Dear friends,
Within a short period of time, our entire daily lives have changed completely, and our everyday student life has turned upside down. Our studies with high attendance have suddenly turned into remote learning, and we shouldn’t go anywhere unless it’s necessary. The events of the Guild have been canceled or postponed, which is sad, but on a scale of the current situation very small. The most important thing right now is to take care of ourselves and therefore of our loved ones and other people. We will have a remote meeting with the board on wednesday 18th at 17.00, tell me if you want to join!
Ps. A little bird told me that whilst the events are cancelled, some entertainment could still be found in the social media! Instagram: @arkkitehtikilta
Here you can see the summary of the situation, and under that the agenda of the meeting!
1. The Guild operates under the instructions of the Finnish Government, THL, Aalto University and AYY.
The Finnish Government
-The facilities of Schools, Colleges, Universities will be closed 18.3.–13.4.2020
-The teaching will continue remotely.
– Meetings of more than 10 people will be restricted.
Aalto University
Students are requested to gather all necessary material needed for remote learning from the campus by Tuesday 17 March 20.00.
-AYY’s office will be closed until 15.4.
-The rental facilities are out of use
-Events are cancelled or postponed
2. The Guild Room is part of University facilities, so it will also be closed.
-The Guild Room is a University space, so it also will be closed.
3. All the events of the Guild during the Spring 2020 will be canceled or postponed.
4. The Guild will be active in social media.
5. Remember to respect the instructions and other people, because everybody’s healthiness is important!