming and glittering with gold and wondrous surprises for young and old. The party takes place on Saturday 7.11.2015 from 21 to 04 o’clock. So dress up,…

  • Ilmoittautuminen Suomi-Ekskulle / Sign up for the Excursion

    Ilmoittaudu Suomi-Ekskulle 13.-14. marraskuuta! Tätä et halua missata! Sign up for the Excursion, you don’t want to miss all the fun! [wpgform id=’6611′]

  • Weekly News October 20th

    Guild Coffee Coffee at the Guild Room on Wednesday, come and join! Planning evening for the next issue of PAPERI How should the next issue of the Guild magazine PAPERI  look like? Come and share your ideas at the Guild Room on Wednesday at 6 pm. Kirkonrotta on Thursday Come and play with your fellow…

  • Weekly News October 12th

    Tuesday jog Join us for a Tuesday jog! Meeting in front of the Guild room at 7 pm, where we will start jogging. See you! Guild Coffee with PAPERI The new issue of our guild magazine PAPERI will be published next Wednesday at 12 AM at the Guild Room. Come and enjoy a piece of…

  • Weekly News October 5th

    Guild Evening What is the Guild? Who are we and what do we do? Come and find out more about your possibilities and our mysterious traditions, history, cottage and so on! This is your chance to ask questions, get to know more awesome people (both international and Finnish) and if you have not already done…